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round Richmond. His wound disabling him, he was appointed a clerk in the Post-Office Department. On the day of the raid he assumed command of the battalion as senior Captain, Major Henly being sick. In addition to the names already published by us, we have heard of the following wounded in the late fights: Of Henly's battalion--privates D. T. Carter, S. McLain, R. B. Green, and Gray Deswell. Of the Armory battalion--Lieutenant Truehart, slightly in shoulder; private Jones, mortally; private Rees, badly in the neck. Among the local troops, we understand our total loss to be: Killed, three; mortally wounded, two; wounded, twelve; missing, five. The injury sustained by this road from the raiders is slight, and only such as to prevent the running of the trains for a few days. In the neighborhood of the Chickahominy they destroyed the trestle-work over the Brook, and some fifteen feet of what is known as the dry trestling on the other side of the Chickahominy. At Beaver Dam they