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The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Lee's West Virginia campaign. (search)
occupy the Alleghany Mountain Pass, and posting Rust's Arkansas Regiment and Baldwin's Virginia Regiral Jackson reported to General Loring that Colonel Rust had made a reconnoissance to the rear of Chby which infantry could be led. Soon after, Colonel Rust reported in person and informed General Leef the 28th of September. The plan was that Colonel Rust should gain the rear of the Federal positioderson and Donaldson were to rejoin Loring, and Rust was to find his way back to Jackson. The troopside was continuously heard, What has become of Rust? Why don't he attack? Rust must have lost hisRust must have lost his way. The Tennesseeans, under Anderson, became so impatient that they requested to be led to the attack without waiting for Rust; but General Anderson thought that he must be governed by the letter oneral Loring on the 29th. On the same day, Colonel Rust reported in person his operations, which amching the Federals, and then retired. When Colonel Rust rendered his report, General Lee, perceivin[1 more...]