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hursday last in this city: A. R. Holladay, candidate for Board of Public Works, received 3,392 votes. John Robertson, for the Senate, received 2,629 votes, and was elected. For the House of Delegates--Wyndham Robertson received 2,530 votes, John O. Steger 1,796, and Thos. H. Wynne 1,777, and were elected. On the question of an amendment to the State Constitution, taxing slaves under 12 years of age, 3,141 votes were cast in favor of it, and 124 against it. Four votes were cast in the cityast in the city against the Ordinance of Secession. We append the vote of Monroe Ward, omitted yesterday: Monroe Ward. Close of polls--Board of Public Works--A. R. Holladay, 1,063; T. L. Broun, 2. For Senator — John Robertson, 781; Joseph R. Anderson, 263; scattering, 39. For House of Delegates--Wyndham Robertson, 793; D. J Saunders, 588; John O. Steger, 543; A. A. Morson, 319; T. H. Wynne, 461; N. B. Hill, 260; R. F. Morriss, 189; scattering, 76. For amendment, 1001; against, 46.