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Your search returned 25 results in 4 document sections:
The Daily Dispatch: September 16, 1861., [Electronic resource], The prisoners. (search)
Floyd and Rosencranz.
--We publish this morning the official telegraphic report of Gen. Rosencranz of his engagement with Gen. Floyd on the Ganley, which happenGen. Rosencranz of his engagement with Gen. Floyd on the Ganley, which happened on Monday last.
This report has hardly any inclination of an engagement on the occasion save in a single paragraph in which the General intimates his loss at "ab following statement:
The fight begun about 3 o'clock Monday afternoon. Rosencranz made the attack, driving in the advanced guard and vigorously assailing Gener ction of Gauley.
He states that it was understood in Gen. Floyd's camp, that Rosencranz had twenty-two thousand men ! This we doubt; but if it be true, Floyd's galla Republican of Saturday has a statement about a fight between Generals Lee and Rosencranz, brought by some gentleman from the Salt Sulphur.
It is merely an extravagan atement of the fight between Floyd and the Federal General.
Generals Lee and Rosencranz, at the time of this engagement, were no doubt sixty or seventy miles apart.]
The Daily Dispatch: September 16, 1861., [Electronic resource], Destructive fire. (search)