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General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter28: Gettysburg-Third day. (search)
's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Alfred Iverson; 5th N. C., The four captains present (West, Robinison, James M. Taylor,Thomas N. Jordan) were reported as wounded July 1; Robinson and Taylor as having rejoined July 2, but it does not appear who commanded during Robinson's absence. Capt. Speight B. West, Capt. Benjamin Robinson; 12th N. C.,Robinson's absence. Capt. Speight B. West, Capt. Benjamin Robinson; 12th N. C., Lieut.-Col. W. S. Davis; 20th N. C., Lieutenant-Colonel Slough and Major John S. Brooks reported as wounded at four P. M., July 1. Lieut.-Col. Nelson Slough, Capt. Lewis T. Hicks; 23d N. C., Colonel Christie, Lieutenant-Colonel R. D. Johnston, Major C. C. Blacknall, and the senior captain (Abner D. Pearce) reported as wounded Capt. Benjamin Robinson; 12th N. C., Lieut.-Col. W. S. Davis; 20th N. C., Lieutenant-Colonel Slough and Major John S. Brooks reported as wounded at four P. M., July 1. Lieut.-Col. Nelson Slough, Capt. Lewis T. Hicks; 23d N. C., Colonel Christie, Lieutenant-Colonel R. D. Johnston, Major C. C. Blacknall, and the senior captain (Abner D. Pearce) reported as wounded early in the fight, July 1. Col. D. H. Christie, Capt. William H. Johnston. Ramseur's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. S. D. Ramseur; 2d N. C., Maj. D. W. Hurtt, Capt. James T. Scales; 4th N. C., Col. Bryan Grimes; 14th N. C., Col. R. Tyler Bennett, Maj. Joseph H. Lambeth; 30th N. C., Col. Francis M. Parker, Maj. W. W. Sillers. O'Neal's Brigade
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The opposing forces at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1st-3d, 1863. (search)
niel's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Junius Daniel: 32d N. C., Col. E. C. Brabble; 43d N. C., Col. T. S. Kenan (w and c), Lieut.-Col. W. G. Lewis; 45th N. C., Lieut.-Col. S. H. Boyd (w and c), Maj. John R. Winston (w and c), Capt. A. H. Gallaway (w), Capt. J. A. Hopkins; 53d N. C., Col. W. A. Owens; 2d N. C. Battalion, Lieut.-Col. H. L. Andrews (k), Capt. Van Brown. Brigade loss: k, 165; w, 635; m, 116 = 916. Iverson's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Alfred Iverson: 5th N. C., Capt. Speight B. West (w), Capt. Benjamin Robinson (w); 12th N. C., Lieut.-Col. W. S. Davis; 20th N. C., Lieut.-Col. Nelson Slough (w), Capt. Lewis T. Hicks; 23d N. C., Col. D. H. Christie (m w), Capt. William H. Johnston. Brigade loss: k, 130; w, 328; m, 308 == 820. Doles's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. George Doles: 4th Ga., Lieut.-Col. D. R. E. Winn (k), Maj. W. H. Willis; 12th Ga., Col. Edward Willis; 21st Ga., Col. John T. Mercer; 44th Ga., Col. S. P. Lumpkin (w), Maj. W. H. Peebles. Brigade loss: k, 24; w, 124; m, 31 = 179. Ramseur's
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 24. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.42 (search)
ernment for many years previous to the war, and was a man of marked ability. Since the close of hostilities he has been employed by the United States Government in the Bureau of Hydrography at Washington, D. C. Captain Samuel A. Ashe was the assistant to Captain Bolles in the laboratory and was a most valuable officer in that department.) Lieutenant-Colonel J. A. DeLagnel, Lieutenant-Colonel F. L. Childs, Captain Samuel A. Ashe, Captain John L. Holmes, Captain J. E. P. Dangerfield, Dr. Benjamin Robinson, as surgeon of post; T. J. Robinson, as superintendent of laboratory, from his long experience in that branch of business in Washington, D. C., Captain J. E. P. Dangerfield was made military storekeeper and paymaster by Major Booth from long experience at the arsenal and armory at Harper's Ferry. Thomas C. DeRosset acted as Secretary in Colonel Child's office, Mr. Robert Johnson was chief clerk, and E. P. Powers assistant to Johnson. In the military storekeeper's office was Willi
t, as required by ordinance — fined fifty dollars and security required for future good behavior. James D. Perkins and R. F. Graves. jointly involved in bringing felonious charges against each other and afterwards proposing private negotiations — remanded for indictment by the Hustings Court Grand Jury on the charge of subornation and perjury. Elizabeth Jackson and Mary Brown, free negroes, charged with disorderly conduct, and using insulting and abusive language towards Mrs. Josephine Staff-nor — ordered to be whipped. John H. Parker was fined for a violation of ordinance by permitting his negro wagon driver to drive faster than is permitted by legal regulation. Henry Easley, jointly charged with buying turkeys in market to sell again and with assaulting and beating George Washington, slave of Benjamin Robinson — fined and held to security for his good behavior. Oscar E. Edwards, arrested for shooting at Thomas Ford — remanded for indictment by Gra
1865. The Senate met at the usual hour; Mr. Trout, of Augusta, in the chair. Prayer by Dr. Minnigerode. By Mr. Robinson: "Resolved, That a joint committee of three on the part of the Senate and five on the part of the House be appoig her members elect refused seats in the United States councils." After a brief discussion it was withdrawn. Mr. Robinson offered the following: "Resolved. That so much of the Governor's message as applies to the Penitentiary, the Deaf and Dumb and Blind and Lunatic Asylums, be referred to the Committee on Public Institutions." Agreed to. Mr. Robinson also offered the following: "Resolved. That the Committee on Public Institutions be, and they care hereby, instructed on the ground that he was opposed to reforms (as they are called) of all kinds. He spoke with much earnestness. Mr. Robinson wanted to stop this debate and get to the vote. The report of the Select Committee was accepted by the Senate — a
Under arrest. --Captain Ben. Robinson, senior editor of the Fayetteville News, reached here on yesterday in charge of a guard of United States soldiers. He, as well as the guard who arrested him, is entirely ignorant of the charge on which his arrest is based. --Wilmington Journal.
Adjournment of the North Carolina Legislature--Nothing done about Freedmen--Mr. Robinson, editor, Bailed. Raleigh, December 18. --The Legislature adjourned this morning to meet again on the 1st of February. No law was passed and no bill even presented for the government or protection of freedmen. Mr. Benjamin Robinson, editor of the Fayetteville News, who was arrested and brought here on Saturday, on the order of General Ruger, for articles which appeared in his paper unfriendly to the Government, has been admitted to bail.