Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 26, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Winfield Scott or search for Winfield Scott in all documents.

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Gen. Scott. This unfortunate old man has gotten very impotent and obese, but his malignity never grows old. He has good reason to hate Virginia. He has stained his sword in the blood of his mother to the hilt, but he stained it unsuccessfully.thern man who sympathizes with the South, and a Southern man who sympathizes with the North, especially one who, like Winfield Scott, draws his sword against his native land. We can respect even our honest Northern enemies, and we do respect them fahis war, which has revealed many men to the world in new and unexpected characters, has stripped the veil altogether from Scott's character as a man and his pretensions as a General. His conduct to his old military contemporary, the veteran Wool, ahat he is incapable of magnanimity, and can descend to any means for his own selfish purpose. McClellan will yet find in Scott a secret and underhand enemy, who never forgives an object that throws a shadow on his path, whether it be a transient va