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Your search returned 26 results in 6 document sections:
The Daily Dispatch: March 26, 1861., [Electronic resource],
Shocking wife murder in Sr. Louis.(search)
Eleventh day Staunton, Va.,March 25th, 1861.
The Conference met at 4 o'clock A. M.--Bishop Scott in the chair.
J. Turner was granted a superannuated relation.
Committees of Examination.--1st year — E. Busey, March, and Wheeler.
2d year — Dice, Coombs, and Holliday, 3d year — Wysong, Rogers, and Nixon.
4th year — E. Phelps, R. L. Nixon, and Davis.
For Examination of Candidates for Admission on Trial.--D. W. Arnold and G. V. Leech.
Committee on Publication of Baltim or Consultation--(According to the last Peace resolution adopted the other day)--J. S. Martin, S. Register, Wm. Eggleston, B. F. Brooke, W. Hirst, N. J. B. Morgan, T. Sewall, E. P. Phelps, and W. B. Edward!
W. G. Cor, having made a request to be permitted to withdraw from the traveling connection, it was granted.
The minutes were then read up and approved.
The appointments were read, and the Conference adjourned sine die; when followed doxology, and benediction by Bishop Scott