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Your search returned 25 results in 12 document sections:
The Daily Dispatch: January 23, 1861., [Electronic resource], The National crisis. (search)
Bank Directors.
--We append a list of the Directors of the Farmers' Bank and Bank of Virginia, recently elected by the stockholders of the two institutions, and those appointed by the Executive:
Farmers' Bank of Virginia.Richmond.
By the Stockholders.
Wm. H. McFarland,
W. C. Allen,
James Dunlop,
John E. Wadsworth,
Edwin Wortham.
By the Executive.
R. O. Haskins,
J. J. Wagoner,
S. C. Robinson,
N. C. Read.
J. M. Smith,
Kader Biggs,
John James,
W. B. Rogers.
D. S. Cherry,
W. H. C. Ellis,
W. D. Reynolds.
John Kevan.
Chas. Corling,
Andrew Dunn,
John McGill.
T. O. Hinton,
R. R. Collier,
T. C. Elder.
J. H. Wallace,
John Coakley.
Samuel Gordon,
Joseph Alsop.
W. S. Barton,
John J. Chew,
W. Roy Mason, Jr.
C. Read.
Chas. D. Anderson,
John T. Thornton,
Jas. McNutt.
J. J. Walker,
N. H. Cobbs,
Jas. B. Hilliard.
Wm. L. Green
Port of Richmond, April 23, 1861high water this day (Wednesday) at 4 o'clock.
Schr. Crenshaw, Winters, New York, mdze., D. &W. Currie.
Schr. Geo. Washington, Sherman, New York, Ice. B. Wardwell &Co.
Schr.Kedington, Clark, Rockport, ice, B. Ward well &Co.
Schr. Morning Light, Adams, Philadelphia, coal, C. B. Lipscomb.
Schr. Theresa C., Smith, Jacksonville, lumber, S. C. Robinson.
Schr. Corvo, Holbrook, James River, light.
Schr. Nelly D., Studdams, James River, light.
Schr. Adriatic, New York, mdze., D. &W. Currie.
The Daily Dispatch: November 6, 1860., [Electronic resource], New and beautiful Fall and Winter Goods ! (search)
Auction sale of Eighteen valuable Slaves, at Ashland, Hanover county, Va.
--At the request of the Richmond and Fredericksburg Railroad Company we shall sell at public auction, at Ashland, Hanover county, on the said Railroad, 16 miles north of Richmond, 18 valuable Slaves, conveyed to said Company by Mr. Edwin.
Robinson. These Slaves are in families and are not only likely, but are of excellent character.
They are all young, embracing Cooks House Servants.
Washers, &c. Farmers and other persons disposed to purchase Servants for their own use, would do well to attend the sale; and to accommodate such, and to enable the Servants, as far as practicable, to obtain owners in this State, they will be sold on a credit of 4 months, for approved, endorsed negotiable paper, interest added.
The sale will take place at Ashland, on Wednesday, the 14th November, 1860, at 10 o'clock A.M. Persons leaving Richmond in the morning cars can attend the sale, and return the same day by 2½ o'clock
The Daily Dispatch: November 14, 1862., [Electronic resource], The negro as a Freeman, (search)
Liberal Contribution.
--The workmen in S. C. Robinson's arms factory, of this city, have cub. scribed $385 to the fund for purchasing shoes, blankets, etc, for our soldiers.
They raised the funds without solicitation and sent the money to the collecting committee.
The Daily Dispatch: January 23, 1864., [Electronic resource], The Legislature. (search)
100 Dollars Reward for the delivery to me of Sime 26 years old, slender, with high forehead, dark mulatto, who left yesterday, supposed with troops for Petersburg. S. C. Robinson. ja 23--2t*
Appointments of Bank Directors.
--The following appointments of Directors for the year 1864 by the Executive and Stockholders of the Farmers' Bank and Bank of Virginia, of Richmond and their branches, have recently been made:
Farmers' Bank.
By the Stockholders.
By The Executive.
Wm H Macfarland,
J. E. Wadsworth,
Edwin Wortham,
Jas Dunlop,
A. Y. Stokes,
S. C. Robinson,
Wm. Rutherfoord
Robt A. Mayo,
Jas. B. Dupuy,
John Kevan,
Peter McEnry,
Andrew Dann,
Chas. Corling.
W. L. Lancaster,
Jas. M. Venable,
P. H. Booth.
J. H. Wallace,
Jos. Alsop,
John D. Stansbery,
Robt B. Reanolds,
John J. Chew,
A. K. Phillips,
John Coakley.
W. S. Green,
Thos. D. Stokes,
W. C. Paxton,
John R. Wilson,
E. B. Estes,
Jacob Davis,
Wm T Clark.
John M Speed,
Ambrose B Rucke,
Jno. S. Langhorne,
Jno. T. Davis.
Wm. H. Hall,
Wm. A. Miller,
Edwin R. Page.
The Daily Dispatch: January 25, 1864., [Electronic resource], The prospect. (search)
100 dollars reward
for the delivery to me of Sims, 26 years old, slender, with high forehead, dark mulatto, who left yesterday, supposed with troops for Petersburg. S. C. Robinson. ja 23--2t*
100 dollars reward for the delivery to me of Sims, 26 years old, slender, with high forehead, dark mulatto, who left yesterday, supposed with troops for Petersburg. S. C. Robinson. ja 28--6t*