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Edward H. Savage, author of Police Recollections; Or Boston by Daylight and Gas-Light ., Boston events: a brief mention and the date of more than 5,000 events that transpired in Boston from 1630 to 1880, covering a period of 250 years, together with other occurrences of interest, arranged in alphabetical order 24 0 Browse Search
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the date of its occurrence, is sufficient to make one line across the page; from this line is taken the leading word, and from that word the index letter; the whole being arranged in alphabetical order. In compiling this work, reference has been had to the Records of the Town and City, of Churches, Societies, Newspapers and Periodicals of the day, and many other sources. The writer has been a resident of Boston for nearly fifty years, and most of the events recorded during that period have been taken from memoranda made by him at the time. The thought of a production so meagre, and the great liability to error in a work of this kind, has long delayed its publication; but at the earnest request of many persons, and in the hope that it may prompt an interest in some abler hand to improve and enlarge, this little volume is now offered to the public, deeply regretting the want of time and opportunity to prepare a work more accurate and complete. Edward H. Savage. Boston, 1884.
ound, 1806 Burned and rebuilt, 1807 Wood's, stood in Dock square, 1804 Savage's, over the Boylston Market, 1814 New England, at 76 Court st. (Scollay squa Amee, appointed, Feb. 11, 1861 John Kurtz, appointed, Feb. 17, 1863 Edward H. Savage, appointed, Apr. 4, 1870 Name of the office changed to Superintendent, Oct. 21, 1878 Captains. Station 1. Edw. H. Savage, appoint'd, May 26, 1854 James B. Weeks, appointed, Feb. 11, 1861 Nathaniel G. Davis, appointed, Apr. 6, 18. Eaton, July 17, 1852 Hezekiah Earl and Luther A. Ham, May 26, 1854 Edward H. Savage, appointed, Feb. 11, 1861 James Quinn, Apr. 11, 1870 Name changed to Arsenal, Sep. 2, 1866 Sandemonians a new Religious Sect, appear, 1764 Savage, Edward had an Art Gallery in Franklin Hall, June, 1794 Painted a Panorama of Boston, May, 1795 Had a Museum over Boylston Market, 1812 Savage, Edward H. appointed a Police officer in Boston, Feb. 10, 1851 Appointed Captain,
rt of Richmond, 1800, Parmenter street, 1870 Milk to Cow lane, Hutchinson lane, 1722; Palmer street, 1788; Green lane, 1789, Pearl street 1800 Washington to Savage's court, now Williams court, arch remains, (Peck's arch,) 1800 Between Somerset and Tremont row, dug down, 1835, (Pemberton Hill,) 1814 Phillips place in portifications; many additions, 1824, Haymarket square to Dedham, 1879, Washington street, 1788 Cornhill to the Wharves, 1826, Water street, 1708 Cornhill to Savage's or Williams' court, (Webster's Arch,) 1732 From Custom House street to Wharf st., Well street, 1808 Wendell lane, 1796; Halfmoon place, extended 1870, Wen From Newbury street to the Common, West street, 1708 From Broad to India street, Wharf street, 1808 No. Bennet to Tileston; Short lane, 1796; Short street, 1849, Wiggin street, 1878 Cornhill, west; Savage's court, 1732, Williams court, 1788 Newbury to the Common; Blott's lane, Bannister's lane, Winter street, 1708
32, 133 Rogues' Gallery, 133 Roulette, 133 Rowing Regattas, 133 Rubber Merchants, 133 Russian Embassy, 133 S. Sabbath Breakers, 133 Safe Blowing, 133 Sailors' Homes, 133 Saltpetre Explosion, 133 Sandemonians, 133 Savage, Edward 133 Savage, Edward H. 134 Savannah Sufferers, 134 Scales, 134 Scandals, 134 Scavengers, 134 Schools, 134 to 136 School-master, 136, 137 Schooners, 137 Scissor Grinders, 137 Scollay's Buildings, 137 Scott, Savage, Edward H. 134 Savannah Sufferers, 134 Scales, 134 Scandals, 134 Scavengers, 134 Schools, 134 to 136 School-master, 136, 137 Schooners, 137 Scissor Grinders, 137 Scollay's Buildings, 137 Scott, Gen. Winfield 137 Sea Fencibles, 137 Sea Serpent, 137 Sealers Weights and Measures, 137 Seats on Common, 137 Siege of Paris, 137 Selfridge and Austin, 137 Selectmen, 137 Sewell, Samuel 138 Sewerage, 138 Shaw, Lemuel 138 Shakedown, 138 Shay's War, 138 Sherman, Gen., Wm. T. 138 Sheridan, Gen., Phil. 138 Ships, Sailing 138 Ships, Steam 138, 139 Ship Fever, 139 Shot, 139 Siamese Twins, 139 Silver Coin, 139 Skating Rink, 139, 140 Skedaddle