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The Daily Dispatch: October 25, 1861., [Electronic resource] 20 2 Browse Search
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Lead in Arkansas. --The Fort Smith Times, of the 12th, has the following important announcement: A quartermaster's train arrived at Van Buren on the 10th, with 32,800 pounds of pig lead, from the Granby mines. We are informed by Major Clarke that all the lead needed by the Confederacy can be procured at these mines, Col. McIntosh has seized the mines, and is now working them, and Major Clarke's return trains bring it down at the rate of 75,000 pounds per month. From Van Buren this lead will be shipped to Capt. R. W. Hunt, ordnance officer, Memphis. If the river should remain unnavigable to this point, the lead will be hauled to Dardanelle in the trains that go to that point for army stores, and thence down the river in small boats. By this arrangement the Confederacy will be furnished with all the lead that will be required in their armies.
Movements of Creek Enemies. --The Fort Smith Times, of the 9th, announces that Hepothleholylo, one of the chief leaders of the old Creek party, was at the head of 1,700 men, near the Creek Agency, in arms against the South. They had ordered the Confederate flag to be taken down, which was reared by McIntosh's regiment, and the Stars and Stripes substituted in its place. Gen. McCulloch, to repel and crush this outbreak at once, had ordered 1,200 Cherokees, 500 Osages, 1000 Creeks, and a battalion of Col. Cooper's regiment, to march upon them at once. Maj. Clarke had been actively en ged for the previous two days fitting out the expedition. Col. Cooper will assume command of the forces.
They seem unsparing in their acts of villainy. The colored firemen, of Montgomery, Ala., recently gave a ball for the benefit of the volunteers from that city, the proceeds of which amounted to one hundred and fifty dollars. A man named Smith was brought before the Mayor of New Orleans on Thursday last, charged with being an Abolitionist. The charge was proven, and Mr. Smith was sent to the workhouse for six months. The funeral of Gen. Walter Jones took place in Washington city ed firemen, of Montgomery, Ala., recently gave a ball for the benefit of the volunteers from that city, the proceeds of which amounted to one hundred and fifty dollars. A man named Smith was brought before the Mayor of New Orleans on Thursday last, charged with being an Abolitionist. The charge was proven, and Mr. Smith was sent to the workhouse for six months. The funeral of Gen. Walter Jones took place in Washington city on the 16th, from the residence of Mr. Miller, on F street.
act, and in conformity with his orders our military movements are strictly regulated.--So that, whether it was good policy to enter Maryland or not, it is the President, and not the Generals, upon whom the responsibility of action or non-action rests. We don't believe that any service in the world has more accomplished military men than are at the head of the Southern armies. Gen. A. Johnston, of Kentucky, Gen. Johnston, Commander in Chief of the Army of the Potomac, Gen. Beauregard, Gen. Smith, Gen. Lee, Gen. Magruder, --we know not where to stop,--form a host of military worthies that would adorn any service in any age. We conceive that they have every motive to accomplish everything within their power which can operate upon the most unsparing of their critics, and probably understand their business as well. And this is equally true of the President. Undoubtedly, if any one individual in this Government has more interest than any other in the success of our arms, it is the Ch
he war of 1812 (says the Suffolk Su) large numbers of the soldiers stationed at Norfolk died, and ever since sickness and death have been associated with Norfolk in the minds of many persons in the up-country. But we think facts will show that there have been many more deaths among the soldiers about Manassas and on the Potomac and the Northwest than about Norfolk. Many of the regiments about Norfolk have only lost two or three. In the regiments stationed at Suffolk and in the vicinity of Smith field, but few comparatively have died. Thus figures show that the idea of this being an unhealthy section of country is not well founded. No better time or opportunity than the present for showing that the impression entertained in many parts of the country about the sickness of this part of Eastern Virginia, is entirely erroneous. It is true there has been malignant tropical fever here in past years; but the same cause that produced it here would render it equally as prevalent and f
n to establish a camp of instruction in this city for his new arm in the service, and to collect all the sharp-shooters he can during the next ninety days; in fact, full power to accept companies and regiments who, on examination, may be found to be equal to the requirements which the Colonel has adopted. Visit of Gen. M'Clellan to Vienna, Va. Washington, Oct, 18. --The most important item from the other side of the Potomac is that Gen. McClellan yesterday, accompanied by Gens., Smith, McCell, and Hancock, and a strong escort of regular cavalry, proceeded to Vienna, which is five miles west of Lewinsville, and remained there several hours. Judicial appointment. Washington, Oct. 18. --Bland Bollard has been appointed United States District Judge for Kentucky, in place of Judge Denvos, who has joined the rebels. All Quiet on the Upper Potomac. Washington, Oct. 18. --An official dispatch, received this morning from Darnestown, represents all quiet
The Daily Dispatch: October 25, 1861., [Electronic resource], The Northern Programme for coast invasion. (search)
push on energetically and force the rebels to fight or retreat. It is reported that Gen. Price has made a stand in Cedar county, 25 miles from Osceola, with a force of 20,000 men. Gen. Price going to show fight. Camp McKinsty, Near Syracuse, Oct. 17. --Gen. Fremont has sent a dispatch here stating that he has reason to believe that General Sterling Price has retraced, or will retrace, his steps to the Osage river, and there make a stand, and give our forces battle. Adjutant General Smith informs me that he has raised over 10,000 men for the Missouri State militia, and thinks he will be enabled in due season to obtain the remainder of the 42,000. A large supply of transportation is now on its way here from St. Louis. Gen. Seigel's advance. Headquarters of the Advance of the Federal Army at Warsaw, on the Osage river, Mo., Oct. 16. --We are here with parts of General Seigel and Asboth's divisions. Gen. Seigel's advance is already across the Osage river.
beckon call are put upon her track, so afraid is he that she is about leaving in disgust that loathsome region where tyranny rules the hour, for a more congenial clime of happiness and freedom, such as the South affords. Last evening Mrs. Parmella Smith and three daughters, two of them grown, were arrested at the boarding-house of Mrs. Waters, Calvert street, near Lexington, and their effects searched by the Provost's police. Mrs. Smith has recently left Washington, where she kept a boarMrs. Smith has recently left Washington, where she kept a boarding-house, and was en route for Richmond, Va. The whole family were released, nothing contraband or of a treasonable nature being found among their effects. Arrest of alleged deserters. Desertions from the Federal army are becoming quite frequent, and it has been asserted by one of our Yankee contemporaries that more desert from their ranks than voluntarily join them. The following, from the Baltimore Sun, of the 19th, is but one of the many instances which occur in that oppressed cit
he enemy does not land on the coast, and makes the attempt to take New Orleans, I will go if I can get there if I have to go by myself. I do think it high time for us to begin to look out and prepare for the coming conflict. Respectfully yours, &c., John Huddleston. Weather and river at little Rock. The Little Rock (Ark.) State Gazette,of the 12th inst., says: The river is still falling slowly with twenty-two inches water below, and fourteen inches scant above. The Fort Smith papers of Friday and Saturday state that heavy rains had fallen there, and we may possibly have a rise in the river. The weather is clear and cool, and a heavy frost having fallen yesterday morning, fires look cheerful, and woolen clothing is in demand. Contributions to the armies of Gens. Hardee and Thompson. The Natchez Courier, of Saturday, says: We learn that the amount of goods which will be shipped from this place in charge of Mr. O. Kibble, for the forces under Je