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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 37. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Stuart's cavalry in the Gettysburg campaign. (search)
ing the movements of the enemy. Some of General Stuart's defenders have claimed that he simply exso much injustice as well to himself as to General Stuart. In a note on page 203, Col. Mosby sayoin him with three brigades of cavalry—or that Stuart had authority to cross the Potomac in Hooker'spages 179 and 180), he could not have expected Stuart to communicate with him while he was executingdenial of what General Lee says he expected of Stuart, and is justified only by Mosby's assumption tGeneral Lee after receiving two notes from General Stuart, which; no doubt stated in reply to his le. And on page 173: The selection (by Stuart), of the route through Hooker's army was basedit put the Federal army in motion and delayed Stuart's crossing of the Potomac; and if that made th masking his own side and unmasking the other— Stuart never had an equal. General Lee knew this at very reason felt more keenly the absence of Stuart and his cavalry when they were most needed in [84 more...]<
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 37. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Major Andrew Reid Venable, Jr. [from Richmond, Va., Times-Dispatch.] (search)
prisoner in the enemy's country—and Lieutenant J. E. B. Stuart, U. S. A., who, though but twenty-tw Louis days, but the recognition was instant. Stuart, who had sent off every staff officer with urg shall ask that for your services to-day, said Stuart, you be assigned my staff. For Stuart to asStuart to ask (after his own brilliant work), was to have, and so Venable, within a few days, was assigned to th that splendid body of horse, whose deeds gave Stuart his imperishable renown. It was an open sec as the Bristoe Campaign. The duty assigned Stuart was to guard Lee's right and screen the movemee's services during the winter of ‘63-64, when Stuart, despite his being compelled to scatter his coossed the Rapidan on May 4th, and on May 5th. Stuart in person conducted Lee's advance (A. P. Hill' reading the telegram constitute, to our mind, Stuart's noblest epitaph and should have been graved ly greatly moved), we have very bad news. General Stuart has been mortally wounded. He paused for [17 more...]<
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 37. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Review of the Gettysburg campaign. (search)
ew was endorsed by General Longstreet, to whom Stuart was reporting immediately before the passage oelled by General Stuart with the cavalry. General Stuart, last night, was within a few miles of Aldgn had now reached a stage when the part which Stuart was to play was second only in importance to tfices on your left, &c. * * * The letter to Stuart, written the same day, is as follows: Genere suggestions made by Longstreet, fell in with Stuart's temper, and he proceeded to act upon them, n any other: That he reported their location to Stuart, and that it would be an easy matter for a coling of the 24th, who was to forward it to Lee. Stuart and Mosby then arranged that the latter shouldunite with a distant and independent force. Stuart's movement began during the night of the 24th,rcome with physical fatigue and sleepiness. Stuart, however, did not forfeit the confidence of Leation referred to by Mosby, as given by him to Stuart, if forwarded by the latter, must have been in[80 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 37. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General Armistead's portrait presented. (search)
onvictions, upheld on every field the honor of Virginia, and added yet another leaf to the chaplet of glory which shall forever encircle her queenly head. He comes to take his place in this Hall of Fame with the heroes of our heroic age, who leaped to arms forty-eight years ago, at the call of Virginia, and followed even unto death that starry cross which was to them the very symbol of duty and of self-sacrifice. He comes to take his rightful place with Ashby and Pelham and Jackson, with Stuart and Pegram and A. P. Hill. They welcome him, this noble band, they hail him as a kindred spirit, as a comrade true. Our peerless Lee, we may well believe, looks with approval on this scene. Long may that portrait hang upon these walls. May ot show to all the world what men they were who followed once the banner of Lee. And if ever again the youth of Virginia are called to contend on the field of battle for her honor and her rights, may one glance at that noble face nerve their hearts w
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 37. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Colonel James Gregory Hodges. (search)
ll the annals of history for steadiness of march, unwavering courage, and for the patriotic, calm determination to do all that was possible to be done to win victory at any sacrifice of life. All know the awful fatality among the officers and men of the division. Of its generals, Garnett was killed, Armistead fatally wounded, and Kemper desperately wounded. Of its colonels of regiments six were killed outright on the field: Hodges, Edmonds, Magruder, Williams, Patton, Allen, and Owens and Stuart were mortally wounded. Three lieutenant-colonels were killed: Calcott, Wade and Ellis. Five colonels, Hunton, Terry, Garnett, Mayo and Aylett were wounded, and four lieutenant-colonels, commanding regiments, Carrington, Otey, Richardson and Martin, were wounded. Of the whole complement of field officers in fifteen regiments one only, Lieut. Col. Joseph C. Cabell, escaped unhurt. Of the field officers of the Fourteenth Virginia, Col. Hodges, Maj. Poore and Adjutant John S. Jenkins were ki
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 37. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General J. E. B. Stuart in the Gettysburg campaign. (search)
of Cavalry. (P. 89.) Again, Lee had informed Stuart that he would find Ewell on the Susquehanna. ehanna, as Colonel Mosby states the case. General Stuart also tells us that General Lee directed meConfederacy, (1905), he says, referring to General Stuart's raid: By the light of what happened, It must also be acknowledged, I think, that Stuart erred in judgment again in the course he took 9. There can be no doubt that the march of Stuart's horsemen was seriously impeded by the capturell. It cannot be supposed that when Lee gave Stuart his instructions on June 22nd, he had any idea Now General Lee's Report does reflect on General Stuart, so far as to intimate surprise that he di, and when he states in his report the fact of Stuart's absence, and the embarrassment it caused himartisan Colonel whether or not the presence of Stuart and his horsemen would have been of great servve quoted on a previous page a passage from Gen. Stuart's report of his operations, in which he sta[74 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 37. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Heth intended to cover his error. (search)
Mosby gives his version of New chapter in Lee-Stuart controversy. By Colonel John S. Mosby. The nufactured in Richmond. I refer in my book, Stuart's Cavalry in the Gettysburg Campaign, to Heth'uring Lee for being absent from the field than Stuart. It is impossible to believe that General Ler professed the ignorance of the movements of Stuart that Heth, Long, and his staff-officers have aw that his and Longstreet's orders would carry Stuart for a while into a state of eclipse; around thay. It was all the same to Lee at what ford Stuart crossed the Potomac. Heth's letter was writf Paris. It is the origin of his criticism of Stuart in his History of the War. As for cavalry ter of the cavalry and criticizes General Lee. Stuart was away by Lee's orders. If anybody was to b absence of the cavalry it was General Lee. Stuart could have done no more. All that Stuart coStuart could have done if he had been there would have been to tell Hill and Heth that if they went to Gettys[2 more...]