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General Grant vs. Sumner and Stevens. The attitude in which the parties whose names stand at the head of this article present themselves before the world on the important question now agitating the country is eminently proper, as well as highly instructive. General Grant is the most successful warrior of the age. He has just in war. Of undisputed courage, tried on a hundred fields, it follows as a natural consequence that he should be merciful and magnanimous. On the other hand, Stevens and Sumner have never smelt gunpowder. They have never known what it was to conquer, or even to confront an enemy where gunpowder was to be burned. On the contr be not much better. Now, we do not mean to assert that the timid are always cruel, but we do assert that they are much oftener cruel than the brave. Sumner and Stevens are the very men, of all others, to urge a continuance of bloodshed; Grant is the very man to urge a course of peace and reconciliation. Besides, as we have said
onal railroad from Washington to New York. Quoting the bill in regard to railroads, which we published yesterday as having passed the House of Representatives, the Washington Chronicle remarks: "Great satisfaction and discussion have been excited by this passage, and some persons have conceived it was intended to have a special reference to one or two particular railroads, whereas it was simply an enunciation of a clear and general policy of vast importance. It is believed that Mr. Stevens will introduce a bill for a direct line between Washington and New York — so direct and level as to avoid every local interest of any diversion from its main course to help any other road. That it will cross leading railroads on the route it must traverse; is to be expected; but that it will be so surveyed as to look to the promotion of any particular interest will simply be to discard the object the President had in view and to forget the public interests. It will probably cross the Su
ratory of the amendment to the Constitution in abolition of slavery, has, at this crisis, an additional significance, as being an affirmation on the part of the Federal Administration of the existence of the Southern States, as States, within the Union. In that respect, it was a harbinger of the President's message to the Senate. The proclamation and the message are bombshells in the Radical camp. They define the President's policy of reconstruction beyond any chance of misconception. Mr. Stevens and his faction have been outmanœuvred, and a breach has been accomplished between the Executive and the Radicals through which the Southern States can pass on to their legitimate position in the political household. Mr. Johnson is now positively committed to the enforcement of the right of the South to Congressional representation, and the Select Committee of Fifteen might as well send in their report at once, and ask to be discharged from the consideration of a foregone conclusion.--Ne
sion into this House of a delegate from this District, with the powers and privileges similar to those of delegates from the organized territories. Mr. Finck, of Ohio, (Democrat,) made a speech against the radicals and denying the theory of Stevens, that the Southern States were conquered territories, and therefore must submit to the requirements of the conqueror. He contended that the object being attained for which the war was prosecuted, namely, to secure obedience to the laws in the Southern States, and especially after the evidences of their loyalty, they were entitled to representation. Mr. Raymond, of New York, (Republican,) took issue with Mr. Stevens, denying that the South was to be considered as having been a belligerent Power, and that the States had placed themselves beyond the pale of the Union. It is true that the ordinance of secession contemplated a severance from the other States, but the Southern arms having been defeated in the field, these ordinances,
Associated press Dispatches. The French in Mexico — The Air-line Ren Between Washington and New York--Secretary McCulloch Bound for New York. Washington, December 21.--The Government has received nothing official from the French Emperor indicating the withdrawal of the French troops from Mexico. The French Minister has indicated that such is the Emperor's intention. Maximilian has already arranged to supply their places with Austrian troops. It seems to be the settled determination of Congress to pass a bill for an air-line road between Washington and New York. A bill for this purpose is now in the hands of Thaddeus Stevens. Secretary McCulloch left this city to-day for New York. It is said he wants more money.