Your search returned 82 results in 32 document sections:

c., To Christian & Lea, for Manufactured Tobacco, Certificate of Silver Medal. To Hart & Hunt. ditto, First-Class Diploma. To John H. Johnson, for Smoking Tobacco, Certificate of Silver Medal. To J. Morris &Co., for Snuff, First-Class Diploma. Class no. 27.-- Photographs, Daguerreotypes, Engravings,&c. To G. W. Minnis, for finest display of Photographs, Certificate of Silver Medal. To Smith & Vannerson, for second best Specimens, First-Class Diploma. To Rees&Co., for third best do., Second-Class Diploma. To Albert L. West, for the best Architectural Drawings, First-Class Diploma. Class no. 28.-- Oil Paintings. To Mrs. S. D. Chapin, for the best Oil Painting on exhibition, $3. Class no. 29.-- Musical Instruments. To E. G. Wright, for Silver Bugle, Silver Medal. To Earnest Gable, for Piano Forte, Silver Medal. Class no. 30.-- Machinists' and other Tools. To L. F. Peyronett, for one case of Machinists' Tools, mad
Photographs and Ambrotypes in every style and size known in the art, can be had at Rees' Mammoth Gallery, 145 Main street, Eagle Square, equal in quality, and as low in price as they can be obtained in New York or elsewhere.--Babies beautifully taken by Rees' instantaneous process. oc 30--3t. Photographs and Ambrotypes in every style and size known in the art, can be had at Rees' Mammoth Gallery, 145 Main street, Eagle Square, equal in quality, and as low in price as they can be obtained in New York or elsewhere.--Babies beautifully taken by Rees' instantaneous process. oc 30--3t.
Persons intending to have their Portraits painted, would do well to examine Rees Life and Cabinet Size Photographs. They are superior to any ever exhibited in Richmond. They are taken direct from life. Prices reasonable.
Rees' Gallery is daily crowded with the beauty and elite of the city, to procure their Likenesses in Rees' inimitable style. Babies beautifully taken 145 Main street, Eagle Square.
We know of no better place in the city than Rees' Gallery, to obtain finely executed Photographs and Ambrotypes, from miniature to full life size. Prices reasonable, and warranted to please. Groups and small children beautifully taken by Rees' instantaneous Pearl Ambrotype process. We know of no better place in the city than Rees' Gallery, to obtain finely executed Photographs and Ambrotypes, from miniature to full life size. Prices reasonable, and warranted to please. Groups and small children beautifully taken by Rees' instantaneous Pearl Ambrotype process.
Rees' beautiful Photographs and Pearl Ambrotypes make appropriate Holiday presents. --Family groups and babies beautifully taken by the aid of Rees instantaneous process, Large gilt frames and fancy cases at a very low cost, 145 Main street, over West & Johnston's Bookstore, de 4--3t Rees' beautiful Photographs and Pearl Ambrotypes make appropriate Holiday presents. --Family groups and babies beautifully taken by the aid of Rees instantaneous process, Large gilt frames and fancy cases at a very low cost, 145 Main street, over West & Johnston's Bookstore, de 4--3t
Photographs, $1 and upwards. Colored $10 and upwards. Ambrotypes, 25 cents and upwards. Babies and Family Groups beautifully taken at Rees' Mammoth Gallery, 145 Main street, over West & Johnston's Bookstore. mh 1--3t
The Daily Dispatch: March 14, 1861., [Electronic resource], Liabilities of Railroads for cattle killed in the State of Delaware. (search)
Rees continues to take Photographs and Ambrotypes, in his usual exquisite style, at panic prices $50 style reduced to $30; $15 to $10; $8 to $5; $3 to $1.50; $2 to $1; 50 cents and 25 cents. Babies taken correctly. mn 12--3t
For Superior Miniatures and life-size Photographs and Ambrotypes, go to Rees' celebrated Gallery, 145 Main st, over West & Johnston's Bookstore. no 23--3t
The Likenesses of small children are correctly and beautifully taken at Rees' Gallery, by the aid of Rees' new instantaneous process. no 23--3t The Likenesses of small children are correctly and beautifully taken at Rees' Gallery, by the aid of Rees' new instantaneous process. no 23--3t