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The Daily Dispatch: April 27, 1861., [Electronic resource] 16 0 Browse Search
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the Feet, is the Unerring System Practiced by D. R. M. A. Schlosser, Author of several Works on the Diseases of the ls.from Dr. E. Powell, M. D This is to certify that Dr. Schlosser eradiested two Corns for me, without pain during the op From John M. Speed, member of the Convention. Dr. Schlosser has extracted tour Corns from my foot, without giving april 18th, 1861. From J. M. G. Dickinson, Esq. Dr. Schlosser has extracted a number of Corns from my feet, without aRichmond, April 20th, 1861. From B. M. Harris. Dr. Schlosser has extracted five Corns from my feast, without the sli From John s. Angel, Esq. This is to certify that Dr. Schlosser extracted two Corns for me, without pain, and with greao the above, a great number more, from Richmond, are in Dr. Schlosser's possession. The Doctor's method has not only been sund Editors, of this country, and Europe, may be seen at Dr. Schlosser's consulting roms, from 10 A. M. till 5 P. M., at the