, Morgan, Morris, Myers.
Nelson, Patterson, Phelps, Porter, Preston, Pretlow, Pritchard, Randolph, Reid, Richardson, Riddick, Wyndham Robertson, Saunders, Segar, Shannon, Sherrard, Sibert, James K. Smith, Isaac N. Smith, Staples, Thompson, Walker, Arthur Watson, Watts, Welch, West, Wingfield, Woolfolk, and Yerby-95
Mr. SeddoncKenzie, Medley, Miles, Morgan, Myers, Patterson, Phelps. Porter, Preston, Pretlow, Pritchard, Randolph, Reid, Richardson, Riddick, W. Robertson, Saunders, Segar, Shannon, Sherrard, Sibert.
J. K. Smith. 1. N. Smith, Staples, Thompson, Walker, Wallace, A. Watson, Watts, Welch, West, Wingfield, Wood and Yerby--83
A vote being dws, Maupin, McGruder, McKenzie, Medley, Morris, Myers, Patterson, Phelps. Porter, Preston, Pretlow, Randolph, Reid, Richardson, Riddick, Wyndham Robertson, Segar, Shannon, Sherrard, Sibert, Staples, Thompson, Walser, Arthur Watson, Watts, Welch, and Wingfield--63.
The New York Resolutions.--The Speaker presented a special mess