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May 1. The story of an armistice having been requested by Secretary Cameron was denied as follows: Washington, Wednesday, May 1. Simeon Draper, Esq., Chairman Union Defence Committee: There is not a word of truth in any of the newspaper reports of the armistice made or proposed. That sort of business ended on the 4th of March. F. W. Seward. --N. Y. Times, May 2. A large and enthusiastic meeting of the citizens of Wiscasset, Maine, was held, Wilmot Wood, Esq., presiding. Some spirited resolutions were unanimously passed; and it was recommended to the town to raise $5,000 for the support of families of volunteers who, under the command of Edwin M. Smith, Esq., were enrolled in a company for the defence of the Union.--Boston Transcript, May 7. The Baptist State Convention of Georgia, submitted a communication to the Congress of the seceded States at Montgomery, endorsing, approving, and avowing support to, the Confederate Government, and requesting the s
ton would not only strike terror into their ranks, but go far towards releasing the good and estimable people of the North from a thralldom which has become as terrible as it is degrading. We hope to have the pleasure, ere many days, of chronicling the glorious achievement. The national flag was hoisted over the Interior Department at Washington. It was enthusiastically greeted by the dense mass of spectators and by the Rhode Island regiment, whose appearance and drill, together with their music, elicited general praise. They were accompanied by Governor Sprague and suite in full uniform. The President and Secretaries Seward and Smith were near the staff when the flag was raised, and having saluted it, they were in turn cheered. The regiment, having re-entered the building where they are quartered, sung Our flag still waves. --N. Y. Evening Post, May 3. The religious press presents a singular and varied view of the political affairs of the United States.--(Doc. 128.)
brigade of 3,200 men, under the command of Gen. Theodore Runyon. His staff consists of Capt. J. B. Mulligan, Aid; BrigadeMajor, A. V. Bonnell; Private Secretary and Special aid, C. W. Tollis.--(Doc. 136.) The Arkansas Convention, by a vote of sixty-nine to one, passed an ordinance of secession from the Federal Union. The ordinance was unanimously ratified by the State.--New Orleans Picayune, May 7. The correspondence between Mr. Faulkner, late American Minister at Paris, and Secretary Seward, in relation to the recognition of the Southern Confederacy by the government of France, is published.--(Doc. 137.) The Washington Star of this morning, speaking of the intended attack on Washington by the secessionists, says, The scheme of the oligarchy was to have attacked this city sometime between daybreak of the 18th and day-break of the 21st of April ultimo. They had been led to believe that the Virginia ordinance of secession would have been pushed through the Convention a
ie Land, P. 137 Sedgwick, H. D., P. 119 Send them home tenderly, P. 50 Seneca's Mills, Md., fight at, D. 103 Sensation press compared with the Southern press, D. 92 Servile insurrection, a part of the Northern programme, D. 81; notice of, D. 92; a significant circular in reference to, P. 144 Seventh Regiment, N. Y. S. M., papers relating to the, Doc. 818 Sewall's Point, Va., fight at, D. 73; official account of, Doc. 261 rebel account, Doc. 261 Seward, F. W., notice of, D. 52 Seward, William H., his Union speech in the U. S. Senate, D. 14; speech at N. Y., Dec. 22, Doc. 4; correspondence with the Confederate commissioners, D. 19; Doc. 42; refuses to receive the South Carolina commissioners, D. 21; correspondence with Faulkner, D. 59; Doc. 191; notices of, D. 4, 15, 54, 59, 72, 76, 81; Confederate commissioners' final letter to, Doc. 49; letter to Governor Hicks, in reference to the proposed mediation of Lord Lyons, Doc. 133; letter on
and rebellion, and by reason thereof the civil authority of the United States is obstructed so that the provisions of the Act to provide increased revenue from imports to pay the interest on the public debt, and for other purposes, approved August fifth, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, cannot be peace ably executed, and that the taxes legally charge able upon real estate under the act last aforesaid, lying within the States and parts of States as aforesaid, together with a penalty of fifty per centum of said taxes, shall be a lien upon the tracts or lots of the same, severally charged, till paid. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. [L. S.] Done at the City of Washington, this first day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, and of the Independence of the United States of America the eighty-sixth. Abraham Lincoln. By the President. F. W. Seward, Acting Secretary of State.
ons for peace. The undersigned, Commissioners of the Confederate States of America, having thus made answer to all they deem material in the memorandum filed in the Department on the 15th of March last, have the honor to be, John Forsyth, Martin J. Crawford, A. B. Roman. A true copy of the original by one delivered to Mr. F. W. Seward, Assistant Secretary of State of the United States, at 8 o'clock in the evening of April 9, 1861. Attest, J. T. Pickett, Secretary, &c., &c. Mr. Seward in reply to the Commissioners, acknowledges the receipt of their letter, but declines to answer it. Department of State, Wasuington, April 10, 1861. Messrs. Forsyth, Crawford, and Roman, having been apprised by a memorandum which has been delivered to them, that the Secretary of State is not at liberty to hold official intercourse with them, will, it is presumed, expect no notice from him of the new communication which they have addressed to him under date of the 9th inst., beyond the
this state of war to a state of peace? These questions will irresistibly impress themselves upon the mind of every thinking man, north and south. Earnestly laboring in behalf of peace, from the beginning of these sectional troubles down to this day, and for the maintenance of the Union through mutual concessions, we do not even yet utterly despair of arresting this civil war before it shall have passed beyond the reach of reason.--N. Y. Herald. The irrepressible conflict started by Mr. Seward, and endorsed by the Republican party, has at length attained to its logical, foreseen result. That conflict, undertaken for the sake of humanity, culminates now in inhumanity itself, and exhibits the afflicting spectacle of brother shedding brother's blood. Refusing the ballot before the bullet, these men, flushed with the power and patronage of the Federal Government, have madly rushed into a civil war, which will probably drive the remaining Slave States into the arms of the Souther
rtant Correspondence. the Correspondence between Mr. Seward and the Confederate Commissioners — the gage of War throte States. The letter addressed by the Commissioners to Mr. Seward is recapitulated in the reply of Mr. Seward entire, and Mr. Seward entire, and we therefore omit it: The reply of Mr. Seward.memorandum. Department of State, Washington March 15, 1861. Mr. Mr. Seward.memorandum. Department of State, Washington March 15, 1861. Mr. John Forsyth, of the State of Alabama, and Mr. Martin J. Crawford, of the State of Georgia, on the 11th inst., through the k A true copy of the original, delivered to me by Mr. F. W. Seward, Assistant Secretary of State of the United States, o to the Commissioners. The Commissioners in reply to Mr Seward, Accusing the Government of deception, and Accepting a so A true copy of the original by one-delivered to Mr. F. W. Seward, Assistant Secretary of State of the United States, a T. Pickett, J. T. Pickett, Secretary, &c., &c. Mr. Seward, in reply to the Commissioners, Acknowledges the receipt
We have no doubt, and all the circumstances prove, that it was a cunningly devised scheme, contrived with all due attention to scenic display and intended to arouse, and, if possible, exasperate the Northern people against the South. Lincoln and Seward know very well that the right to send a vessel with provisions to Major Anderson involved just the same issue as a reinforcement. Hence it was made in the way that enabled them to get up a story about "humanity, " "relieving a starving garrison," &c. It would be impossible for Seward to do anything openly and above board. The next step was to sacrifice Major Anderson. He must be defeated at all hazards. --Republicans openly said, before the bombardment of Fort Sumter, that they wanted Major Anderson defeated. They wished to arouse the Democrats of the North, and the Tribune, the next day after the fall of Sumter, thus coolly chuckles: "We have lost Fort Sumter, but we have gained a united North. " And some Democrats ha
Fatuity of Lincoln and Seward. --We have been informed that Hon. John M. Sandidge, formerly a member of Congress from Louisiana, lately visited Maryland to remove his children, who were at school there. He passed through Washington; and took occasion to call on Mr. Seward, for the purpose of assuring him that if he relied oMr. Seward, for the purpose of assuring him that if he relied on there being any Union party in Louisiana, he was leaning on a broken reed. Mr. Sandidge informed the Secretary that unionism there was dead and buried and could never be resurrected. Mr. Seward introduced him to President Lincoln, to whom Mr. Sandidge made a similar statement. The President replied that it might be, and nMr. Seward introduced him to President Lincoln, to whom Mr. Sandidge made a similar statement. The President replied that it might be, and no doubt was so; but that if the South was united, the North was no less united, and that he was determined, at every cost, to replace the power of the Government where it had been overthrown. So the Washington Administration admits the unanimity of the Southern people, and this interview is but another proof that it is bent o