Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: September 30, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Samson or search for Samson in all documents.

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he British Government to death, in the last Irish rebellion, is a clear demonstration, that the jawbone of an ass is only a dangerous instrument when wielded by a Samson. An Mr. Thomas Francis Meagrer is no Samson, he did not break the cords which bound Ireland to her old situation; he did not pull down the pillars of the British Samson, he did not break the cords which bound Ireland to her old situation; he did not pull down the pillars of the British polities temple and bury himself in its ruins. He only resemble Samson in having reclined his head with easy credulity in the lap of a political barlot, and in having his locks shorn, his eyes put out, and in Frandishing ferociously the jawbone afore said. When the last Irish rebellion occurred, we recollect the dismay whichSamson in having reclined his head with easy credulity in the lap of a political barlot, and in having his locks shorn, his eyes put out, and in Frandishing ferociously the jawbone afore said. When the last Irish rebellion occurred, we recollect the dismay which seized us when we found that a waterspout of words was the principal obstruction that threatened the administration of the British Government in that island. The people were the bravest of the brave: as fond of a fight as of a frolic, and with wise and practical leaders, would give any Government against which they chose to rebe