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The Genuine Pearl Ambrotypes can be had only at Rees' Gallery, which is the largest and best in the South. Price 25 cts., 50 cts, $1 $2, to $5; life-size, in oil, $25 to $100. no 23--3t
Rees' beautiful Photographs and Pearl Ambrotypes make appropriate Holiday presents.--Family groups and babies beautifully taken by the aid of Rees' instantaneous process. Large gilt frames and fancy cases at a very low cost. 145 Main street, over West & Johnston's Bookstore. de 4--3t Rees' beautiful Photographs and Pearl Ambrotypes make appropriate Holiday presents.--Family groups and babies beautifully taken by the aid of Rees' instantaneous process. Large gilt frames and fancy cases at a very low cost. 145 Main street, over West & Johnston's Bookstore. de 4--3t
Employ Rees to execute your Portrait, if you desire to have it done artistically and at a reasonable price. His Gallery is one of the best fitted up in the United States and possesses many advantages over similar establishments. He has facilities for executing one thousand Photographs and Ambrotypes, ranging in price from 25 cts. to $20 and $100.
Photographs and Pearl Ambrotypes, miniature and life size, in gilt frames or fancy cases, at very reasonable prices, and satisfaction guaranteed at Rees Gallery, Eagle Square, Main street. Small children taken perfect by the aid of Rees' instantaneous process. Price, 25 cts., 50 cts., $1, and up to $50 and $100. 2t Photographs and Pearl Ambrotypes, miniature and life size, in gilt frames or fancy cases, at very reasonable prices, and satisfaction guaranteed at Rees Gallery, Eagle Square, Main street. Small children taken perfect by the aid of Rees' instantaneous process. Price, 25 cts., 50 cts., $1, and up to $50 and $100. 2t
The Daily Dispatch: November 7, 1861., [Electronic resource], Ranaway.--ten dollars reward, and all expenses paid. (search)
Runaway horse. --A horse attached to a covered vehicle, made a furious run down Main street, yesterday afternoon and showed to disposition to plunge into West & Johnston's bookstore, but brought up with a smash against Rees's daguerrean show case in front. The carriage was somewhat damaged, and pictures were scattered about promiscuously in the sidewalk, the likenesses of several distinguished individuals being extinguished for time, as well as those of some smaller fry.
Photographs and Amerotties, in any style of case or frame, at reasonable prices, can be had at Rees's extentive Gallery, 145 Main st. Rees's new style of Pearl, or ivory Ambrotypes, are the most beautiful and durable style of Likenesses that can be produced by the Photographic de 4--st Photographs and Amerotties, in any style of case or frame, at reasonable prices, can be had at Rees's extentive Gallery, 145 Main st. Rees's new style of Pearl, or ivory Ambrotypes, are the most beautiful and durable style of Likenesses that can be produced by the Photographic de 4--st
Photographs. --Rees's new style Ivory Ambrotypes, and all other styles know in the art, can be had at Rees's Gallery, 140 Main street, over west & Johnston's Book store. On hand, a large assortment of Fancy Cases, suitable for Holiday Presents. de 17--6t. Photographs. --Rees's new style Ivory Ambrotypes, and all other styles know in the art, can be had at Rees's Gallery, 140 Main street, over west & Johnston's Book store. On hand, a large assortment of Fancy Cases, suitable for Holiday Presents. de 17--6t.
Photographs. --Rees's new style Ivory Ambrotypes, and all other styles knowing in the art, can be had at Rees's Gallery, 145 Main street, over West & Johnston's Bookstore. On hand, a large assortment of Fancy Cases, suitable for Holiday Presents. de 17--6t Photographs. --Rees's new style Ivory Ambrotypes, and all other styles knowing in the art, can be had at Rees's Gallery, 145 Main street, over West & Johnston's Bookstore. On hand, a large assortment of Fancy Cases, suitable for Holiday Presents. de 17--6t
Photographs. --Rees's new style Ivory Ambrotype, and all other styles known in the art, can be had at Rees's Gallery, 145 Main street, over West & Johnston's Bookstore. On hand, a large assortment of Fancy Cases, suitable for Holiday Presents. de 17--6t Photographs. --Rees's new style Ivory Ambrotype, and all other styles known in the art, can be had at Rees's Gallery, 145 Main street, over West & Johnston's Bookstore. On hand, a large assortment of Fancy Cases, suitable for Holiday Presents. de 17--6t
Samuel P Edwards, leg; David A Harmos, wrist; Joseph L Pagit, thigh; Reuben R Morgan, fool; Robert W Nesbitt, thigh; Thomas L Morgan, foot; Francis M Current, head; Jiles C Joyner, arm; Benjamin Carter, leg; John W Roberson, arm and side; John Barnard, side; Joseph N Goforth, arm; Emous Campbell, arm; John B Boles, hand; Noah Tomlinson, leg. Company I.--Wounded: 1st Lieut Leo Creekmur, Corp'l Z B Carwan; privates W- Calloway, Geo R Roe, and William Norman, mortally,; privates James N Rees, leg; Thomas R Crawford, head; Edward Tripp, hand; Noah Pullpot, cheek; Thomas M Swindall, hip; Caswell Jones, right eye Zack Brantly, side; Samuel Swindall, arm Solomon F Swindall, arm; George Daw, side John R Boyd, side; William J. Litchworn hip; Charles C Doughty, shoulder; Richard C Pickering, arm; Edward White, head and hand. Company K.--1st Lieut Coughenour, ear and head slightly; 2nd Lieut Hamilton C Long arm; 2d Lieut Marcus Hofflin; Corp'l Richard Williams, hand; Privates S A Br