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The Daily Dispatch: December 2, 1861., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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ciation — election of officers — trial and Acquittal of Gamble, s, &c. [special correspondence of the Dispatch.] Norfolk Nov. 28, 1861. That old and useful society, the Norfolk Humane Association, held its annual meeting last evening in the City Hall. Rev. E. M. Rodman was called to the chair. After the reading of several reports, Kader Biggs was elected President, Charles Reid, vice-President, and O. Windsor, Secretary, for the ensuing twelve months. Messengers: William P. Stewart, Kader Biggs, M. P. Robertson, J. Umsladter, E. P. Tabb. J. B. Whitehead, Ethan Allen, E. F. Anderson, John H. Rowland, Charles Reid, Ell Cuturel, and Dr. G. W. Cowdery. Visitors and Solicitors were then appointed for the various wards. This association has been very useful for many years in furnishing the poor with wood and other articles of necessity. A vast amount of suffering has been prevented, and great relief afforded to those most requiring it; and its operations wil