Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 14, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Allen Y. Stokes or search for Allen Y. Stokes in all documents.

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t throughout the city and throughout the whole country to aid us in our work of humanity. We shall need a large amount of money, or its equivalent in fuel, clothing, and provisions, to meet the demands of the case.--We feel confident that it will be the pleasure of a generous public to respond liberally to our appeal. Remittances can be made by mail to any one of the undersigned, directed to Richmond. The receipt will be acknowledged by letter, and the amount will be paid over to Allen Y. Stokes, the Treasurer of the Association, for disbursement by the Board of Managers. Every dollar intrusted to our care will be discriminatingly applied to the most necessitous and deserving objects claiming our attention. Persons living near the various lines of railroad leading to the city might give us wood, and, in some instances, provisions in the way of meal, flour, peas, and the like, which we trust the roads will transport free of charge. Those who reside in the city can hand in the