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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 15, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Seward or search for Seward in all documents.
Your search returned 24 results in 3 document sections:
Seward on the Tripod once more.
Secretary Seward, not content with the unenviable reputation which his ratiocinations have already procured him, both at home and abroad, is prophesying once more ot wonderful.
A fellow-feeling makes us wondrous kind, and Andy is a thorough paced traitor, as Seward is himself.
The one has betrayed the liberties of his native State, the other has betrayed the liberties of all Yankeedom.
How could they avoid loving each other.
Seward tells the world, and he wishes the world to believe it, that Louisiana and Missouri and North Carolina, &c, have petiti rity are indecorously few, and the very refuse of the population.
No man knows this better than Seward himself.
As for Virginia, she has 50,000 troops in the held at this moment — probably a great many more.
The capture of Vicksburg has run Seward mad. He ought to recollect that he prophesied in a similar strain, when Island No.10 and New Orleans were taken, yet he can see nothing has come of i
The Daily Dispatch: July 15, 1863., [Electronic resource], Brave and able Defender of States' rights in New York. (search)
Brave and able Defender of States' rights in New York.
A gentleman who has recently arrived from the North brings us, among other things, a number of a new monthly journal entitled "The Old Guard, a monthly journal, devoted to the principles of 1776 and 1787," It contains several able papers; among them, "How to Treat Unconstitutional Acts of Congress," "The Administration as a Gold Cambler;" "Seward on Federal Usurpations and Despotism;" "Strength of Armies," &c. In the article on How to Treat Unconstitutional Acts of Congress, it counsels Resistance.
It declares that "when a free people submit to oppressive acts, passed in violation of their Constitution, for a single day, they have thrown down the palladium of their liberty; submit to despotism for an hour, and you concede the principle.
John Adams said, in 1775, 'Nip the shoots of arbitrary power in the bud.'. It is the only thing a people determined to be free can do. It was the cowardice and treachery of the Senate of Ro
[8 more...]