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ant-colonel; Smith, Thomas, major, lieutenant-colonel, colonel. Thirty-seventh Cavalry battalion: Claiborne, James R., major; Dunn, Ambrose C., lieutenant-colonel. Thirty-seventh Infantry regiment: Carson, Robert P., lieutenant-colonel; Fulkerson, Samuel V., colonel; Terry, John F., lieutenant-colonel; Williams, Titus V., major, colonel; Wood, Henry C., major. Thirty-seventh Militia regiment: Coles, Thomas R., major; Downing, Joseph, major; Littrell, Leroy N., lieutenant-colonel; Straughan, Samuel L., colonel. Thirty-eighth Artillery battalion: Blount, Joseph G., major; Dearing, James, major; Read, John P. W., major; Stribling, Robert M., major. Thirty-eighth Infantry regiment: Cabell, Joseph R., major, lieutenant-colonel, colonel; Carrington, Isaac H., major; Edmonds, Edward C., colonel; Griggs, George K., major, lieutenant-colonel, colonel; Lee, Henderson L., major; Martin, George A., lieutenant-colonel; Whittle, Powhatan Boiling, lieutenant-colonel. Thirty-ninth
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), History of Crenshaw Battery, (search)
, private, March 14, 1862; served until surrender. Seeley, R. S., private, March 14, 1862; badly wounded in face at Spotsylvania; served until surrender. Smith, C. D., private, March 14, 1862; served until badly wounded March 25, 1865. Straughan, J. L., private, March 14, 1862. Smith, W. W., private and corporal, March 14, 1862; served until surrender. Seaton, M. V., private, March 14, 1862. Self, Job, private, November 16, 1863. Sizer, J. Irving, private, April 29, 1864. 17, 1864. Sharp, Samuel, private, March 14, 1862; deserted and joined Yankee cavalry; came into Richmond with them at its evacuation. Strother, Sidney, sergeant, March 14, 1862; died June 28, 1862, from wounds received at Gaines' Mill. Straughan, J. J., private, December 11, 1862. Thomas, J. J., first sergeant and corporal, March 14, 1862; badly wounded at Spotsylvania C. H.; served until surrender. Thomasson, William, private, March 14, 1862; died August 9, 1863. Tankersly, C
Federal Disagreements. --The Baltimore Exchange, of Monday last, says: The boat from Old Point yesterday morning brought up as passengers, Commodore Straughan and Lieutenant Waters, of the Minnesota, and Col. Townsend, of the New York Albany Regiment, and several officers of the regular army. Quite an animated discussion took place on the trip, between Colonel Townsend and the officers of the regular army, in regard to the battle of Bethel. Col. Townsend defended his action, by remarking that he only quitted the field, when ordered to do so by his superior officer, and when twenty of his command lay dead. The regulars take every opportunity to upbraid the volunteers for the disaster.
slight John W Houchens, arm, badly; Marion Pearce, head and shoulder; Charles Lightbaker, shoulder; A C Wingfield, hand; M W Wingfield, wrist and arm. Company B.--Sergt Wm Mullen, shoulder, badly; Privates Lucien Cox, arm; A Duun, do; M D Johnson, do; G Y Shepherd, very slight; Palmer Hamner, missing. Company C.--Sergt Charles Evans, wounded in arm. Company D.--Corpl W. H. Ferguson, allie, Privates J C Anderson, body; Wm A Crank, do; B N Drambeller, do; W D Harris, mortally; S H Straughan, arm; James A Sutherland, leg; Ausin Woody, hip; H H Hughes, hip and arm; L Walker, foot and arm. Company E.--Corpl R P Ferguson, mouth, badly; Privates D H Byers, arm, do; G Eastin, arm, slight; J Y Flynt, hand and arm; J W Leake, bowels, seriously; R B Wood, thigh broken by ball. Company F.--Corpl Daniel Murphy, shoulder; Privates John Spruce, do; James Taylor, hand; George Madison, missing. Company G.--Wounded — Private H T Stratton, in thigh; Wm Harlow in thigh; H E Ponton,
The Daily Dispatch: August 8, 1862., [Electronic resource], Stuart cavalry Again in the enemy rear. (search)
Police Court,August 7th --Recorder Caskie presiding.--The following parties were fined for huckstering, viz: Rosser Goheen, $5; David Russell, $5; Francis Wingo, $10; Wilson, slave of R. C. Nicholas, was ordered ten lashes and his stock intrude directed to be confiscated.--V. Gerard was fined $5 for peddling.--The following parties were fined $5 each for violating the health ordinance: Frederick Hambacker, Lucy Smith, Marg't Ann Smith, Henry Freeman, Francis Parsons and Polly Scott.--Henry, slave of Jackson. Straughan, got 39 lashes for an assault on a lad named C. S. Tadd.--Mary A. Thomas, a Petersburg free negro, employed at the 3d Georgia hospital, was sent to jail for being in the city without a register.--Daniel Keys, arraigned for stealing $250 from Joseph Sinton, was acquitted.
amsburg — A resolution that the Committee of Grievances inquire into the expediency of removing all the negroes now located in the counties of Williamsburg and York, Warwick and Elizabeth city, that did not live there before the war, back to the cities and counties of the State where they belonged originally. Agreed to. By Mr. Holmes, of Southampton — A resolution of inquiry in relation to an order by the Legislature for a re-assessment of the land of the State. Agreed to. By Mr. Straughan, of Northumberland — A resolution calling on the Auditor of Public Accounts for a tabular statement of the taxes of the State for 1860 in real estate, slaves, &c., and a similar statement showing the amount of taxes assessed and collected in the several counties and towns now constituting West Virginia. Agreed to. Mr. Watkins, of Prince Edward, offered a resolution that, the Senate concurring, the General Assembly will proceed to elect a Secretary of the Commonwealth, a First Audit<
ng, by law, such rules in regard to the scaling of debts contracted when Confederate States Treasury notes constituted the currency of the country as will secure uniformity of decision. On motion, the Senate adjourned. House of Delegates. The House met at 12 o'clock M. The Chair announced the following as the select joint committees on oysters, freedmen and emigration, in pursuance of Senate joint resolution: Committee on Oysters.--Messrs. Seawell, Garnett, Braxton, Straughan, Purdy, Smith, Bekem, Thompson, J. S. Davison, Towns, Wyatt and Lee. Committee on Emigration.--Messrs. Herndon, Cabell, Waddell, Owen and Stearns. Committee to Confer with the Superintendent of the Freedmen's Bureau. --Messrs. Atkinson, English, Brown, Mosby, Rixey, Holmes, Harris, Graves, J. McD. Taylor and Hardy. Mr. Wall, from the Committee on Privileges and Elections, reported as follows: Resolved. That J. H. C. Jones is entitled to a seat on the floor of the House
The Daily Dispatch: December 16, 1865., [Electronic resource], A Washington Judge and a Lawyer at Loggerheads. (search)
ing, to be adopted as a joint rule: "There shall be a Joint Committee on Printing, composed of three members of the Senate and five members of the House, whose duty it shall be to make contracts for the printing of the two Houses of the General Assembly, and to supervise the proper execution thereof, and of all printing done for the State." Laid over under the rules. Mr. Lee introduced a bill to authorize the Richmond and York River Railroad Company to borrow money. Mr. Straughan moved to take from the table his resolution that a committee of seven be appointed to take into consideration the propriety of calling a convention, to alter and reenact the Constitution of the State. Mr. Grattan hoped it would not be the pleasure of the House to take up the resolution. The House refused to take up the resolution. Senate bill providing that the principal office of the National Express Company shall be established in Richmond, unless moved to some other poi