Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 1, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for John O. Steger or search for John O. Steger in all documents.

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nd City post-office, March 30th, 1865, Jas. M. Wayt being called to the chair and A. H. Cleveland appointed secretary, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted: 1. "Resolved, That in the resignation of our worthy Postmaster, John O. Steger, Esq, the Post-office Department has lost the services of a most faithful and conscientious officer. 2. "That while his continuation in office would have been highly gratifying to us, we trust that his resignation will be conducive to his, who require months of experience before they can be efficient, are some of these difficulties. 5. "That we believe that no means within his control have been spared to overcome these difficulties and to meet the demands of the public. 6. "That in his separation from us we take pleasure in recording our best wishes for his future happiness and prosperity. 7. "That a copy of these proceedings be sent to Mr. Steger, and also to the Richmond papers with request to publish the same.