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Col. John M. Harrell, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 10.2, Arkansas (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 133 5 Browse Search
Col. John C. Moore, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 9.2, Missouri (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 99 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 98 2 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3. 93 3 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4. 78 2 Browse Search
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington 67 1 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3. 55 7 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2. 39 1 Browse Search
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman . 33 5 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 31 3 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Frederick Steele or search for Frederick Steele in all documents.

Your search returned 50 results in 7 document sections:

Gulf. Despatching orders to the divisions of Steele and Tuttle at once to march for Grand Gulf, viio there in possession. I at once ordered General Steele to lead his whole division into Jackson by completed the work of destruction ordered. Steele's division marched at ten A. M., and Tuttle's to the front, Tuttle's in support, and ordered Steele's to follow a blind road to the right till he of the road, Tuttle's in support, and left General Steele to make his attack at a point in his front. He detailed General Mower's, and whilst General Steele was hotly engaged on the right, and I coule we were so hotly engaged along the road, General Steele, with his division, made his assault at a stinct poins, one in Blair's, and the other in Steele's front. Our position is now high, healthy, aeries, having descended the bend to assist General Steele's advance. The principal weapons of offenthe post of honor, the division of Major-General Frederick Steele; next him General Thayer's divisio[7 more...]
setts, (negro,) whom copperhead officers would have called cowardly if they had stormed and carried the gates of hell, went boldly into battle, for the second time, commanded by their brave Colonel, but came out of it led by no higher officer than the boy, Lieutenant Higginson. The First brigade, under the lead of General Strong, failed to take the Fort. It was now the turn of Colonel Putnam, commanding the Second brigade, composed of the Seventh New-Hampshire, the Sixty-second Ohio, Colonel Steele, the Sixty-seventh Ohio, Colonel Vorhees, and the One Hundredth New-York, Colonel Dandy, to make the attempt. But alas! the task was too much for him. Through the same terrible fire he led his men to, over, and into the Fort, and for an hour held one half of it, fighting every moment of that time with the utmost desperation, and, as with the First brigade, it was not until he himself fell killed, and nearly all his officers wounded, and no reenforcements arriving, that his men fell bac
t, and is now but a mere wreck. It never was a first-class building, and the loss cannot be very great. The Insane Asylum was within our lines from the first, and has been under the protection of a guard detailed by General Parks. The only injury it sustained was from a thirty-two pound solid shot from the enemy's guns, which passed through it. An insane woman was slightly wounded by a splinter, but otherwise no injury was inflicted upon the inmates. Colonel Wood, of Thayer's division, Steele's army corps, with a brigade of infantry, left for Canton last evening. They will destroy the railroad in that neighborhood, and also the large railroad machine-shops at that place. It has been determined upon to destroy all the railroads within our reach, inflicting damages of such a permanent character that they will never be rebuilt, except after a return of peace. Work will be commenced upon the roads here to-morrow, and the hurried injuries of the previous occupation will become perm
September 13. This city was captured by General Steele's forces on the evening of the tenth, and les above Little Rock, had become known to General Steele, and on the evening of September second he with the Brownsville road. Accordingly General Steele placed his whole column in motion on the mmination of the ford led Generals Davidson and Steele to hesitate about trusting their batteries in rn Price's position, opened a new field to General Steele, of which he at once determined to take adlow up the south bank of the stream, while General Steele, with the infantry and the remaining batteency. There may be those who cannot see why Steele, instead of moving to an assault of the rebel he instinct of self-preservation demanded that Steele should at least offer battle, and quickly, andhen it should be carried into execution. Generals Steele and Davidson reconnoitred the ground in pssed at a few hundred yards above the bridge. Steele was already upon the move, and Davidson, pushi[8 more...]
Doc. 138.-Colonel Bussy's expedition. Jackson, Miss., July 20, 1863. On the sixteenth instant, Colonel Bussy, Chief of Cavalry of General Sherman's army, with one thousand of his cavalry, and Wood's brigade of Steele's division, started for Canton, Miss. It was known that Jackson's cavalry division, numbering about four thousand men, had crossed the river, and was supposed to be in the neighborhood of Canton. Our forces reached Grant's Mill, ten miles north of Jackson, at nine o'stances the wearing apparel of the family has been much of it left behind. Stock, crops, and every comfort of home has been sacrificed. The wife and family are made to suffer all these privations for the bare chance of saving the nigger. General Steele has not yet returned from the pursuit of the enemy. Our whole army will, no doubt, return to Vicksburgh immediately on his return. This army has been eighty days in constant fighting with some portion of its force. It has achieved the most
Doc. 145.-capture of little Rock, Arkansas. General Steele's official report. See Doc. 124, page 417 ante. headquarters army of ation. Very respectfully, General, Your obedient servant, Fred. Steele, Major-General Major-General J. M. Schofield, Commanding Departay of the capture of Little Rock. The plan agreed upon by Major-General Steele, the preceding day, was, that he, with the whole infantry fong the bank of the river, to mark the progress of my advance to General Steele. The fire of his batteries from the opposite bank, progressivehemselves threatened in rear, evacuated their works in front of General Steele, and I did not know but that at any moment their whole force would be thrown upon me. I received a message from General Steele, in the event of such contingency, to withdraw my horses from below the bluff stores remained in it, was repossessed. Later in the evening General Steele, whose forces had entered the works on the opposite side, came
than fell into the possession of Marmaduke during his raid. Very respectfully, Major, Your obedient servant, Frederick Steele, Major-General Commanding. Major O. D. Green, A. A. G., Department of the Missouri. headquarters post of Pine Blufaise therefor. I am, General, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, Powell Clayton, Colonel Commanding. Major-General Steele, Commanding Army of Arkansas. Congratulatory order of General Steele. headquarters army of Arkansas, littGeneral Steele. headquarters army of Arkansas, little Rock, Ark., Nov. 7, 1863. General orders, no. 41: It is fit that the conduct of troops on the battle-field, especially gallant and heroic, should be publicly approbated by the commanding officer, and officially published for the emulation ofceive, the applause of their Government and the loyal people — the highest ambition of the true soldier. By order of F. Steele, Major-General. F. H. Manter, Colonel and Chief of Staff. Chicago Tribune account. Pine Bluff, Arkansas, Oct