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J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 39 (search)
which has thus been prevented from rendering important service. Gen. Bragg writes a pretty tart letter to the Secretary of War to-day, desiring that his reports of the Army of Tennessee, called for by Congress, be furnished for publication, or else that the reasons be given for withholding them. We have no war news to-day. Mrs. Minor, of Cumberland County, with whom my daughter Anne resides, is here, in great affliction. Her brother, Col. Rudolph, was killed in the battle with Sheridan, near Richmond; shot through the head, and buried on the field. Now she learns that another brother, a cadet, just 18 years old, was killed in the battle of Gen. Breckinridge, in the valley, shot through the head; and she resolves to set out for Staunton at once, to recover his body. Her father and sister died a few months ago, and she has just heard of her aunt's death. A lady living next door to us had two brothers wounded on Monday, and they are both here, and will recover. Gen
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 40 (search)
ied for and obtained a transfer from ordnance duty in the rear, back to his company in the front. It is rumored that Sheridan has cut the road between Gordonsville and Charlottesville, and between that place and Lynchburg. If this be true, he wie city, and in communication with Butler on the south side. A. dispatch from Gen. Lee says Gen. Hampton has defeated Sheridan. Forrest has gained a victory in the West. Lincoln has been nominated-Andrew Johnson, of Tennessee, for Vice-Prerary to orders, and has been suspended from command by order of the President. At all events, Lee is at Petersburg. Sheridan's raiders are near the city again, followed and preceded by Wade Hampton and Fitz Lee. Their cannon has been heard all wounded on the ground, and strewn along the route. Gen. Lee says Gen. H. deserves much credit. The enemy (a portion of Sheridan's force) are still prevented from forming a junction with Grant. Flour fell yesterday from $500 to $300 per barrel.
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XL. July, 1864 (search)
that general let off some fire-works, not only in commemoration of that event, but in pursuance of some desperate enterprise against Richmond. I don't see how he can feel any veneration for the day of Independence for the rebels of 1776, without sympathy for the rebels of 1864, struggling also for independence. After the failure of the enemy's next move, I think the tempest of war will rapidly abate. Nearly every movement in this (I think final) effort to capture Richmond has failed. Sheridan failed to destroy the Central, Hunter the South Side, and Wilson the Danville Railroad-each losing about half his men and horses. Grant himself, so far, has but swung round a wall of steel, losing 100,000 men, and only gaining a position on the James River which he might have occupied without any loss. On the other hand, Lee wields a larger army than he began with, and better armed, clothed, and fed. This ought to end the vain attempt at subjugation. But if not, the Confederate State
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 43 (search)
her cap as he ran, and, taking deliberate aim, the cap failed to explode the charge again. I saw several persons crossing the street beyond the flying man, who would have been greatly endangered if the rifle had been discharged. In war the destruction of human life excites no more pity than the slaughter of beeves in peace! September 26 Bright and cool. Gen. Early is still falling back; on Saturday he was at Port Republic, but he will soon be reinforced, and may turn the tide on Sheridan. A long letter was received at the department to-day from Gov. Brown, absolutely refusing to respond to the President's call for the militia of that State. He says he will not encourage the President's ambitious projects by placing in his hands, and under his unconditional control, all that remains to preserve the reserved rights of his State. He bitterly and offensively criticises the President's management of military affairs-sending Morgan into Kentucky, Wheeler into East, and For
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 44 (search)
ampton and Heath attacked the enemy on the south side of the river, yesterday, and captured 900 men. Gen. Early sends word that the whole force of the enemy (Sheridan's army) is in full retreat, and he is in pursuit. Gen. Echols, West Virginia and East Tennessee, reports several successes to our arms in that region. Th Sabbath morn. The quiet below continues. Not a gun has been heard for three days; the longest intermission we have had for many months. What can it mean? Sheridan has spread desolation in the Shenandoah Valley, perhaps to prevent Early from penetrating Pennsylvania, etc., intending to come with all expedition to Grant. arranging difficulties with Gov. Brown, did not compromise the dignity or interests of the Confederate States Government, or violate any law. It is now said Sheridan is retreating toward the Potomac, followed by Early. Some 500 more recruits for Early left Richmond yesterday. This would indicate that Gen. Lee has men enough
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 45 (search)
ibing editors between the ages of eighteen and forty-five. The editor says it would be a violation of the Constitution, etc. We all believe Lincoln has been easily re-elected. It is supposed Grant will soon receive large accessions from Sheridan's army, and make another attempt to take Richmond. It will be the most formidable attempt, and will be the most formidably resisted. A row between Gen. Kemper and Gen. Preston: latter refers papers directly to Col. Shields, Gen. K.'s suborrist; and A map of East Virginia and North Carolina; all beautifully printed and bound. November 17 -Dark and dismal — threatening rain or snow. Quiet below; but we have no papers to-day, yesterday being holiday. It is rumored that Gen. Sheridan (Federal) is sailing from Washington to reinforce Grant, and that Gen. Early is marching hitherward from the Valley. There may be renewed operations against Richmond, or Grant may penetrate North Carolina. No one knows what will happen a mo
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 46 (search)
ssware again with white lead, very successfully. Such ware can hardly be bought at allexcept by the rich. December 6 Bright and beautiful. Indian summer apparently. All quiet below — but it is anticipated by some that a battle will occur to-day, or in a day or so. The enemy's negro troops have been brought to this side of the river, and are in full view on picket duty. The Signal Bureau reports a large number of transports descending the Potomac a few days ago; probably Sheridan's army, to reinforce Grant. And yet our conscription superintendents, under orders, are busily engaged furloughing and detailing the rich slaveowners! It is developing a rapidly growing Emancipation party, for it is the establishment of a privileged class, and may speedily prove fatal to our cause. Our leaders are mad, and will be destroyed, if they persist in this policy. December 7 Raining, and warm. It is said several hundred of the prisoners taken by Rosser in the Valley
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 49 (search)
e enemy, but at last accounts Gen. Rosser, in Sheridan's rear, held it. Sheridan advanced to Scottsvave straggled into this city. One body of Sheridan's men are said to have been at Gordonsville y our own detachments awaiting the approach of Sheridan. Sheridan's passage of the James River haSheridan's passage of the James River has not been confirmed, and so the belief revives that he will assault the city fortifications on the city to-day. He says the roads are bad, etc. Sheridan, then, has not crossed the river. Gen. Le enemy coming up from Wilmington. Some of Sheridan's force did cross the James, but retired to t nothing new in the papers from any quarter. Sheridan's position is not known yet, though it must bhority that but for the providential freshet, Sheridan would have succeeded in crossing the James Rihave no news in the papers from any quarter. Sheridan having retired, all the local troops returnedh, 70,000; Thomas, from the West, 40,000; and Sheridan, with 15,000 cavalry from the North--some 200[19 more...]