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John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army 1,342 2 Browse Search
Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 1 907 5 Browse Search
Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 3 896 4 Browse Search
Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 2 896 4 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3. 848 2 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4. 585 15 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 512 6 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 3: The Decisive Battles. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 508 0 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3. 359 7 Browse Search
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley) 354 24 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 1. You can also browse the collection for William T. Sherman or search for William T. Sherman in all documents.

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forces prepared Grant arrives on the field Sherman's line breaks Sherman's skill and personal gl succeeding circumstances, by both Grant and Sherman. On the 13th of March, Grant was relieved Corinth and Purdy. To the right and rear of Sherman, the Crump's Landing road crosses Snake creekition, but took a new line inside its camps. Sherman's troops were also new, and soon gave way; bulace was taken out of position in the real of Sherman, and moved to the support of the centre and lne entire mile. Early in the battle, part of Sherman's left brigade broke entirely, and fled to th remainder of the whole line was forced back, Sherman connected with McClernand on the left, leavin been mortally wounded, on the national side; Sherman was slightly wounded; Grant had been struck, rs to take the initiative in the morning. To Sherman, he told the story of the Donelson battle; hoorganization was, however, greatly broken up. Sherman had lost thousands by desertion and stragglin[44 more...]
e fugitives at the Landing, thought and said that the entire Army of the Tennessee was overwhelmed and disgraced; and for a long while the country was ignorant whether or not a great disaster had occurred. Rumors were industriously spread that Sherman had been surprised, that Prentiss was captured early in the morning, and in his shirt; that Grant was drunk, and that Buell was purposely dilatory. The country believed many of these rumors, and in the West especially, the outcry was fierce. Tarters, when the probability of an evacuation of Corinth was discussed, and then made the only suggestion he ventured to offer during the siege. He recommended that an attack should be made on the extreme right of the national line, west of W. T. Sherman's division. The enemy's defences in front of this point, he deemed defective, and urged an assault with a view of turning the rebel line, and then moving to the left and sweeping the entire field. But Halleck scouted the idea, intimating th
ant moves to Holly Springs enemy retreats rebels desert their fortifications on the Tallahatchie co. Operative movement from Helena Grant advances to Oxford Sherman sent to Memphis McClernand assigned to command of river expedition by the President Sherman moves by river against Vicksburg Grant's communications cut and HolSherman moves by river against Vicksburg Grant's communications cut and Holly Springs captured Grant lives off the country Reopens his communications Sherman's assault on Vicksburg repulse of Sherman McClernand takes command of river expedition capture of Arkansas post Grant falls back to Memphis extraordinary behavior of Mc-Clernand Grant takes command of river expedition protest of McClernand.atch were on the same day given to Sherman; headquarters Thirteenth army corps. Department of the Tennessee, Oxford, Mississippi, December 8, 1862. Major-General W. T. Sherman, commanding Right Wing: You will proceed, with as little delay as possible, to Memphis, Tennessee, taking with you one division of your present comma
ich to prosecute his campaign on dry land. Sherman's troops went up the Mississippi on large trasketry fire; and Porter finally sent back for Sherman to hurry up to his assistance. Sherman wasSherman was then at the junction of the Big Black bayou and Deer creek. He at once sent forward all the troop from what they considered this fatal error. Sherman, McPherson, Logan, Wilson, all opposed—all off Vicksburg would result. See Appendix for Sherman's letter in full. The letter was able, and in existence was not disclosed by Grant, until Sherman himself publicly related the incident, after s ablest generals had no effect to deter him. Sherman, thinking the plan almost certain of defeat, from Lake Providence and the Yazoo pass, and Sherman from Steele's bayou; Hurlbut was stripped of ll my forces and turn the enemy's left. When Sherman returned, unsuccessful, from Steele's bayou, ce attained, to do the work. On the 24th, to Sherman: I foresee great difficulties in our present [19 more...]
the interior, and the battle of Port Gibson. Sherman, now on the march from Milliken's bend, was ihe efforts that were made to save time. To Sherman, who had left Blair's division at Milliken's Pemberton and the rebel forces at Jackson. Sherman and McPherson understood this arrangement; thg instructions were also sent on the 11th, to Sherman: It will be necessary to guard Hall's ferry wrps reach the creek at or about the time that Sherman does, he having to move only about seven mile it. Mc-Pherson was on the right, at Raymond; Sherman seven miles to the west, at Dillon's plantatiesides wounded. McPherson is now at Clinton, Sherman on the direct Jackson road, and McClernand brlading Sherman's road. Grant had been with Sherman all the morning, and finding the obstacles im artillery force had been stationed to impede Sherman's progress; but, as has been seen, it was imp speedily as possible. This dispatch reached Sherman at ten minutes past seven, and his advance di[76 more...]
the order of Grant, except at the point where Sherman had reached the works, but failed to make anyhamed of their strange unmanliness; and, when Sherman's troops rushed up, thinking to march easily tructed to command the very approach on which Sherman was moving. The storming party reached the sthe result here the same as in the assault on Sherman's left. The main effort of Steele's right waall further operations were suspended. General Sherman's report of this assault is very full ander parts of the line. He then rode around to Sherman's front, and had just reached that point, whe both Sherman and McPherson. He showed it to Sherman and to his own staff. He and his staff had w a force as possible might be held in his and Sherman's fronts. McPherson sent the dispatch and orheir advance, which was prompt and vigorous. Sherman now put into battle Mower's brigade, of Tuttl See Appendix, for official letters of Generals Sherman and Mc Pherson, concerning this assault. [19 more...]
ad the right brigade of Steele's division, of Sherman's corps), was particularly troublesome, thoug and iron. The national batteries and all of Sherman's musketry within range, opened in support of formal and official communications from both Sherman and Mc-Pherson, couched in the strongest and thern newspaper, copies of which were sent to Sherman and McPherson, who at once resented the asser and transports ready for immediate service. Sherman, with a large force, moves immediately on Johthe route they now go. The instructions to Sherman were: I want you to drive Johnston from the Mhoped that the scarcity of water would compel Sherman to assault, but when he found that Sherman woted in the loss of nearly five hundred men to Sherman, and was occasioned by Lauman's misinterpreta of the army extended to the Pearl river, and Sherman sent back for ammunition for a siege. On these the siege of Vicksburg, little inferior to Sherman's in infantry or artillery, and far superior [28 more...]
nd capture of Jackson, Grant recommended both Sherman and McPherson for the rank of brigadier-genert battlefields. The promotion of such men as Sherman and McPherson always adds strength to our armr profession at West Point; Besides Grant, Sherman, and McPherson, these were Ord, who commandedlearn his plans and see how I may help him. Sherman was next in rank, and Grant proposed, of courstaff, but with the advice and concurrence of Sherman. One of these orders happened to be of imporn the command. With such men, said Grant, as Sherman and McPherson, commanding corps or armies, thHe still kept his bed, but instantly directed Sherman: Order at once one division of your army corph arrived, and Grant replied: I will now send Sherman to West Tennessee, with two more divisions ofn detained for the purpose; but, on the 27th, Sherman embarked in person for Memphis, followed by acalled to McPherson's front, and the march of Sherman from Memphis by way of Corinth, Tuscumbia, an[13 more...]
ch from Memphis long lines of communication Sherman's magnanimity Grant hurries Sherman alarminSherman alarming situation of Burnside anxiety of government Grant's calmness Longstreet moves against BurnsideBurnside by Cumberland river difficulties of Sherman's route critical condition of Grant's armieslding out confidence of Burnside arrival of Sherman at Bridgeport reconnoissance by Grant, Shermis, with supplies to go up the Tennessee, for Sherman. Of Thomas, he asked: Should not large workinxiety. At one or two points on the route, Sherman had encountered severe opposition; not enougack was made on the body of troops with which Sherman himself was moving. This, however, was repulagainst superior forces, until the arrival of Sherman with his men and means of transportation. Intured for operations; dispatches were sent to Sherman, informing him of the movement of Longstreet,ts up. On the 14th, Grant telegraphed him: Sherman's advance has reached Bridgeport. His whole [59 more...]
Sherman's assaults Bragg reenforces against Sherman weakening of rebel centre assault on rebel his report. If Bragg is really falling back, Sherman can commence at once laying his pontoon trainlery operations of importance in this battle. Sherman's batteries were first brought up to the poiny; but, at last, the rebels drew off, leaving Sherman to fortify what he had gained. He had posseswith Grant, on Orchard knoll. Before dawn, Sherman was in the saddle, and, attended by his stafffought. Corse was wounded at ten o'clock. Sherman, at this time, threatened not only the right t was sharp, but night closed in so dark that Sherman could not advance. Grant came up with Shermaommodate, and, in obedience to Grant's order, Sherman now turned east, to break up all communicatioither Grant nor Hooker was as yet aware. So, Sherman rode on to Ringgold, and found the rebels hadooker's force amounted to about ten thousand; Sherman's, including Howard's, to over twenty thousan[87 more...]