Browsing named entities in Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 1. You can also browse the collection for W. T. Sherman or search for W. T. Sherman in all documents.

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s Sherman's assault on Vicksburg repulse of Sherman McClernand takes command of river expeditionr the advance of his entire force, including Sherman; had written to Steele, in Arkansas, to threamand, I think it would be practicable to send Sherman to take them and the Memphis forces south of y at, or near Grenada, confronting him, while Sherman might step in and take Vicksburg. By this stof the plan, and was requested to cooperate. Sherman was instructed to move with all celerity, ande river expedition, and therefore had hurried Sherman to Memphis, on the very day that he received f not, assign such officer as you deem best. Sherman would be my choice as the chief under you. No take a place of unusual strength by storm. Sherman deserves all praise for his determination to he would have had so many more men to feed. Sherman, too, had more troops than he could use, so trned by it. He was loath, however, to deprive Sherman of the opportunity to throw off the odium cau[47 more...]
cable Steele's bayou expedition remarkable natural difficulties Sherman and Admiral Porter proceed to Deer creek Porter gets into danger Sherman rescues the fleet further and irremovable obstructions return of both expeditions to Milliken's bend concentration of Grant's forvernment efforts to remove Grant Grant's New plan opposition of Sherman and other of Grant's subordinates Grant inflexible movement of Tcrossing of Mississippi river by Grant's advance demonstration by Sherman against Haine's bluff Grant's confidence of success. All the wld not possibly be landed near enough for an assault, except where Sherman's bold attack, in January, had been so unsuccessful. In the reaxteenth, and Seventeenth, commanded by Major-Generals Mc-Clernand, Sherman, Hurlbut, and McPherson, respectively. The Arkansas troops had beand its communications. A direct attack had already been tried by Sherman, at the only point where a landing was practicable, and failed, be
across, at London, and the bridge was gone. Sherman was forced to turn his column east, and trusto see you. . . . On the 6th, accordingly, Sherman rode over to Burnside's headquarters, orderinbe rectified, the mischief was irremediable. Sherman moved back towards Chattanooga, under the insoy the Mobile road, as far south as they can. Sherman goes to Memphis and Vicksburg, in person, andy to detain the force now in Thomas's front. Sherman will be instructed, whilst left with these laould be a second base. The destruction which Sherman will do to the roads around Meridian will be e volume. The grand movements dictated to Sherman, months afterwards, and by him so grandly exment into Georgia, during the ensuing spring, Sherman was ordered to advance into the interior of Mn, a distance of two hundred and fifty miles; Sherman instructed him to disregard all minor objectswho had failed to make the junction ordered. Sherman marched as far as Union, and then sent a cava[42 more...]
the government Grant's quiescence instructions to Sherman private correspondence between Grant and Sherman Sherman dispatches from Halleck journey to Washington arrival Presentation of commission speeches of President and apital. At the same time he sent instructions to Sherman, now on his return from Meridian. That commander wacticable objective point. He meant to concentrate Sherman, Thomas, and Schofield's armies for this purpose, aved towards the sea. On the 3d of March, he said to Sherman, I am ordered to Washington; but as I am directed tto return to it. I carried these instructions to Sherman, and with them, also, the following extraordinary private letter: dear Sherman,—The bill reviving the grade of lieutenant-general in the Army has become a laow. Your friend, U. S. Grant Major-General. Sherman received this letter near Memphis, on the 10th of M coast of the Atlantic. On the 29th of December, Sherman had written to Grant: In relation to the conversati
if the enemy are found retreating, information will be at once sent to Generals McClernand and Sherman, who will immediately advance with a portion of their forces in support of the reconnoissance. ed. U. S. Grant, Major-General. General Grant to General Halleck, with Inclosures from General Sherman to General Grant. Savanna, April 5, 1862. Major-General H. W. Halleck, St. Louis, Mo.: o Captain McLean, Assistant Adjutant-General, was finished, notes from Generals Mc-Clernand and Sherman's Assistant Adjutants-General were received, stating that our outposts had been attacked by thewith certainty of advantage; and I do not apprehend any thing like an attack upon our position. Sherman. Letter from General Sherman to the Editor of the United States' service magazine.—(publishGeneral Sherman to the Editor of the United States' service magazine.—(published January, 1865.) headquarters, military division of the Mississippi. Prof. Henry Coppee, Philadelphia: dear sir,—In the June number of the United States' Service Magazine, I find a brief sketch<
roval of the complete and signal success which crowned it, rather than your condemnation. In saying that I could not have effected the reduction of Vicksburg with the limited force under my command, after its repulse near that place under General Sherman, I only repeat what was contained in a previous dispatch to you. From the moment you fell back from Oxford, and the purpose of a front attack upon the enemy's works near Vicksburg was thus deprived of cooperation , the Mississippi river expegive him the chief command under my direction. This I did; but subsequently receiving authority to assign the command to any one I thought most competent, or to take it myself. I determined at least to be present with the expedition. If General Sherman had been left in command here, such is my confidence in him that I would not have thought my presence necessary. But whether I do injustice to General McClernand or not, I have not confidence in his ability as a soldier to conduct an expedi
Appendix to chapter VI. [I am indebted to General Sherman for a copy of the following interesting letter, the original not having been preserved by General Grant. I give it entire, with the exception of the concluding paragraph, which adds nothing to the elucidation of General Sherman's views, and contains simply a confidentGeneral Sherman's views, and contains simply a confidential remark, entirely distinct from the remainder of the letter.] General Sherman to Colonel Rawlins. headquarters, Fifteenth army corps, camp near Vicksburg, April 8, 1863. Colonel J. A. Rawlins, A. A. G. to General Grant: sir,—I would most respectfully suggest, for reasons which I will not name, that General Grant call on hGeneral Sherman to Colonel Rawlins. headquarters, Fifteenth army corps, camp near Vicksburg, April 8, 1863. Colonel J. A. Rawlins, A. A. G. to General Grant: sir,—I would most respectfully suggest, for reasons which I will not name, that General Grant call on his corps commanders for their opinions, concise and positive, on the best general plan of campaign. Unless this be done, there are men who will, in any result falling below the popular standard, claim that their advice was unheeded, and that fatal consequences resulted therefrom. My own opinions are: 1. That the Army of the Te
h Admiral Porter, General McClernand, and General Sherman. The former and latter, who have had theesides wounded. McPherson is now at Clinton, Sherman on the direct Jackson road, and McClernand br My troops are now disposed with the right (Sherman's corps) resting on the Mississippi river, whPherson's corps but four brigades, and caused Sherman to press the enemy on our right, which causednd transports ready for immediate service. Sherman, with a large force, moves immediately on Johquality and over fifty thousand in number. Sherman is after Johnston, but no news from him to-daions of war abandoned. I have not heard from Sherman since the morning of the 9th. He was then ne send them? All my spare troops are now with Sherman, following Johnston. I have had no news sincpher telegram.) Vicksburg, July 15, 1863. Sherman has Jackson invested from Pearl river, on thee 16th inst. He is now in full retreat east. Sherman says most of his army must perish from the he[3 more...]
y attacked the rear of that division, but was promptly and decisively repulsed. Resting near Raymond that night, on the morning of the 14th, you entered that place—one division moving on to Mississippi springs, near Jackson, in support of General Sherman, another to Clinton, in support of General McPherson—a third remaining at Raymond, and a fourth at Old Auburn, to bring up the army-trains. On the 15th, you again led the advance towards Edward's station, which once more became the objectivay we not trust-nay, is it not so—that History will associate the martyrs of this sacred struggle for law and order, liberty and justice, with the honored martyrs of Monmouth and Bunker Hill! John A. McCLERNAND, Major-General commanding. General Sherman to Colonel Rawlins. headquarters Fifteenth army corps, camp on Walnut hills, June 17, 1863. Lieutenant-Colonel J. A. Rawlins, A. A. General, Department of the Tennessee: sir: On my return last evening from an inspection of the new works <