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hat instrument. The argument used by Mr. Armstrong was in effect the same that those who followed used; that is, that though he voted against the ordinance in Convention, he had voted for it at the polls, and would now sign it, because circumstances had transpired, in the action of the Federal Government, and in the over-whelming voice of the people of the State, which made it the duty of every patriot to stand by the State. Mr. Early and Mr. Woods, of Barbour, followed in the same strain in explanation of their course. Timothy Rives prefaced the act of signing the ordinance, by saying, that he had regarded secession as a revolutionary right, and he desired to put the word revolution against his signature. Many members were absent when the roll was called. Several came in after their names had been called, and signed; others were on military duty, and were absent from necessary causes. After the ordinance was signed, the Convention went into secret session.--Richmond Dispatch.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Beauregard too much for Butler. (search)
urkey buzzard matched against a great gyr falcon, and the result proved the truth of its prognostications. Finding that the enemy did not appear to be disposed to molest us, many went back to their various occupations, but ready to be called upon at a moment's warning, and so it happened that on the fateful day our force was considerably diminished. During this time, however, we were marched from one point to another on the lines, finding ourselves at last doing duty on the farm of Mr. Timothy Rives, on the Jerusalem Plank Road, south of the town. During the interim we were employed in the usual avocations of camp life-drilling, doing guard and picket duty; when not thus engaged, amusing ourselves as best we might. Quoit throwing was a favorite pastime. I do not remember that cards were indulged in our company at least, as there was amongst us quite a sprinkling of elderly men, deacons and elders of churches, not usually given to such worldly recreations. News regularly re
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Reinforcements wanted. (search)
ing the enemy in front. It proved a bloody angle for those devoted men who held that position. Mr. John E. Friend was among the first to fall. He had behaved with great coolness and bravery, he was shot dead by a man stationed behind a tree in Rives' yard. Others showed no less bravery. I was informed that Mr. W. C. Bannister, who was very deaf, on being summoned to surrender, either not understanding or showing fight, was shot dead. Mr. James Kerr, a staunch and true man who had already clone good and faithful service, determined to give them a parting shot before he retreated. He got down on one knee and, taking deliberate aim, fired into the Yankees, who were clustered like bees in Mr. Rives' front porch. Fortunately he escaped with only a slight wound. But the enemy having gotten completely around kept pouring in such a merciless fire that one after another fell until fourteen were killed outright or mortally wounded, and the earth that day was crimsoned with the life
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Confederate Swearing (search)
n that day. And may we not hope that when the oath flew up to the Chancery of Heaven, that as in my Uncle Toby's case, the recording angel dropped a tear upon the record and blotted it out forever. But to resume my personal narrative, Mr. Timothy Rives was among the captured. He drove up in his buggy after the fight was over, and was immediately taken prisoner. His buggy was used to carry off the body of a Federal, who I think was an officer. Mr. Rives was known as a man of strong UniMr. Rives was known as a man of strong Union sentiments, but was a non-combatant. He was known in ante-bellum times as the War Horse of the democracy, and was in great repute among those who liked his peculiar style of oratory. He had an opportunity of displaying his power of invective, when, meeting with a fellow who had piloted the enemy, he let him feel the full power of his tongue in the presence of the Federals, who were silent witnesses. As we marched out we passed the body of poor Staubly lying where he had been shot, pierc
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
Olds, F. A., 322 Parham Ensign J. T.. 348 Parker's Battery Capt. W. W., 103 Gen. S. 1). Lee's regard for 103 Pegram Gen. W. R. J., 57 Payne, J. U.; His sacrifices for the Southern Cause, 127 Payne, Gen., Wm. H., 134 Petersburg. Defence of, in June, 1864, 1 Tablet to the Killed, 12 Polignac C. J.; His Mission to France in 1865 326 Prison Pens at Point Lookout 19 Quisenberry, Adam Chenault, 259 Ramsay, C. S. Navy, Lieut. J. F.. 242 Ridley, Capt. killed, 43 Rives, Timothy, captured, 14; battle on his farm 9 Roberts Rear Admiral E C. 174 Secession, The Right of, 166 Sharpsburg Battle of 142, 196; mortality of 22nd Virginia at, 348 Shenandoah, C. S. Steamer, 235; officers of, 242; vessels captured by, 245; the flag of, 258. Sherman's, Gen. W. T. War is hell 365 Shiloh, The Battle of 204; relative Confederate and Federal losses in, 225; commentaries on causes of defeat 226 Shipp, Gen., Scott, 231 Sims Frederick Wilmer, 166 Smythe Ger
The "Union" Men of this city, on Wednesday night, enlisted the services of the First Regiment Band, and proceeded to serenade Governor Letcher, at the Executive Mansion; Hon. John M. Botts, at his own residence, and Timothy Rives, Esq., of Prince George, and Thos. Branch, Esq., of Petersburg, at the Exchange Hotel. The compliment was appropriately acknowledged by each recipient of the intended honor.
d this newspaper. Order was at length restored, and Mr. Pryor went on with his remarks, paying his Petersburg friends a handsome compliment at the outset. The Congressional review was then resumed, and from this he went on to refer to the efforts of Virginia to save the country by inaugurating the Peace Conference, the propositions resulting from which he emphatically repudiated. He complimented Messrs. Seddon and Tyler, and made allusions of a somewhat different nature to Summers and Rives. The "waiting" policy of Virginia was also descanted upon with sarcastic severity, and Lincoln's Inaugural address came in for a sharp criticism.--The "submissionists" of the Virginia Convention were rebuked by the speaker in scathing terms. He accused them of political intrigues, and said that after bargaining away the country they were gambling for the spoils. He denounced the suggestion of a border State Conference, and paid a glowing tribute to the Southern Confederacy, its President,
Union demonstration at Metropolitan Hall. A small hand-bill was circulated late yesterday evening, notifying the public of a meeting of the Union and Conservative men of Richmond, at 7 1/2 o'clock, at Metropolitan Hall. Addresses were promised from Messrs.Geo. W. Summers, John B. Baldwin, Timothy Rives, John M. Botts, and Geo. W. Brent.--Though no publication was made in the newspapers, the Hall was crowded, at the hour named, with a large and enthusiastic assemblage of respectable and staid citizens. The meeting was called to order by John H. Gilmer, Esq., who introduced to the meeting Maj. Jubal A. Early, Delegate to the Convention from Franklin county, who delivered a spirited and able address, replate with sentiments of devotion to "the Union, the Constitution and the laws," and opposition to secession and disunion. He was followed by Waitman P. Willey, Esq., of Montagalla county, George W. Berne, Esq., of Alexandria, and Marmaduke Johnson, Esq., of Richmond, all of w
The Daily Dispatch: June 17, 1861., [Electronic resource], The vote on the Ordinance of Secession. (search)
allory, Thomas Branch, John L. Marve, Sr. John C. Bruce, Fleming B. Miller, Frederick M. C. bell, Horatio G. Muffet, John A. Campbell, Robert L. Montegue, Allen T. Caperton, Edmund T. Morris, William P Jeremiah Morton, John R. Cham lise, William J. Seblett, Mantings Chairman, Johnson Cr k, Samuel A. Coffman, William C Parks, Raphael M. Conn, Wm. Ballard reston, James H. Cox, Geo. W. Randolph, Richard H. Cox, Geo. W. Richardson, John Cri Timothy Rives, Havey Deskins, Robert E. Scott, James B. Dorman, William C. Scott, John Echols, John T. Sowell, ler W. Fisher, James W. Sheffey, Thomas S. Flournoy, Charles R. Slaughter, William W. Forbes, Valentine W. Southall, Napoleon B. French, John M. Speed, Samuel M. Garland, Samuel G. Staples, H. L. Gillespie, James M. Strange, Samuel Graham, William T. Suthorlin, Ferdall Gregory, Jr, George P. Layle, William L. Goggin, John T. Th nion, John Good
Union meeting in Petersburg. Petersburg, Va., Jan. 3. --Hon. Timothy Rives is, by request, addressing an overflowing audience at Phœnix Hall to-night, in favor of the Union. A large number of ladies are present. The applause is deafening, and great enthusiasm prevails.