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Browsing named entities in William A. Crafts, Life of Ulysses S. Grant: His Boyhood, Campaigns, and Services, Military and Civil.. You can also browse the collection for Sherman or search for Sherman in all documents.

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Mr. Stanton and General Sherman. Grant and Sherman contrasted. undeserved censure by Halleck. t's position. his sense of wrong. Grant and Sherman. a friendship fortunate for the country. Ha relations arose a cordial friendship. General Sherman was another who was not slow to appreciatthe most opposite qualities in many respects, Sherman being nervous, impulsive, and excitable, whilnd drives all obstacles before it; and likens Sherman to a high-pressure engine, which lets off botops, encouraged by such officers as Grant and Sherman, fought like veterans, although many were newy official documents and the testimony of General Sherman and others, that Grant not only did not falleck had deeply wronged him. One day General Sherman bolted into Grant's tent, and found him sign and go home. No, you are not! replied Sherman, in his nervous and impatient manner; you areour duty, in spite of these petty insults. Sherman's earnest manner, generous sympathy, and chee[1 more...]
nt. Before McClernand got ready to take command of his expedition, Grant sent Sherman, with all the troops collected at Memphis, except a sufficient garrison, down destroyed a large quantity of supplies, and he was obliged to fall back; while Sherman made an unsuccessful attack on the rebel position, on the Yazoo. But the cuttoid unpleasant results, which might have arisen from superseding McClernand by Sherman, to whom he wished to give the command, he assumed it himself, and retained Mcf Vicksburg. To this movement Grant's most trusted and able officers, such as Sherman and McPherson, were strongly opposed, as dangerous in the extreme. The army, ity. The operations of this force in the rear, under the immediate command of Sherman, were brilliant and effectual. The country, for a great distance, was strippedestiny, but of indefatigable effort and unyielding tenacity of purpose. When Sherman and McPherson advised against the movement, he was too confident to listen to
e recommended many of them for promotion; and Sherman and McPherson were, at his request, appointedurpose he was most anxious for the arrival of Sherman, without whose forces such an attack could not be made. But Sherman encountered many difficulties in moving his forces hundreds of miles througieve him by a movement at Chattanooga; and as Sherman's forces drew near, he several times issued o skilful movements, concealed from the enemy, Sherman's army was moved through Chattanooga and acrohen he might order the attack on the centre. Sherman was having a difficult task, for Bragg, regarrmy, concentrated heavy forces there. Seeing Sherman had paused, Grant ordered another division to of the rebel troops which had gone to resist Sherman were turning to attack the victors at the cen on the day following the victory, Grant sent Sherman to East Tennessee to the. relief of Burnside,perate assault at Knoxville. The approach of Sherman's forces caused Longstreet to retire, and Kno[7 more...]
all his promotions made without his knowledge. called to Washington. cordial relations with Sherman and McPherson. no jealousy among his subordinates. modest appearance at Washington. Dislikesnsive in the-spring, still making the rebel armies his objective. He sent an expedition, under Sherman, from Vicksburg into the interior of Mississippi, for the purpose of cleaning out the rebel forance from Chattanooga to Atlanta, and thence, possibly, to Mobile. And from this plan resulted Sherman's brilliant movements to Atlanta, and his grand march to the sea. But Grant's plans for his merits of his subordinates are illustrated by a friendly letter, which he wrote at this time to Sherman and McPherson, in which he acknowledged, with perhaps too little credit to himself, how much ofand of which was still held by General Meade. Going west for a short time, to consult with General Sherman, and give directions concerning the campaign there, he issued his first orders, assuming co
laying plans and waiting the developments of other campaigns. a new clamor. Sherman's brilliant operations.--the final campaign. Grant the director. his strateg would be conquered. Grant's combined movements were made early in May, General Sherman succeeding him in the immediate command of the western army, Grant himselfGrant was not lost, there were occasional demands that he should give place to Sherman, who appeared more active. But Grant, undisturbed by such clamors, quietly puin that great and final success which the country desired. In the mean time Sherman had made his brilliant and successful campaign to Atlanta, and by strategy andt suggestions from other officers or the government. His strategy had brought Sherman's grand army from Savannah into North Carolina almost within reach, and had moreat. Moreover, under his direction, as commander of all the national armies, Sherman had won his victories in Georgia, made his grand march to the sea, and moved t
Chapter 9: Sherman's Indiscretion. his Negotiations with Johnston disapproved. Grant sent to assume direction of Sherman's movements. his influence with Sherman, and his friendship for him. the most suSherman, and his friendship for him. the most successful General of the age. his military genius recognized at home and abroad. thanks and honors. a new grae fugitive rebel government, attempted to gain from Sherman what Lee had failed to obtain from Grant,--a negotie settlement of civil as well as military matters. Sherman, less prudent than Grant, and anxious to secure peaessed rebellion, and it was at once repudiated, and Sherman was ordered to resume hostilities. The disapprovald curt, and General Grant was ordered to proceed to Sherman's headquarters and direct operations against the enemy. Sherman, nervous and excitable, was indignant at the manner in which his well-disposed but mistaken measuy towards his subordinates, by carefully keeping in Sherman's hands the fruits of his brilliant operations, and
ate had taken up the subject of Mr. Stanton's suspension, after some conversation with Lieutenant General Sherman and some members of my staff, in which I stated that the law left me no discretion as save all embarrassment — a proposition that I sincerely hoped he would entertain favorably; General Sherman seeing the President at my particular request to urge this, on the 13th instant. On Tues the country, and not the office, the latter desired. On the 15th ultimo, in presence of General Sherman, I stated to you that I thought Mr. Stanton would resign, but did not say that I would advise him to do so. On the 18th I did agree with General Sherman to go and advise him to that course, and on the 19th I had an interview alone with Mr. Stanton, which led me to the conclusion that any advice to him of the kind would be useless, and I so informed General Sherman. Before I consented to advise Mr. Stanton to resign, I understood from him, in a conversation on the subject immediatel
alled them from obscurity, and gave them the opportunity of distinguishing themselves. It was his discernment which selected each to take that command, and to perform those deeds, for which he was best adapted. His most brilliant subordinates, Sherman and Sheridan, were especially thus indebted to him. Sherman was looked upon as little better than a lunatic till Grant gave direction to his abilities, and Sheridan achieved no distinction till Grant, seeing his true capacity, made him his cavalSherman was looked upon as little better than a lunatic till Grant gave direction to his abilities, and Sheridan achieved no distinction till Grant, seeing his true capacity, made him his cavalry commander, and sent him to the Shenandoah to defeat Early, and to Five Forks to break through Lee's lines. Thomas, McPherson, and others, were in like manner indebted to Grant for promotion and opportunities; and each of them was trusted and assigned to difficult duties, because of his intuitive knowledge of their ability and fitness for the work demanded of them. So, also, his staff has always been composed of men admirably qualified for their respective duties, and who performed them wit