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Envoys to the Courts of France and England; and there is a passage in this part of his message which throws a probable light on the distinctive mission on which Mr. Slidell and Mr. Mason were sent to Europe. He remarks, with some evident pride, that the Confederate States have been content to fight their own battle, and have solicngly, the total inefficiency of these blockades, and to put the assertion upon evidence. It is a fair inference that this was one of the questions upon which Messrs. Slidell and Mason were sent to Europe. But there is another statement in our present American intelligence which threatens to put the blockade question in a lighf which may change the civil war into a great and world-wide struggle. Nothing can interest us now unless it relates to the one question — Will Messrs. Mason and Slidell be given up? Everything that bears on this will be greedily read by the British public; everything that tends to show the temper of the Americans, or to give
Humbling John Bull. --The redoubtable Yankee nation have just succeeded in "humbling John Bull" Three weeks ago they said he needed "humbling," and they were the boys to do it. They declared that if he said one word about Mason and Slidell they would instantly steal nine hundred millions worth of his property which they alleged was in their possession; that they would send out six thousand privateers to rob him of everything he had on the ocean; that they could raise a million of men in the Northeast and North, who would kidnap Canada, where they alleged there was also a strong Union party, in three weeks. Having thus victoriously humbled John Bull on paper, they wound up by humbling themselves in reality, and licking the very dust from his feet in their abject degradation and terror. Did ever a braggart before so thoroughly kick himself out of the respect of all mankind? The national mouthpiece, the Herald, and other organs of public opinion, hold out the ferocious menace th
e steamer. This gentleman is a citizen of Charleston, Va., and was taken prisoner by Col. Geary's forces, at Harper's Ferry, on the 16th of October. He has been imprisoned for two months past at Fort Warren, and is now exchanged for the Rev. J. F. Mines, a Federal person, captured in the battle of July 21st. Mr. North informs us that while there is no apparent relaxation of the war feeling in the United States, there is quite a diversity of sentiment in regard to the surrender of Mason and Slidell, as well as in regard to the negro policy advocated by Secretary Cameron. The general opinion is, however, that the Lincoln administration will yield to any demand which England may make, rather than become involved in a war with that power. Capt. Ricketts, of the Federal army, who was released and sent North, not long since, was received with a public demonstration at his place of residence, Elizabethtown, N. J. The prisoners at Fort Warren are as comfortable as could be expected under t
Mr. Maynard, of Tenn., offered a resolution relative to the suffering population of Ireland; passed. The Mason-Slidell affair — nothing definite arrived at — extracts from the foreign press, &c. The latest Washington telegram, dated Dech inst., has an editorial criticising the remarks lately made by the Hon. John Bright on the arrest of Messrs. Mason and Slidell, in which it pronounces it a wishy-washy affair, and of no special importance either one side or the other. It conclude Water on Wednesday next, instead of remaining at Cowes, so that the two ships will be "within shot" of each other. Slidell's dispatches officially received. The Weucellists De Rouen, of December 5, asserts that Mr. Slidell's dispatches, whMr. Slidell's dispatches, which the New York journals pretend were seized on board the Trent, have been safely brought to Paris by his Secretary, Colonel Leinat, an American of French origin, and that they were delivered with the seals unbroken to M. Thouvenel
went to Hampton Roads. This morning at half-past 7 o'clock, she chased and opened fire upon the Federal steamer Express, towing the schooner Sherwood. The Express abandoned the schooner, which was taken by the Sea Bird and brought up to Norfolk, being pursued by nine gun-boats, which opened a heavy cannonade upon the Sea Bird. This continued two hours and a half. A number of shell fell at several points in the encampment at Craney Island, which also took part in the action. The Express was set on fire. One gun-boat was disabled. The artillery roared like heavy peals of thunder, jarring the windows, and was heard distinctly in Norfolk, many miles from the scene of action, Lieutenant Griffin's batteries took part. Several released prisoners arrived this afternoon under a flag of truce. The Baltimore papers, of yesterday, state that Mason and Slidell had been surrendered. No Northern papers came to hand, and the people here discredit the statement of their surrender.