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y, resulting in the choice of A. R. Holliday for the Board of Public Works, Hon. John Robertson as Senator, and Messrs. Wyndham Robertson, Thomas H. Wynne and John O. Steger, as members of the House.-- The vote in all the wards was nearly unanimous for secession, and the amendment to the Constitution (taxing negroes under 12 yearsolladay, 1051; T. L. Broun, 5; J. R. Anderson, 890.--Senate — John Robertson, 800; J. R. Anderson, 178; scattering, 70. House of Delegates--A. A. Morson, 183; John O. Steger, 358; Thos. H. Wynne, 661; N. B, Hill, 769; D. J. Saunders, 459; Wyndham Robertson, 688; scattering, 109. For amendment to Constitution, 946; against, 44. Fhe Constitution on the tax question, 1,194; against it, 34. Senate.--Judge John Robertson, 1,047; Jos. R. Anderson, 243. House of Delegates--Wyndham Robertson, 1,069; John O. Steger, 895; A. A. Morson, 718; Thomas H. Wynne, 655; D. J. Saunders. 284; N. B. Hill, 287; Gustavus A. Myers, 24; Robert F. Morriss, 24; scattering, 44.