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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Army Life in a Black Regiment 15 1 Browse Search
Mary Thacher Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Higginson: the story of his life 9 3 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays 4 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2 4 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: July 21, 1862., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Letters and Journals of Thomas Wentworth Higginson 1 1 Browse Search
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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Army Life in a Black Regiment, Chapter 3: up the St. Mary's. (search)
stores, with twelve negroes on their way to the enemy, captured on that day. In the morning, my invaluable surgeon, Dr. Rogers, sent me his report of killed and wounded; and I have been since permitted to make the following extracts from his notetroyed extensive salt-works at Crooked River, under charge of the energetic Captain Trowbridge, efficiently aided by Captain Rogers. Our commodities being in part delivered at Fernandina, our decks being full, coal nearly out, and time up, we calleously disinterred, and then steamed back to Beaufort. Arriving there at sunrise (February 2, 1863), I made my way with Dr. Rogers to General Saxton's bedroom, and laid before him the keys and shackles of the slave prison, with my report of the good conduct of the men, _ as Dr. Rogers remarked, a message from heaven and another from hell. Slight as this expedition now seems among the vast events of the war, the future student of the newspapers of that day will find that it occupied no little
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Army Life in a Black Regiment, Chapter 7: up the Edisto. (search)
ose instantly fatal. As my orderly stood leaning on a comrade's shoulder, the head of the latter was shot off. At last I myself felt a sudden blow in the side, as if from some prize-fighter, doubling me up for a moment, while I sank upon a seat. It proved afterwards to have been produced by the grazing of a ball, which, without tearing a garment, had yet made a large part of my side black and blue, leaving a sensation of paralysis which made it difficult to stand. Supporting myself on Captain Rogers, I tried to comprehend what had happened, and I remember being impressed by an odd feeling that I had now got my share, and should henceforth be a great deal safer than any of the rest. I am told that this often follows one's first experience of a wound. But this immediate contest, sharp as it was, proved brief; a turn in the river enabled us to use our stern gun, and we soon glided into the comparative shelter of Wiltown Bluff. There, however, we were to encounter the danger of sh
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Army Life in a Black Regiment, Chapter 13: Conclusion. (search)
the shrewdest old fellows in the regiment, and he said to me once, as he was jogging out of Beaufort behind me, on the Shell Road, I'se goin‘ to leave de Souf, Cunnel, when de war is over. I'se made up my mind dat dese yer Secesh will neber be cibilized in my time. The only member of the regiment whom I have seen since leaving it is a young man, Cyrus Wiggins, who was brought off from the main-land in a dug-out, in broad day, before the very eyes of the rebel pickets, by Captain James, S. Rogers, of my regiment. It was one of the most daring acts I ever saw, and as it happened under my own observation I was glad when the Captain took home with him this captive of his bow and spear to be educated under his eye in Massachusetts. Cyrus has done credit to his friends, and will be satisfied with nothing short of a college-training at Howard University. I have letters from the men, very quaint in handwriting and spelling; but he is the only one whom I have seen. Some time I hope to
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Army Life in a Black Regiment, chapter 14 (search)
giment. Lieutenant-Colonels. Liberty Billings, Civil Life, Nov. 1, 1862; Dismissed by Examining Board, July 28, 1863. John D. Strong, Promotion, July 28, 1863; Resigned, Aug. 15, 1864. Chas. T. Trowbridge, Promotion, Dec. 9, 1864; Mustered out, &c. Majors. John D. Strong, Civil Life, Oct. 21, 1862; Lt.-Col., July 28, 1863. Chas. T. Trowbridge, Promotion, Aug. 11, 1863; Lt.-Col., Dec. 9, 1864. H. A. Whitney, Promotion, Dec. 9, 1864; Mustered out, &c. Surgeons. Seth Rogers, Civil Life, Dec. 2, 1862; Resigned, Dec. 21, 1863. Wm. B. Crandall, 29th Ct., June 8, 1864; Mustered out, &c. Assistant surgeons. J. M. Hawks, Civil Life, Oct. 20, 1862; Surgeon 3d S. C. Vols., Oct. 29 1863. Thos. T. Minor, 7th Ct., Jan. 8, 1863; Resigned, Nov. 21, 1864. E. S. Stuard, Civil Life, Sept. 4, 1865; Mustered out, &c. Chaplain. Jas. H. Fowler, Civil Life, Oct. 24, 1862; Mustered out, &c. Captains. Chas. T. Trowbridge, N. Y. Vol. Eng., Oct. 13, 1862
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Army Life in a Black Regiment, Index. (search)
73, 269. Mitchell, O. M., Gen., 276. Montgomery, James, Col., 104,107 115, 126, 127, 169, 277. Moses, Acting Master, 68. O'Neil, J. B., Lt., 271. Osborne, Lt., 231. Parker, C. E., Lt., 271. Parker, N. G., Capt., 270, 271, 27 Parsons, William, 75. Phillips, Wendell, 112, 249. Pomeroy, J., Lt., 271. Randolph, W. J., Capt., 114 270. Rivers, Prince, Sergt., 41, 57, 51 89,261, 265. Robbins, E. W., Capt., 270, 271, Roberts, Samuel, 243. Rogers, J. S., Capt., 94, 180, 266, Rogers, Seth, Surg., 76, 94, 269. Rust, J. D., Col., 119, 120, 122,1 Sammis, Col., 27. Sampson, W. W., Capt., 176, 27( Saxton, M. W., Lt., 272. Saxton, Rufus, Gen. 2, 3,7,8, 35 37, 39, 4 2, 48, 52, 60 f 75 93 97, 100, 143, 168, 25 22, 234, 236, 237, 241, 244,24 276, 278,280 2 82 284, 288. Searles, J. M., t., 272. Sears, Capt., 82. Selvage, J. W., Lt., 272. Serrell, E. W., Col., 272. Seward, W. H., 251. Seymour, T. Gen., 129, 240. Shaw, R. G., Col., 176, 224, 225 293. Sherman, W. T., Ge
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays, chapter 10 (search)
arolina, accompanied by her mother, in the hope of establishing a hospital there. A sudden influx of wounded men gave General Saxton, erelong, the opportunity of granting her wish, and she entered with immense energy into her new task. She had on her hands some fifty invalid soldiers, and took for their use an empty building, which had yet to be fitted up, warmed, and properly furnished; even the requisite beds were difficult to obtain. She would come in abruptly some morning and say to Dr. Rogers and myself, Gentlemen, to-day I must remove every bedstead in this house to the hospital building. You have blankets? We could only meekly respond that we had blankets, and that the floor was wide. Twenty-four hours after, it would be, Gentlemen, this day the cooking-stove goes! Your servants can cook by the open fire? Oh yes, our servants could easily manage that, we replied, and accepted the inadequate results. One day there came a rap at the old-fashioned door-knocker, and Mrs. La
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays, Index. (search)
ring of A, 100-131. Remond, C. L., 174, 327. Retzsch, Moritz, 79. Revere, John, 54. Reynolds, Sir, Joshua, 79. Ribera, Jose, 295. Rice, Mr., 233. Rice, W. W., 164. Richard, King, 60. Richardson, James, 106. Richter, J. P., 87, 90. Rigual, Magin, 22. Ripley, George, 189. Ripley, Mrs., Sophia, 84. Ritchie, Anne Thackeray, 292. Ritter, J. W., 92. Rivers, Prince, 255. Rob Roy, 36, 214. Robinson, Charles, 206, 207, 28, 209. Robinson Rowland, 15. Roelker, Bernard, 55. Rogers, Seth, 265. Rollins, E. W., 60. Roosevelt, Theodore, 345. Rosello, Victoriano, 22. Rossetti, William, 288. Rossetti, Mrs., 289. Rousseau, J. J., 316, 317, 318, 330. Rucekert, Friedrich, 101. Rupert, Prince, 203. Russell, W. E., 353. Russell, Thomas, 226. Russell, William. 21. Russell, Lord, William, 282. Rust, J. D., 261, 262. Saladin, 60, 301. Sales, Francis, 55. Saltoun, Fletcher of, 183. Sanborn, F. B., 173, 215, 217, 218, 221, 222, 224, 225. Sand, George, 77. Savage,
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Letters and Journals of Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Index. (search)
1; fire at home of, 269, 270. Phillips, Mrs., Wendell, 268, 269. Pierrepont, Edward, 291, 292. Pigeon Cove, Mass., described, 146-51. Pollock, Sir Frederick and Lady, 282, 283. Princeton, Mass., summer at, 144-46. Pumpellys, the, 328. Q Quakers, meetings of, 73-77, 235-37. Quincy, President, of Harvard, on Disunion, 88, 89. R Rachel, Mlle., actress, 50, 51. Rarey, John S., and his horses, 50. Rawnsley, Canon, 320. Ristori, Adelaide, actress, 243. Rogers, Dr., Seth, 207, 209, 215. Rogerson, Mrs., 280. Rust, Col. J. D., 188. S Sanborn, Frank, 139, 349; description of, 86. Sand, George, description of, 262. Sargent, Mrs. J. T., 268, 270. Saxton, Gen., Rufus, 181, 202. Scudder, Horace E., letter to, 332. Secession, 79, 80. Shaler, Prof. Nathaniel S., funeral of, 347. Sibley, John Langdon, 2. Sims, Thomas, case of, 156, 157. Sixth Mass. Vols., account of, 155, Smalley, George, 82, 83. Smalleys, the, 277, 294, 295.
Mary Thacher Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Higginson: the story of his life, X: a ride through Kansas (search)
son wrote to Brattleboro that the news from Kansas grew worse every day, and after describing various household economies she said, Money is very scarce, and everything goes to Kansas, I believe. Then she told of a Kansas Sewing Circle which is to meet every P. M. . . . Mrs. Le B. has begun the first pair of pants! . . . Martha Le B. says she shall sew all day for Kansas and the evenings for Anti-Slavery fair! Meantime, the traveller wrote from Lawrence, September 28, to his friend, Dr. Seth Rogers (afterward surgeon of his regiment):— Yesterday morning I waked at Topeka and found the house surrounded by dragoons. To my amazement, on going out, the Captain addressed me by name. . . . He was very cordial, but their office was to arrest the leaders of the party just arrived if they proved to be a military company. They were happily already satisfied that we were not, and this was merely a matter of form; and they also wanted Redpath, the reported leader of the party, and no
Mary Thacher Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Higginson: the story of his life, XIII: Oldport Days (search)
nterest in slavery, wrote Colonel Higginson to his old army surgeon,—I am translating Epictetus who is far superior to your dear Antoninus. Somewhat later another most congenial literary task was accomplished by the retired Colonel and he told Dr. Rogers:— I have undertaken a job—to edit the memorial volumes containing lives of those Harvard boys who have died in the war—it will take me a year almost. I write editorially for the Independent too, as well as the Commonwealth and Atlantic-sling changed:— After reading a graphic military novel turned to my Army Life and read it with surprise and interest; and with a sort of despair at the comparative emptiness of all other life after that. Twenty years afterward, he wrote to Dr. Rogers:— Those times are ever fresh and were perhaps the flower of our lives. After the publication of Malbone and Army Life, Colonel Higginson was able to command a higher price for his writings. This is a substantial gain from my i