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Browsing named entities in The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 4: The Cavalry (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller). You can also browse the collection for Sherman or search for Sherman in all documents.

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Admiral Porter's Red River fleet in May, 1864. four cotton factories, a navy yard, arms and ammunition factories, three paper-mills, over one hundred thousand rounds of artillery ammunition, besides immense stores of which no account was taken. This great and decisive blow to the material resources of the Confederacy, was followed by the surrender of the cities of Macon and Tuscaloosa, and other successes, until, on April 21st, Wilson's victorious progress was ordered suspended by General Sherman, pending the result of peace negotiations between the Federal and Confederate Governments. This great movement was made in a hostile country which had been stripped of supplies except at railroad centers, and in which no aid or assistance could be expected from the inhabitants of the country. As an evidence of some of the hardships attending the operations of separate columns composing Wilson's corps, General Croxton states in an official report that from Elyton (March 30th) through
possible for Johnston to pursue his Fabian policy of constantly striking and retreating before Sherman's superior force, harassing it to the point of desperation. Wheeler operated on Sherman's flanSherman's flank later in the Carolinas, but the power of the Confederate cavalry was on the wane, and the end was soon to come. One of the blockhouses on the Nashville and Chattanooga railroad in 1864 broughtons, nor has he transportation. . . . Had we the railroad from here to Bridgeport, the whole of Sherman's and Hooker's troops brought up, we should not probably outnumber the enemy. This army, with emy has the railroad and the corn in his rear, is at much disadvantage. The railway repairs of Sherman's army in the Atlanta campaign were under the management of Colonel Wright, a civil engineer, w Johnsonville the landings and banks, several acres in extent, were piled high with freight for Sherman's army. There were several boats and barges yet unloaded for want of room. Forrest captured U
illustrated in the story of the fate of private William Spicer, of the Tenth Missouri Cavalry, who undertook to carry an order through the Confederate lines while Sherman was conducting his campaign in Mississippi. The cavalry of General Smith, numbering nearly seven thousand men, had been detached from the remainder of the army aong the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, with orders to join the army near Meridian, on February 10, 1864. Meanwhile, the main body had marched to Meridian, and there Sherman waited for Smith until the 18th, without receiving any tidings of the missing troopers. Then the remainder of the Federal cavalry, under Winslow, was ordered to surrounding country obtained no further news. As Winslow's orders allowed him to go no farther, he abandoned the search, but it was necessary that Smith receive Sherman's orders, and a volunteer was called for to carry the despatch through a country occupied by Forrest's cavalry, and other portions of Polk's army. The messenger
iloh, at Stone's River, at Chattanooga, at Atlanta, and on Sherman's march to the sea, it did its duty in the West, while sixs, was not lacking in efficiency. The cavalry which General Sherman assembled for his Atlanta campaign numbered about fift credit in all the celebrated movements and engagements of Sherman's army between May and August, 1864. Protecting the rear s of stores and damaged several railroads, Rousseau joined Sherman near Atlanta. After the fall of the latter city, a cavalron of over five thousand men under Kilpatrick, accompanied Sherman on his famous march to the sea. Up to this time the acthe cavalry service through the Cavalry Bureau, reported to Sherman, in Alabama, and began a thorough reorganization, a remounting and re-equipping of the cavalry corps of Sherman's army. Wilson's cavalry corps speedily made itself felt as an integ then either return to the Army of the Potomac, or to join Sherman in North Carolina. History shows that two of the Confeder
His last command was the cavalry in Johnston's army, which opposed Sherman's advance from Savannah in 1865. Hampton was born in Columbia, S.l Wheeler well deserved the tribute of his erstwhile opponent, General Sherman, who once said: In the event of war with a foreign country, Jos Wheeler showed himself a brave and skilful officer. He harassed Sherman's flank during the march to Atlanta, and in August, 1864, led a successful raid in Sherman's rear as far north as the Kentucky line. In February, 1865, he was commissioned lieutenant-general, and continued 864, he made his celebrated Richmond raid and in April accompanied Sherman in his invasion of Georgia. He was wounded at Resasca, and at thelina, and major-general for his services during the campaign under Sherman in the Carolinas. In June, 1865, he obtained the regular rank of same year was retired from active service. His old opponent, General Sherman, paid this tribute to his worth: In the event of war with a fo
ted legions to loud acclaim of Vive l'empereur. (T. F. R.) General Sherman's horses General Sherman's best war-horse was killed early General Sherman's best war-horse was killed early in the Civil War, at the battle of Shiloh, where he led the right wing of the Federal army against General A. S. Johnston's Confederate legiod while being held by an orderly. Of the many horses that carried Sherman through the remaining years of the struggle, two had General Bu the Federal forces finally entered and occupied Atlanta, in 1864, Sherman was astride of Lexington and after peace was declared, in 1865, thded several times, while mounted, and the fault was usually due to Sherman's disregard of the horse's anxiety to seek cover. In 1865, ShermaSherman retired Sam to a well-earned rest, on an Illinois farm, where he received every mark of affection. The gallant warhorse died of extreme ol Both horses were bays; one named Billy (after Thomas' friend, General Sherman) was the darker of the two, about sixteen hands high, and stou