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e battle was over, to the magistrate's office and made affidavit that the British began the firing. The affidavits may be seen to this day. So it appears that these patriots desired the world to know that they were only defending themselves against assault and battery, and not fighting for the honor and independence of their country. In the last war, their conduct was still worse. The Massachusetts men refused to fight outside of their State, because--it was unconstitutional! And when Scott desired to cross over to Canada, the New York braves refused for the same reason. Yet every man of them got his bounty land. Read General Washington's correspondence when he was before Boston, and see how he complains of the want of spirit among the people and their extortionate demands for the supplies they furnished. Read Campbell's History of Virginia, and see now a hundred years before the Revolution the superior enterprise of the New England people in all money-making projects, was t
The News. The State of Alabama has taken possession of the U. S. forts Gaines and Morgan at Mobile, and the U. S. Arsenal at Mt. Vernon, Ala, containing 78,000 stand of arms and 1,500 boxes of powder. All these places are strongly garrisoned by State troops. The U. S. troops at Fort Leaven worth have been notified by Gen. Scott to be in readiness for removal to Fort McHenry, near Baltimore. The members of Congress from the border States have agreed on a set of compromise resolutions, which are reported elsewhere. Georgia has given up to the United States the revenue cutter Dobbins, which was captured without the authority of that State on Thursday last.--In South Carolina there is no new movement of importance. The Convention has adjourned subject to the call of its President, President A. B. Longstreet, of the South Carolina College, has written a letter, giving peaceful counsel. The cutter Harriet Lane has not yet left New York.
The Federal Capital. We learn that measures have been taken to organize the militia of the District, under the direction of Col. Stone, of the Army. It is understood that this is done by advice of Gen. Scott, with a view to the defence of the Capital against any possible attack. Col. Stone has seen service in Mexico, and is an officer of reputation. He is a Massachusetts man, and, it is rumored, is a Black Republican. We learn that these facts are occasioning some conversation in Washington.
Lincoln's Cabinet. --The New York Tribune, of Saturday, names Robert E. Scott, of Virginia, Secretary of the Navy, and Wm. A. Graham, of North Carolina, Secretary of the Interior, as gentlemen who will probably fill the places named in Lincoln's Cabinet. With regard to them, however, it is unable to state how far "negotiations have proceeded."
The inauguration of Lincoln. --It is stated that arrangements for Lincoln's inauguration have been placed in the hands of Gen. Scott. The militia of the District of Columbia is being organized, and foremost among those engaged in organizing it, is Gen. E. C. Carrington.
the arms at the several arsenals were not proportionately distributed, and that the Southern arsenals were quite deficient in those supplies, a distribution was made for equalization only, and for no other object. They were principally drawn from the Springfield armory, and the arsenals at Watervilet, N. Y, and Water-town, Mass. The secession troubles, it is known, had not then commenced. After the distribution was completed, there remained a preponderance of arms at the North. Lieut Gen. Scott was engaged till 4 o'clock this morning on business connected with his department. The Republicans were again in caucus today, their object being to agree on uniform legislative action. The arrival of seventeen recruits from Philadelphia for the purpose of being drilled at the Marine Barracks at Washington, has been magnified into undue importance. The rumor which prevailed that the sloop-of-war Brooklyn had been ordered with U. S. recruits to Charleston, has been pronoun
Further from Fort Leavenworth. Fort Leavenworth, K. T.,Jan. 4. --All the available force here has been ordered by Gen. Scott to be held in readiness to proceed at a moments' notice to Fort McHenry, Baltimore. Letters from Independence, Mo, dated December 28, received here, report the hanging of three of Montgomery's men for attempting to run off negroes.