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bold advance of the 5th Virginia Cavalry under Colonel Rosser on our left. We very soon discovered, however,mand was at once given for us to retire; and as Colonel Rosser's regiment, by reason of the enemy's rapid advag him to get out of it as best he could. I reached Rosser in safety, but, to rejoin General Stuart without lossed the whole scene, full of anxiety for my fate. Rosser also reached us safely with his command some hours ing the Federal infantry myself in front, while Colonel Rosser took them in flank, we succeeded in driving theed, one regiment alone, the 5th Virginia, under Colonel Rosser, taking 500 prisoners. Many of the enemy's wounorse-artillery was in readiness for action; and Colonel Rosser, who commanded the 5th Virginia Cavalry, but wabattle. Our horseartillery, acting in concert with Rosser's four batteries, and advancing on a line parallel 5th Virginia in the lead, with whose commander, Colonel Rosser, I was riding in front of the regiment. We we
e country around The Bower. The partridges had grown exceedingly wild, and we were obliged, each in his turn, to make long excursions into the woods and fields to keep our mess-table furnished. I was therefore very much gratified when my friend Rosser appeared early one morning at my tent, with the news that there was to be a large auction sale of native wines and other supplies that very day, at a plantation only eight miles off in the direction of Charlestown. As all was quiet along our lirive at a rattling pace, varying our discourse from the gay to the sentimental. We had just reached the topic of the tender passion, when, all unheeding the roadway before us, I bumped the waggon against a large stone with so severe a shock that Rosser was thrown out far to the left, while I settled down, after a tremendous leap, far to the right. Fortunately, beyond some slight contusions, neither of us sustained any damage by this rude winding — up of our romantic conversation. The horses w
Heros von Borcke, Memoirs of the Confederate War for Independence, Chapter 11: (search)
the enemy bringing line after line of their dismounted men into action, and I was despatched thither by General Stuart to watch the movements of the Yankees, and to animate our soldiers to an obstinate opposition. Here I found my dashing friend Rosser stationed with his brave fellows of the 5th Virginia Cavalry. In reply to my question as to how he was getting along, he said, Come and see for yourself. So, to obtain a good look at the enemy, we rode forward together through the wide gaps in from our line of retreat. Fortunately, we were both well mounted, and our horses had escaped a wound, so that we were able to clear the stone fences where they stood in our way, without difficulty. This steeplechase afforded great amusement to Rosser, who seemed delighted at having got me into what he called a little trap, but what I regarded as an exceedingly ticklish situation. As the far superior numbers of the enemy's cavalry, which up to this time we had successfully opposed, began n
Heros von Borcke, Memoirs of the Confederate War for Independence, Chapter 12: (search)
f Millwood. The command of our cavalry had been temporarily transferred to Colonel Rosser, who had instructions to hold his position as long as possible, and to keepe a significant look, and said very quietly, The Yankees have taken Ashby's Gap-Rosser is retreating, and we are completely cut off. Our situation was indeed full ofStuart, that tony one of our squadrons was on picket at the place, and that Colonel Rosser, with the rest of his brigade, had fallen back seven miles farther, to the humour, called to me, saying, Major, I desire that you will ride at once to Colonel Rosser, and order him to report to me instantly in person, leaving instructions fountil I reached Orleans, and with some difficulty found the headquarters of Colonel Rosser. This officer was exceedingly annoyed at being aroused from his comfortablnel and I trotted off together ahead of the column to Barber's Cross Roads. Rosser had been compelled, after a gallant resistance, to give way before the superior
Heros von Borcke, Memoirs of the Confederate War for Independence, Chapter 14: (search)
now separated, guarding the numerous fords of the Rappahannock, which rendered necessary a picket-line of more than fifty miles in length. W. H. E Lee's brigade was stationed on the Lower Rappahannock, near Port Royal; Fitz Lee's command, under Rosser, at a point some distance beyond our headquarters, at Spotsylvania Court-house; and Hampton's on the Upper Rappahannock, in Culpepper county. On the morning of the 27th November I galloped over to Rosser's headquarters upon some matters of businRosser's headquarters upon some matters of business, which, having been duly transacted, the Colonel and I proceeded together to the estate of a neighbouring planter, Mr R., a noted fox-hunter, with whose hounds the officers of Fitz Lee's brigade, when duty would admit of it, were accustomed to engage in the exciting diversion of the chase. General Stuart and his Staff had been invited by Mr R. to take part in a fox-hunt, the arrangements for which had been fully made, and we had looked forward to it with no little satisfaction; but our hope
Heros von Borcke, Memoirs of the Confederate War for Independence, Chapter 19: (search)
vehicle through it being out of the question, we were literally confined to our own side of the street. To overcome this inconvenience Pelham and I set to work to construct a sort of bridge, by resting planks on a number of blocks of stone, and by this means we were enabled to pay frequent visits to the house of our opposite neighbour, Mr S., where we were treated with great kindness, and our time passed pleasantly away. A constant visitor, like ourselves, at this house was Major Eales of Rosser's regiment, who, being just released from a Yankee prison, and still on parole, relished the gaiety of our society with peculiar zest. The fortune of war played sad havock with this happy trio. Poor Pelham expired not many weeks after in the very house where he had so pleasantly spent his time; and in a few months Eales was killed on the day before I myself received a wound which at the time was regarded as mortal. Although we expected Stuart back in a few days, it was a fortnight befo
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 3: the White Oak Road. (search)
s on the White Oak Road. Lee, also, apprehensive for his right, sent McGowan's South Carolina Brigade and McRae's North Carolina, of Hill's Corps, to strengthen Bushrod Johnson's Division in the entrenchments there; but took two of Johnson's brigades-Ransom's and Wallace's — with three brigades of Pickett's Division (leaving Hunton's in the entrenchments), to go with Pickett to reinforce Fitzhugh Lee at Five Forks. W. H. F. Lee's Division of cavalry, about one thousand five hundred men, and Rosser's, about one thousand, were also ordered to Five Forks. These reinforcements did not reach Five Forks until the evening of the thirtieth. The precise details of these orders and movements were, of course, not known to General Grant nor to any of his subordinates. But enough had been developed on the Quaker Road to lead Grant to change materially his original purpose of making the destruction of the railroads the principal objective of Sheridan's movements. At the close of our fight t
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 4: Five Forks. (search)
a shad dinner on the north side of Hatcher's Run. Pickett returned to the field only after we had all gained the Ford Road at about 6 P. M., but Fitzhugh Lee and Rosser not at all. Pickett narrowly escaped the shots of our men as he attempted to pass them to reach his broken lines towards the White Oak Road. It is also remarkzhugh Lee or Pickett of the movements of the Fifth Corps in relation to Five Forks, and that Lee was led by a word from Pickett to suppose that Fitzhugh Lee's and Rosser's cavalry were both close in support of Pickett's left flank at Five Forks. Rebellion Records, serial 95, p. 1264. This was not the truth. Fitzhugh Lee's cavast of Pickett's left at the beginning and during the day was pressed around his rear so as to reach his troops after their lines had all been broken. And as for Rosser's cavalry they were at no time on the field. We know now that General Lee afterwards wrote General Wade Hampton in these words: Had you been at Five Forks with y
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 5: the week of flying fights. (search)
ies exhibit when driven to bivouac together in the same field of the heavens. We should have camped inside the rebel lines, and a bedlam of a bivouac that would have been. After their defeat at Five Forks, the cavalry of both the Lees joined Rosser at the Ford crossing of Hatcher's Run, and then drew back on that road to the Southside Railroad crossing. There were gathered also the fugitives from Pickett's and Johnson's Divisions, covered by the remainder of those divisions that had not birection of Danville or Lynchburg. This Ord proceeded to do with promptitude and vigor. But not aware of the proximity of the head of Lee's column, he sent out only a small party for this purpose, which after heroic and desperate fighting with Rosser's and Munford's cavalry, and the loss of the gallant General Reed and Colonel Washburn and many of their command, were forced to surrender what remained. As for the Fifth Corps, we had made a day of it, marching thirty-two miles, burning and
John Esten Cooke, Wearing of the Gray: Being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of War., From the Rapidan to Frying-Pan in October, 1863. (search)
have given themselves so much trouble if they had known that the entire force in their front consisted of about one hundred and eighty men, with one gun under Colonel Rosser, as a sort of grand picket guard. He had arranged detachments of eight or ten men as above indicated, at openings in the woods, to produce the impression of several heavy columns; and it was not until they attacked him that they discovered the ruse. The attack once made, all further concealment was impossible. Rosser's one hundred and eighty men, and single piece of artillery, were rapidly driven back by the enemy; and his gun was now roaring from the high ground just below the Coureard upon the streets of the village. It was the gay and gallant P. M. B. Young, of Georgia, who had been left with his brigade near James City, and now came to Rosser's assistance. Young passed through the Court-House at a trot, hastened to the scene of action, and, dismounting his entire brigade, deployed them as sharpshooter