ad been sacrificed, and with more justice than usual, to popular clamor.
General Geo. G. Meade replaced him in command, and strained every nerve to collect numbers of men, irrespective of quality — seeming to desire to crush the invasion by weight alone.
Wild was the alarm in the North when the rebel advance had, penetrated the heart of Pennsylvania; when York was held by Early and laid under contribution and Harrisburg was threatened by Ewell.
The whole North rose in its might.
Governors Seymour, of New York, Andrew, of Massachusetts, and Curtin, of Pennsylvania, put their whole militia at the service of the President; the energy at Washington, momentarily paralyzed, soon recovered; and by the last day of the month, Meade had collected an army of near 200,000 men. Many of these were, of course, new levies and raw militia; but near one-half were the veterans of the armies of McClellan, Burnside and Hooker; men who had fought gallantly on southern soil and might be expected to d
382, 393
Salem Church, 218, 233
Santa Anna, 471
Savage Station, 77, 87
Savannah, 190
Scales, General, 355
School House Hill, 136, 137
Scott, Captain, John, 4, 6
Scott, Colonel, 93, 180
Scott, General, 1, 38, 39, 42
Secret Service Corps, 88, 89
Sedgwick, General (U. S. A.), 148, 151, 197, 201, 203-04, 207, 214, 217-220, 228, 231, 233-34, 281, 309, 321, 360
Seminary Hill, 270, 276
Semmes, General, 147
Seven Pines, 74
Seventh Street Pike, 389
Seymour, General (U. S. A.), 350
Shady Grove, 351-355
Shaler, General (U. S. A.), 350
Sharpsburg, 139, 140, 153, 157, 162, 186, 190, 192, 254, 391, 403 Shenandoah, 10, 74, 136-37, 160, 164- 165, 237, 239, 240, 284, 295, 332, 343, 366-369, 371, 396, 407, 414, 439, 455, 476 Shepherdstown, 139, 162, 253-54, 284, 408-09-10 Sheridan, General (U. S. A.), 40, 371, 379, 406-411, 414, 419, 427, 430, 433, 437, 441, 452-53, 456, 459, 461, 465-66, 475 Sherman, General (U. S. A.), 40, 393 Shields, General
t., 270, 271,
Roberts, Samuel, 243.
Rogers, J. S., Capt., 94, 180, 266,
Rogers, Seth, Surg., 76, 94, 269.
Rust, J. D., Col., 119, 120, 122,1
Sammis, Col., 27.
Sampson, W. W., Capt., 176, 27(
Saxton, M. W., Lt., 272.
Saxton, Rufus, Gen. 2, 3,7,8, 35 37, 39, 4 2, 48, 52, 60 f 75 93 97, 100, 143, 168, 25 22, 234, 236, 237, 241, 244,24 276, 278,280 2 82 284, 288.
Searles, J. M., t., 272.
Sears, Capt., 82.
Selvage, J. W., Lt., 272.
Serrell, E. W., Col., 272.
Seward, W. H., 251.
Seymour, T. Gen., 129, 240.
Shaw, R. G., Col., 176, 224, 225 293.
Sherman, W. T., Gen., 176, 263.
Showalter, Lt.-Col., 124.
Simmons, London, Corpl. 260.
Small, Robert, Capt., 7, 65.
Smith, Mr., 92.
Sprague, A. B. R., Col., 2.
Stafford, Col., 277.
Stanton, E. M., Hon., 280.
Steedman, Capt., 127.
Stevens, Capt., 68.
Stevens, Thaddeus, Hon., 287, 288. 231, Stickney, Judge, 41, 97, 107.
Stockdale, W., Lt. 271.
Stone, H. A., Lt., 271, 272.
Strong, J. D., Lt.-Col., 65, 90,122,178, 181,