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withstand the fierce tornado of shot and shell sweeping through its ranks, and slowly retired, fighting bravely all the time. The Fourth Alabama regiment suffered terribly, all of its field officers being shot down, and two (Colonel Jones and Major Scott) left upon the field. Colonel Jones was captured, but afterwards retaken during the rout. Falling back upon the position taken by Hampton's Legion, whose prowess can clearly be shown by the heaps of dead in front of their line, a momentary cnd brigade. Upon that map, which had been drawn up by order of the War Department from the coast survey records, showing the topography of the country from Washington to Manassas, it was evident that the plan of action had been mapped out by old Scott. At Sudley Springs, where the crossing was made, three columns indicated that the crossing was to be made there. The number of men actually engaged on our side was 18,000, though some think it was less. The number engaged upon the other side
lame a commander without knowing all the circumstances which controlled his actions, and we must remember that all blame of subordinates falls at last upon the commander-in-chief. Nevertheless it is impossible not to see that the army corps of Patterson has not performed its very important share in the general attack, and that in this way only is the temporary retreat of our main army brought about. Meantime, in the general anxiety, we must remember that the strong fortifications which General Scott wisely erected opposite Washington will give our troops a rallying point, where they will make a stand.--N. Y. Evening Post. This defeat will in no degree weaken the Northern country or the Northern people,--but on the contrary, will arouse them to unparalleled exertions and call forth their full strength. It is very true that it will highly encourage the Southern people also,--but the North has not yet begun to put forth its strength, while the South is strained to the utmost.--N. Y
ized, regiments cut to pieces, artillery captured in whole batteries, and a mighty body of disciplined men converted into a panic-stricken mob — such things have not been read of, except on that smaller scale where the disciplined troops who bore Scott into Mexico encountered the races of semi-barbarians, who parted before him like sheep before a charge of cavalry. It is the same iron race which took Scott upon their shoulders, and carried him into the capital of Mexico, which now bars his wayScott upon their shoulders, and carried him into the capital of Mexico, which now bars his way to Richmond with a wall of steel and fire. The leaders may clamor for new and greater efforts for the straining of the resources of the people and the gathering of large armaments, to be precipitated upon the South in the desperate hope of retrieving the fortunes of a day so deplorably lost. We will not venture to say to what extent rage, disappointment, baffled cupidity, and thirst for revenge, may carry a deluded people; but the confidence of the South will rise high, that no continued and
er were present, and their gallant behavior in the field is attested, not only by the facts, but by the explicit testimony of their enemies. Success in such an enterprise would probably have been, even to trained troops, almost impossible; and Gen. Scott is reported to have reproached himself for allowing the attack to have been made so soon — prematurely, in fact. But, once begun, the struggle was obstinately maintained by troops half fasting and worn out by a twelve hours march. An official McClellan to the command of the Federal army is a circumstance which not unnaturally has excited considerable discussion in the New York papers. By one lie is described as a military dictator, who is to act entirely free from the control of General Scott and the War Department; and by another a loud complaint is raised because the gallant general, in compliance with the intrigues of certain selfish politicians at Washington, is to be hampered in the selection of the general and regimental off
Doc. 53.-Virginia delegates to the Southern Congress. List of Delegates to represent the State in the Southern Congress, which meets at Richmond on the 21st July: 1. R. M. T. Hunter, of Essex. 2. John Tyler, of Charles City. 3. W. H. Macfarland, of Richmond City. 4. Roger A. Pryor, of Petersburg. 5. Thomas S. B. Cook, of Appomatox. 6. W. C. Rives, of Albemarle. 7. Robert E. Scott, of Fauquier. 8. James M. Mason, of Frederick. 9. John W. Brockenbaugh, of Brockenridge. 10. Charles W. Russell, of Wheeling. 11. Robert Johnson, of Harrison. 12. Walter Staples, of Montgomery. 13. Walter Preston, of Washington. State at Large — James A. Seddon, of Goochland; W. B. Preston, of Montgomery.--Baltimore American, June 27
nment designed to employ the guns against Virginia, or for menace, or for any improper use. And it is conclusive against any unfriendly or warlike intent, that the Ordnance Department, on being apprised that the removal of the guns had provoked excitement, forthwith notified Dr. Archer not to move them at all. What cause, then, is there for the panic that sounds its busy din in this hall, and in the streets of this city? or for the passage of these harsh and illegal resolutions? Besides, Gen. Scott has said that there is no need for the guns at Fortress Monroe, there being a large number of supernumerary guns already there. The simple truth is, that the guns were to be sent to Fortress Monroe because it is the only convenient depot to receive them. It is not only the most natural and proper place to send them to, but the only one in the State within convenient reach. The panic, therefore, which has arisen from these simple circumstances is totally groundless, and is, I must say,
sed the professional opinion of the writer, that re-enforcements could not be thrown into that fort within the time for its relief rendered necessary by the limited supply of provisions, and with a view of holding possession of the same, with a force less than 20,000 good and well-disciplined men. This opinion was concurred in by all the officers of his command, and their memoranda on the subject were made inclosures of Major Anderson's letter. The whole was immediately laid before Lieutenant-General Scott, who at once concurred with Major Anderson in his opinion. On reflection, however, he took full time, consulting with other officers, both of the army and navy, and at the end of four days came reluctantly but decidedly to the same conclusion as before. He also stated at the same time that no such sufficient force was then at the control of the Government, or could be raised and brought to the ground, within the time when the provisions in the fort would be exhausted. In a purely
r was carried immediately to Gen. McDowell's Headquarters, where, by telegraph, directions were received to send him to Gen. Scott's Headquarters at Washington. He arrived under a guard at seven P. M., and after a brief interview with General Scott,General Scott, wherein Captain Tom Taylor told his story as he had doubtless been instructed to tell it, he was sent to the President, bearing the sealed missive from Jeff. Davis to that functionary. His business was disposed of at the White House in a very few minutes; for in that time he was sent back to General Scott with one letter less than he bore on his person on entering the Union lines, the President not deeming the communication he brought such as required him to enter into any correspondence wd the exact contents of the letter from Davis, brought by Capt. Taylor, to none besides his constitutional advisers and Gen. Scott, from certain signs we are able to assure the public that it amounted to nothing of earthly importance in the present c
Doc. 87.-Colonel Pegram's surrender. July 12, 1861. Gen. McClellan's report to Lieut.-Gen. Scott. Headquarters, Beverly, Va., July 13, 1861. Col. E. D. Townsend, Washington, D. C.:-- I have received from Col. Pegram propositions for the surrender, with his officers and remnant of his command — say six hundred men. They are said to be extremely penitent, and determined never again to take up arms against the General Government. I shall have near nine hundred or one thousand prisoners to take care of when Col. Pegram comes in. The latest accounts make the loss of the rebels in killed some one hundred and fifty. G. B. McClellan, Major-General Department of Ohio. The following correspondence preceded the capitulation: near Tygart's valley River, six miles from Beverly, July 12, 1861. To Commanding Officer of Northern Forces, Beverly, Va.: sir: I write to state to you that I have, in consequence of the retreat of General Garnett, and the jaded and reduced condi
will probably open a fresh mine of treasonable correspondence. There were also found a large number of army orders, company and regimental rolls and reports, showing the strength of the force stationed at that point. There are some curiosities among these prizes, and their being left behind is a strong evidence of the hurry in which the rebels abandoned the place. Your correspondent returned to the city this evening, bringing with him the brief official report of General McDowell to General Scott. No detailed report has been received from the left wing of the advancing column, but General McDowell's report includes all the casualties that have occurred in his whole command, and a general report has been received that nothing occurred in that branch of the column beyond the usual incidents of an advance upon a retreating enemy. It was stated at Fairfax Court House that the Alabamians, in considerable numbers, were intrenched upon the route of the divisions of Colonels Mills