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ritish Government, growing out of the removal of Messrs. Mason and Slidell from the Trent, having yet to be presented, the arguments in its s are false. No ultimatum from the English Government in regard to Slidell and Mason is expected at the beginning of diplomatic correspondencbut the unanimous feeling was that England's demands for Mason and Slidell could not be listened to for a moment. The sober second thought ietermined to demand the release of the rebel emissaries, Mason and Slidell. If, however, such be the case, the feeling seems to be that the sh mail steamer, and forcibly remove therefrom Jas. M. Mason and John Slidell, disloyal citizens, leading conspirators, rebel enemies, and danriotic conduct, in the arrest of the traitors James M. Mason and John Slidell, and Whereas, further, on the same day, this House did request the President to confine the said Jas. M. Mason and John Slidell in the cells of convicted felons, until certain military officers of the
eason." He had pledged his life to the cause of the South, and was now here to seek an opportunity for its fulfilment. Mr. Faulkner then indicated his purpose to retire, and thanking his fellow-citizens for this unexpected manifestation of their friendship and sympathy, was about bidding them "good night," but this met with a most decided opposition. "Tell us some news!" shouted many of the sovereigns in his immediate vicinity. "Tell us some news from England, and news from Mason and Slidell" Well, said Mr. Faulkner,) I left Mr. Masonda good health and spirits. You know he is a man of heroic mould — not easily subhead. He had an abiding conviction that no sooner would the intelligence of the outrage reach England than it would be followed by the dispatch of a messenger to demand full reparation for the insult offered to her flag, and a restoration of the ministers under that flag and to instruct Lord Lyons, in the event of a refusal, to demand his passports — And what do
The news from Europe. Among the reports telegraphed from Norfolk, yesterday, was a rumor, said to have come from Fortress Monroe, that Charles Francis Adams, United States Minister to England, demanded his passports immediately on the announcement of the Queen's proclamation. We find no allusion to this in any of the Northern papers received last evening. It is apparent, nevertheless, that the general news from England has created a deep feeling at the North, as well as a very visible effect upon the markets and finances. The Abolition journals bluster quite largely, hoping thereby to keep up the courage of the people to the sticking point; and the present indications are that England's demands for Mason and Slidell will not be listened to, though they may hope to avoid the exigencies of war by a prolonged process of "red tape" negotiation.