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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Army Life in a Black Regiment, Chapter 1: Introductory. (search)
nection with the command of this regiment, by some friends in whose judgment I have confidence. I take great pleasure in offering you the position of Colonel in it, and hope that you may be induced to accept. I shall not fill the place until I hear from you, or sufficient time shall have passed for me to receive your reply. Should you accept, I enclose a pass for Port Royal, of which I trust you will feel disposed to avail yourself at once. I am, with sincere regard, yours truly, R. Saxton, Brig.-Genl., Mil. Gov. Had an invitation reached me to take command of a regiment of Kalmuck Tartars, it could hardly have been more unexpected. I had always looked for the arming of the blacks, and had always felt a wish to be associated with them; had read the scanty accounts of General Hunter's abortive regiment, and had heard rumors of General Saxton's renewed efforts. But the prevalent tone of public sentiment was still opposed to any such attempts; the government kept very shy o
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Army Life in a Black Regiment, chapter 2 (search)
war to feel excitement or fear. They know General Saxton and me, --de General and de Cunnel, --and night, at dress-parade, the adjutant read General Saxton's Proclamation for the New Year's Celebratme. They also bring the good tidings that General Saxton is not to be removed, as had been reportedople, it has such a stupendous sound ; but General Saxton predicts a small social party of five thoud; and also by water,--in steamers sent by General Saxton for the purpose; and from that time all thThe regiment sang Marching along, and then General Saxton spoke, in his own simple, manly way, and M the evening we had letters from home, and General Saxton had a reception at his house, from which In to duty. They would stop their idolized General Saxton, if he attempted to cross their beat contrd deal with me personally for everything. General Saxton notices the same thing with the people on fact; and we were to have been reviewed by General Saxton, but he had been unexpectedly called to La
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Army Life in a Black Regiment, Chapter 4: up the St. John's. (search)
carry the proclamation of freedom to the enslaved; to call all loyal men into the service of the United States; to occupy as much of the State of Florida as possible with the forces under your command; and to neglect no means consistent with the usages of civilized warfare to weaken, harass, and annoy those who are in rebellion against the Government of the United States. Trusting that the blessing of our Heavenly Father will rest upon your noble enterprise, I am yours, sincerely, R. Saxton, Brig.-Gen., Mil. Gov. Dept. of the South. Colonel Higginson, Comdg. Expeditionary Corps. In due time, after touching at Fernandina, we reached the difficult bar of the St. John's, and were piloted safely over. Admiral Dupont had furnished a courteous letter of introduction, Flag Ship Wabash, Port Royal Harbor, S. C., March 6, 1863. Sir,--I am informed by Major-General Hunter that he is sending Colonel Higginson on an important mission in the southerly part of his Department.
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Army Life in a Black Regiment, Chapter 5: out on picket. (search)
proved in Semmes. I know that they always asserted thenceforward that the detachment on board the George Washington had become rightful prisoners of war, and were justly fired upon when they tried to escape. This was at the time of the first attack on Charleston, and the noise of this cannonading spread rapidly thither, and brought four regiments to reinforce Beaufort in a hurry, under the impression that the town was already taken, and that they must save what remnants they could. General Saxton, too, had made such capital plans for defending the post that he could not bear not to have it attacked; so, while the Rebels brought down a force to keep us from taking the guns off the wreck, I was also supplied with a section or two of regular artillery, and some additional infantry, with which to keep them from it; and we tried to make believe very hard, and rival the Charleston expedition on our own island. Indeed, our affair came to about as much,--nearly nothing,and lasted decide
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Army Life in a Black Regiment, Chapter 7: up the Edisto. (search)
raids of the colored troops, this expedition may deserve narration, though it was, in a strategic point of view, a disappointment. It has already been told, briefly and on the whole with truth, by Greeley and others, but I will venture on a more complete account. The project dated back earlier than General Gillmore's siege, and had originally no connection with that movement. It had been formed by Captain Trowbridge and myself in camp, and was based on facts learned from the men. General Saxton and Colonel W. W. H. Davis, the successive post-commanders, had both favored it. It had been also approved by General Hunter, before his sudden removal, though he regarded the bridge as a secondary affair, because there was another railway communication between the two cities. But as my main object was to obtain permission to go, I tried to make the most of all results which might follow, while it was very clear that the raid would harass and confuse the enemy, and be the means of bring
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Army Life in a Black Regiment, Chapter 10: life at camp Shaw. (search)
officers and the thorough discipline of its men, for all subsequent corps of the like material. Please present to General Saxton the assurances of my respectful regard. I have the honor to be, respectfully and obediently yours, John A. Acumstances of his death, and many of them had subscribed towards a monument for him,--a project which originated with General Saxton, and which was finally embodied in the Shaw school-house at Charleston. So it gave us all pleasure to name this camp for him, as its predecessor had been named for General Saxton. The new camp was soon brought into good order. The men had great ingenuity in building screens and shelters of light poles, filled in with the gray moss from the live-oaks. The off; said they. The darkeys are on guard to-night, and we must look out for our lives. Even after a Christmas party at General Saxton's, the guard at the door very properly refused to let the ambulance be brought round from the stable for the ladies
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Army Life in a Black Regiment, Chapter 11: Florida again? (search)
ains and a surgeon had just risen from a late dinner after a flag of truce, General Saxton and his wife had driven away but an hour or two before, we were all sittingere was no transportation to take us. At last a boat was notified. Then General Saxton, as anxious to keep us as was the regiment to go, played his last card in sthe capacious maw of the Delaware. In the midst of it all came riding down General Saxton with a despatch from Hilton Head:-- If you think the amount of small-po and all his staff upon the wharf, and vaccinate them by main force. So General Saxton rode away, and we worked away. Just as the last wagon-load but one was beie, I supposed, to put a good face upon the matter. He went away soon, and General Saxton went; then came a rumor that the Cosmopolitan had actually arrived with wouas in Uhland's Black Knight, and as we all stood wondering we were ‘ware of General Saxton, who strode hastily down the hall, his pale face very resolute, and looking
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Army Life in a Black Regiment, Chapter 12: the negro as a soldier. (search)
the most ignorant there was very often a childlike absence of vices, which was rather to be classed as inexperience than as innocence, but which had some of the advantages of both. Apart from this, they were very much like other men. General Saxton, examining with some impatience a long list of questions from some philanthropic Commission at the North, respecting the traits and habits of the freedmen, bade some staff-officer answer them all in two words,--Intensely human. We all admitts, like the Maroons of Surinam. Where they had these, even on a small scale, they had used them,--as in certain swamps round Savannah and in the everglades of Florida, where they united with the Indians, and would stand fire-so I was told by General Saxton, who had fought them there — when the Indians would retreat. It always seemed to me that, had I been a slave, my life would have been one long scheme of insurrection. But I learned to respect the patient self-control of those who had wai
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Army Life in a Black Regiment, Index. (search)
71. Osborne, Lt., 231. Parker, C. E., Lt., 271. Parker, N. G., Capt., 270, 271, 27 Parsons, William, 75. Phillips, Wendell, 112, 249. Pomeroy, J., Lt., 271. Randolph, W. J., Capt., 114 270. Rivers, Prince, Sergt., 41, 57, 51 89,261, 265. Robbins, E. W., Capt., 270, 271, Roberts, Samuel, 243. Rogers, J. S., Capt., 94, 180, 266, Rogers, Seth, Surg., 76, 94, 269. Rust, J. D., Col., 119, 120, 122,1 Sammis, Col., 27. Sampson, W. W., Capt., 176, 27( Saxton, M. W., Lt., 272. Saxton, Rufus, Gen. 2, 3,7,8, 35 37, 39, 4 2, 48, 52, 60 f 75 93 97, 100, 143, 168, 25 22, 234, 236, 237, 241, 244,24 276, 278,280 2 82 284, 288. Searles, J. M., t., 272. Sears, Capt., 82. Selvage, J. W., Lt., 272. Serrell, E. W., Col., 272. Seward, W. H., 251. Seymour, T. Gen., 129, 240. Shaw, R. G., Col., 176, 224, 225 293. Sherman, W. T., Gen., 176, 263. Showalter, Lt.-Col., 124. Simmons, London, Corpl. 260. Small, Robert, Capt., 7, 65. Smith, Mr., 92. Sprague, A. B. R., Col., 2. S
nd Hartsville, Tenn., were captured by a body of Nationals belonging to Col. Boone's regiment and carried into Nashville.--Nashville Union, July 12. John Morgan, the rebel guerrilla leader, issued an appeal to the citizens of Kentucky, calling upon them to rise and arm, and drive the Hessian invaders from their soil. --A fight took place two miles south of Scatterville, Ark., between a detachment of the First Wisconsin cavalry and a rebel force of ninety men under Capt. Allen. General Saxton, at Beaufort, S. C., reported to the War Department as follows: I have the honor to report that every thing pertaining to the special service for which I am sent to this department is in a favorable condition. The negroes are working industriously. We have some fifteen thousand acres of corn and cotton under cultivation. It looks well. The system of voluntary labor works admirably. The people are contented and happy. When the new crop is harvested they will cease to be a burd