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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: May 12, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Allen Y. Stokes or search for Allen Y. Stokes in all documents.
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Meeting of the city Council
--Resolutions Regarding the Death of Gen Jackson.--A meeting of the Council was old at 11 o'clock yesterday in the City Hall.
Present D J. Saunders, Richard F Walker.
David J. Bure, Samuel D. D. noon Richard O. McReed, Larkin W. Glazebrook, E. A. J. Cropton. Gen. K. Crutonfield, Wm. Holt Richardson, George W. Randolph, Nath, B. Hill, Fendals 4-riffle, Allen Y. Stokes, James A. Scott, and Thomas C. Epps.
The President announced the melancholy tidings of the death of the lamented Lieut. Gen. Thomas J. Jackson, spoke briefly of the invaluable services rendered to the Confederacy by the departed hero, and the duty of the Council, in view of the and event which caused his death, to pass suitable resolutions of respect to his memory.
Gen. Randolph said it was usual, on similar occasions, to appoint a committee to draft suitable resolutions, and he would move that one be appointed, to consist of three or five members, as might seem best.