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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Twelfth Alabama Infantry, Confederate States Army. (search)
sburg, but, it was in the resistless column of Rodes at Chancellorsville, where Colonel O'Neal led Alabama, as Brigade Headquarter Guard for General Rodes. General Rodes had had a twenty-five poundry Institute and had as his schoolmates General R. E. Rodes, General R. E. Colston and other distinWe returned to camp near Halltown. July 6. Rodes' and Ramseur's divisions crossed the Potomac a were indulged in, which all seemed to enjoy. Rodes' division was hurriedly ordered out to meet th wonder, was not engaged. My good mother says Rodes' division is in every battle her papers mentio an order from General D. H. Hill, through General Rodes, to Colonel B. B. Gayle, of the 12th Alabawere engaged by the enemy near Winchester, and Rodes' division left Stephenson's depot to go to thek's), and Daniel's (now Lewis') brigades. General Rodes was a precise and somewhat stern military e of the mighty, Stands forth on the colors of Rodes' brigade. Maidens of Southland! come bring y[33 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.33 (search)
s Division (absent), with the artillery of this corps. Not in action as far as known. Hill's Third Corps (Early commanding), in centre on left of Anderson, composed of: Anderson's Division, Heth's Division, Wilcox's Division, with the artillery of this corps. Infantry not in action, but Third Corps guns replying to Warren's. Ewell's Second Corps, next on the extreme Confederate left, composed of: Early's (Gordon) Division, perhaps slightly; Johnson's Division, partly in action; Rodes' Division (possibly), slightly, with the artillery of this corps. Firing in a desultory manner from the works, with infantry, but with 29 guns vigorously in action also firing from works, and as follows; Guns. Second Howitzers (Jones'), Third Howitzers (Smith's), Powhatan Artillery (Dance's), Salem Artillery (Griffin's)15 Orange Artillery (Fry's), with men of other batteries; Staunton Artillery (Garber's), with men of other batteries8 Guns from either Braxton or Nelson6 — 29
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.35 (search)
ugh our line on my right, capturing General Edward Johnson and nearly all of his division. The artillery, consisting of Nelson's and Braxton's battalions, had been ordered off his line the night previous, but General Johnson, fearing that the enemy were massing in front, instead of leaving, ordered them back. As they were getting into position, the enemy broke through and captured them; also all of Cutshaw's battalion, except my battery, which was further to the left. I was ordered by General Rodes to move my guns by hand to rear to fire to the right. As Johnson's men were coming back, I was ordered to elevate my guns and fire over them, which I did. Again Manning recaptured guns. Later in the day a courier from General Long came and informed me that he wanted some artillerists to go and mann some of our recaptured guns near the Bloody Angle. As I did not happen to be engaged just then, I ordered my first lieutenant to take charge of my battery and I took my second lieutena
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
es of, 61 Peters U. C. V., Colonel Winfield, 26 Petersburg Military Park, 352 Porcher, Francis Peyre, 161 Port Hudson, strategic value of, 83; seige of, 86 Porter, General Fitz. John, 32 Porter, Commander W. D., false reports by, 32 Powell, D. D., Rev. W. C. 290 Powers, Colonel Frank, 83 Preaching in Camp, 289 Private Soldier of C. S. A., The, 65, 111 Purcell, Mrs. John B., 26 Randolph, Lt. J. Tucker, 58; Norman V., 58 Re-enlistment in Army, 258, 269 Rodes, General R. E. and family, 281, 282 Rodgers Robert L., 306 Rogers, Rev. E. J., 289 Rosser, D. D., Rev. L., 235, 290 St. Johns' Church Richmond, Va., 194 Saunders, General J. C. C., 360 Scott, Dr. Wm. Wallace 292 Semmes, General Paul J., 105 Seven Days Battles, 223 Seven Pines, Battle of, 218 Sharpsburg or Antietam Battle of, a bloody contest, 110; 15th Va. at 97; losses as compared with those of other great battles 105 Smith, Captain James Power, 135, 258
d to punish lawlessness in any portion thereof. Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. The House renewed the consideration of the bill reported from the Committee on Printing to authorize the publication and printing of an analytical and alphabetical digest of the laws of Congress, compelled by Messrs. Lester and Brownell. A substitute for the bill, offered by Mr. Barksdale, of Miss., was adopted. A resolution was adopted tendering the courtesies of the House to Major-Gen. Robt. E. Rodes during his stay in Richmond. The House then took up the bill reported from the Committee on Military Affairs to provide a general staff for the army; which, after some discussion, was passed. The House then took up for consideration the bill to provide for the payment of horses lost, captured, killed, or permanently disabled in the service. The question was upon the substitute to the committee's bill, offered by Mr. Boteler, of Virginia, which was adopted. The b
night, when he was compelled to retire. After night he fell back to Newtown, and this morning to Fisher's Hill. "Our loss reported to be severe. "Major-General Rodes and Brigadier-General Godwin were killed, nobly doing their duty. "Three pieces of artilleries of King's battalion, were lost. "The trains and sup was no rout. As in all other engagements of magnitude, we have to mourn the loss of many brave officers and men, the most prominent among whom is Major-General Robert E. Rodes, who fell nobly-doing his duty. Major-General Rodes was born in Lynchburg, Virginia, was the son of David Rodes, and at the time of his death was abouMajor-General Rodes was born in Lynchburg, Virginia, was the son of David Rodes, and at the time of his death was about thirty-four years of age. He received a military education, and was for some time an assistant professor in the Virginia Military Institute. Subsequently, in the capacity of civil engineer, he was engaged in the construction of various railroads in the South, and located at Tuskegee, Alabama, where be married On the breaking out