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the President found himself at the seal of Government.--And it was through the active exertions and great discretion of Gen. Scott and Gen. Wool that he was enabled even to take the oath. And on the 3d day of March, as he was about entering upon thepatriotism, that animates every word and every line of this letter. I would say, however, that I was not authorized by Gen. Scott to make this letter public. The letter was in form submitted to Secretary Seward, but was laid before the President, aperor. 4. Say to the seceded States--wayward sisters, depart in peace. In haste, I remain, very truly, yours, Winfield Scott. Hon. Wm. H. Seward, &c., &c., &c. General Scott, on the 3d of March, having put the President in a cGeneral Scott, on the 3d of March, having put the President in a condition to be sworn in — and being perhaps the only man in the United States who could have done that — notified him that if he entered upon an attempt to conquer the seceded States that, in the first place, he could not do it; that it would requir