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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 8, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Rosecrans or search for Rosecrans in all documents.
Your search returned 14 results in 7 document sections:
A Renegade.
--Maj. Gen. Geo. H. Thomas, who fought so obstinately under Rosecrans, at Chickamauga, is a native of Southampton co., Va, and was born at Jerusalem, the county seat.
It is said that Gen. Thomas has relatives in the county of Southampton.
He is a graduate of West Point, and is said to possess military ability of a high order.
So says the Petersburg Express.
From Gordonsville. Gordonsville, Oct. 7.
--The prisoners captured at Cedar Run and Culpeper Court-House were brought here to-day.
They are Englishmen, and say they do not want to be exchanged.
They report the 1st, 5th, 11th, and 12th corps of Meade's army as having gone to assist Rosecrans, and that the 3d is guarding the railroad.
They also report that all the commissary stores have been sent off, and that the army is falling back.
News from above, brought by citizens, confirm the report that the enemy is falling back to Culpeper C. H.
From New Orleans. Mobile, Oct. 7.
--The Tribune has dates from New Orleans to the 30th ult.
The Era publishes the news, via Memphis, of the defeat of Rosecrans, but refuses to believe it, and declares it impossible.
It avers it is a "gratuitous piece of Copperhead intelligence, unfounded in truth, clearly traceable to the rebel sympathies of the author of the dispatch.
It can't be true; Rosecrans was never defeated in his life, and so good people will wait for further intelligeRosecrans was never defeated in his life, and so good people will wait for further intelligence."
Gen. Banks has just issued three long orders.
The chief one is in respect to the opening of the Mississippi.
That General is touching in his description of the value of the Valley of the Mississippi, and declares that, notwithstanding the ravages of war, it is a splendid field for Yankee ingenuity. "The inhabitable globe does not offer a more noble theatre for intelligent enterprise than the Valley of the Mississippi.
Never was a country better worth fighting for — better worth pr
The Daily Dispatch: October 8, 1863., [Electronic resource], A fight in a Church. (search)
Rosecrans's Reinforcements.
--The Pittsburg Daily Commercial of Tuesday, September 29, says: "There appears no longer any grounds for further concealment of the fact that we have known for some two days past, to wit: that three divisions of the Army of the Potomac are on their way to reinforce Rosecrans.
The divisions constituting this new corps are said to be the Eighth, Eleventh and Twelfth, Rumor assigns General Hooker to the command of this detachment.
The reported resignation of diRosecrans.
The divisions constituting this new corps are said to be the Eighth, Eleventh and Twelfth, Rumor assigns General Hooker to the command of this detachment.
The reported resignation of division commanders are those not satisfied with the assignment of this command to Gen. Hooker.
The second sober thought, we fancy, will cause the most of them to remain at their posts.
No considerations based on merely military etiquette should induce any officer to resign.
Whip the rebels first and then settle points of etiquette afterwards."