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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 30, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Winfield Scott or search for Winfield Scott in all documents.
Your search returned 4 results in 3 document sections:
Port of Richmond, April 29, 1861. high water this day (Tuesday) at 9½ o'clock.
Steamer Belvidere, Keene, Baltimore, mdze.
and passengers, D & W. Currie.
Schr. Problem, Tyler, Philadelphia, pig iron, J. R. Anderson & Co.
J. W. L. Sturgess, Scott, Eastern Shore, potatoes and corn, A. Millspaugh.
Schr. Annie Cole, Crockett, Eastern Shore, potatoes and oats, A. Millspaugh.
Schr. Amazon, Warren, Eastern Shore, oats, A. Millspaugh.
Schr. Rebecca, Williams, York river, corn, to Captain.
Schr. J. H. & F. Roades, Sheron, York river, corn, to Captain.
Schr. Jos. H. Letheridge, Edmundson, North Carolina, lumber, J. S. Stevenson.
Schr. Belle Conway, Detany, Petersburg, mdze., W. D. Colquitt & C.
Schr. Morning Light, Adams, down the river, light.
Schr. Elite, Woolford, down the river, light.
The Daily Dispatch: April 30, 1861., [Electronic resource], Mob law Triumphant. (search)