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delusion that the chief of staff is necessarily keeper of his commander's conscience, it is plain that where he enjoys his confidence, and has fidelity and justness of perception, he is eminently fitted to be the historian of a campaign. General Atkinson's own opinion of the value of the journal may be inferred from the following extracts from a letter of his to Lieutenant Johnston, written in December, 1833, after the close of the war, in reference to the proposition of a gentleman named Russell to write a history of the war: As this history is to be written, I could but feel, as you may readily imagine, a deep interest in its faithfulness. ... To enable me to give him the best information as to dates and facts, I have to request that you will send me the journal you kept of the campaign. It is this journal which forms the groundwork of the present summary, and as copious extracts are given from it as space permits. Before proceeding to narrate the transactions of the
ees, had been reduced below 500 men for duty, as shown by the daily morning report. They were formed into line of battle, with Colonel Wright's regiment on the left of Beltzhoover's battery, and with Colonels Pickett's, Freeman's, Tappan's, and Russell's regiments (the last now under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Bell), on the right of the battery. These regiments, all told, numbered about 2,500. General Pillow threw forward three companies of skirmishers, who disputed the ground until hid the artillery, led by General McClernand. He says, The struggle, which was continued for half an hour with great severity, threw our troops into temporary disorder, but they were promptly rallied. They were, in fact, repulsed by Tappan's and Russell's regiments. On the Confederate left, Buford's Twenty-seventh Illinois, aided by the cavalry, assailed Wright's regiment, which was supported by Beltzhoover's guns, and partially defended by a rough abattis. This attack was also repulsed.
nridge's on the road from Monterey toward the same point. Polk was to advance on the left of the Bark road, at an interval of about eight hundred paces from Bragg's line; and Breckinridge, to the right of that road, was to give support, wherever it should become necessary. Polk's corps, 9,136 strong in infantry and artillery, was composed of two divisions, Cheatham's on the left, made up of B. R. Johnson's and Stephens's brigades, and Clark's on his right, formed of A. P. Stewart's and Russell's brigades. It followed Bragg's line at about eight hundred yards' distance. Breckinridge's reserve was composed of Trabue's, Bowen's, and Statham's brigades, with a total infantry and artillery of 6,439. The cavalry, about 4,300 strong, guarded the flanks, or was detached on outpost duty; but, both from the newness and imperfections of their organization, equipment, and drill, and from the rough and wooded character of the ground, they did little service that day. The part taken b
caving in under the stunning blows delivered against it, Polk led Russell's and B. R. Johnson's brigades upon Sherman's flank. As Polk's co resolute counter-charge. In the mean time Clark, who was with Russell's brigade, received an order from Bragg to take an enfilading battster and the musketry-fire of a heavy infantry support. Clark and Russell then led forward the whole brigade, which charged at a doublequickt's brigades joined. B. R. Johnson's brigade moved to the left of Russell's on the main road; his right wing aiding in this attack, his leftby Beauregard to the right. Polk himself advanced with Johnson's, Russell's, and Trabue's brigades down the main road toward Pittsburg. He Pond's brigade has already been mentioned. General Polk, with Russell's brigade, and with Johnson's under Preston Smith, and during a po General Prentiss delivered his sword with his command to Colonel Russell, one of my brigade commanders, who turned him over to me. The
has expressed doubts about his right to assume the rank. Loomis is all right, doubtless, and to-morrow, when the matter is talked over between the General and himself, it will be settled satisfactorily. March, 21 I have been running over Russell's diary, North and South, and must say the Yankee Nation, when looked at through Mr. Russell's spectacles, does not appear enveloped in that star-spangled glory and super-celestial blue with which it is wont to loom up before patriotic eyes on FMr. Russell's spectacles, does not appear enveloped in that star-spangled glory and super-celestial blue with which it is wont to loom up before patriotic eyes on Fourth of July occasions. He has treated us, however, fully as well as we have treated him. We became angry because he told unpleasant truths about us, and he became enraged because we abused him for it. He thanks God that he is not an American; and should not we, in a spirit of conciliation, meet him half way, and feel thankful that he is not? Flaming dispatches will appear in the Northern papers to-morrow respecting the defeat of John Morgan, by a small brigade of our troops under Colonel
neral Recruiting Station is at No. 14 Pitts Street, Boston! William W. Bullock, General Recruiting Officer, Massachusetts Volunteers. [Boston Journal of Sept. 12, 1861.] Here is a call to a war meeting held out-of-doors:-- to arms! To arms!! great war meeting in Roxbury. Another meeting of the citizens of Roxbury, to re-enforce their brothers in the field, will be held in Eliot square; Roxbury, this evening at eight O'Clock. Speeches from Paul Willard, Rev. J. O. Means, Judge Russell, And other eloquent advocates. The Brigade Band will be on hand early. Come one, come all God and your Country Call!! Per Order. [Boston Journal of July 30, 1862.] Here are two which look quite business-like:-- General Pope's Army. Lynch Law for Guerillas and No Rebel Property Guarded! is the motto of the Second Massachusetts regiment. $578.50 for 21 months service. $252.00 State aid for families of four. $830.50 and short service. $125.00 cash in hand. This Regime
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 13: campaign in Virginia.-Bristol Station.-mine Run.-Wilderness. (search)
under Colonels Penn and Godwin, with four pieces of artillery. Daylight was fast disappearing; Russell's division of the Sixth Corps was in line of battle in its front, with Upton's brigade deployed as skirmishers. Russell thought he could carry the work, so Sedgwick gave the order. The conditions were favorable to success; the wind blowing strong from south to north, the firing could not be heard by the supporting batteries on the south side, so Russell stormed the redoubt with so much dash that it was captured before the Southern force on the south side knew it. It was a brilliantre killed and thirty-nine wounded; eight captured flags were carried to Meade's headquarters by Russell and Upton, preceded by a band, and then sent in charge of Russell to the War Department at WashRussell to the War Department at Washington, after the manner Napoleon's trophies went sometimes to Paris, but the Secretary sent the gallant officer word he was too busy to see him, so the concluding ceremony was not as ostentatious as
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Index. (search)
Coeur de Lion, 2. Richelieu, Cardinal, 65. Richmond, the race for, 333; Petersburg and Richmond lines abandoned, 379; occupied by United States troops, 381; evacuated, 381. Ricketts, General, mentioned, 190, 192. Ringgold Barracks, 61, 62. Ripley, General, 130. Robertson, General, Beverley, 184, 187, 285. Rockbridge Artillery, 323. Rodes, General, 249-252. Rosecrans, General William S., 115, 127, 122, 123, 119. Rosser's cavalry brigade, 353, 384, 371. Round Top, 282. Russell's division, 318, 319. Rust, Colonel, Albert, 119, 120, 121. Sanders, General, killed, 363. Sanford, General, Charles, 105. Santa Anna, General, 31, 32, 38. San Jacinto, battle of, 31. Schenck, General, mentioned, 143. Schofield, General John M., joins Sherman, 372. Scott, General, Winfield, mentioned, 19, 33, 40, 44, 46; notice of, 48; mentioned, 52, 54, 85, 101, 103, 105, 176; autobiography, 374; mentioned, 423. Seceding States, the, 84. Second United States Cava
Lt.-Colonel Arthur J. Fremantle, Three Months in the Southern States, April, 1863. (search)
like pepper-trees. Every person we met carried a six-shooter, although it is very seldom necessary to use them. After we had proceeded about nine miles we met General Bee, who commands the troops at Brownsville. He was travelling to Boca del Rio in an ambulance, An ambulance is a light wagon, and generally has two springs behind, and one transverse one in front. The seats can be so atr-ranged that two or even three persons may lie at full length. with his quartermaster-general, Major Russell. I gave him my letter of introduction to General Magruder, and told him who I was. He thereupon descended from his ambulance, and regaled me with beef and beer in the open. He is brother to the General Bee who was killed at Manasas. We talked politics and fraternized very amicably for more than an hour. He said the Mongomery affair was against his sanction and he was sorry for it. He said that Davis, another renegade, would also have been put to death, had it not been for the int
Lt.-Colonel Arthur J. Fremantle, Three Months in the Southern States, May, 1863. (search)
ew character appeared on the scene in the shape of a big heavy man who said to me, My name is Dr. Russell; I'm an Irishman, and I hate the British Government and the English nation; but if you are rewon't do for you; you shall come to my house and I will protect you. I immediately showed Dr. Russell my passport and letters of introduction to General Johnston and other Confederate officers; h by the Yankees two days before, which had made him unusually venomous. They told me that Dr. Russell had saved his property from pillage in the following manner:--He had seated himself in his vou who move with this gun. Now then, gentlemen, walk in. This speech is said to have saved Dr. Russell from further annoyance, and his property from the ruin which overtook his neighbors. Jackand clamoring to be led against only double their numbers. I renewed my acquaintance with Dr. Russell, for whose timely protection I shall always feel myself much indebted. I also sent my love t