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er, C. E., I., 89, 107; VII., 4, 127, 157; VIII., 147. Chickahominy, Va.: I., 278, 284, 285, 286, 287, 296, 313, 314, 315, 316; bridges at, I., 320; lower bridge, I., 321; Woodbury's bridge, I., 321, 330; III., 82, 84, 90; place where Gen. Stuart crossed, IV., 85 seq., 224; bridge over, IV., 227. Chickahominy River: bridge at, V., 230, 310, 320; VIII., 158. Chickamauga, Ga.: I., 128, 132; a Confederate victory, II., 269-288; the bloodiest conflict in the West, II., 272-288; ell's corps, III., 61; lead, III., 63; photographs, III., 169-171; army on the verge of starvation, unsuccessful in obtaining supplies, III., 305, 309, 313; want versus Union abundance, applied to horses, IV., 107; cause, heavy blow to, by Gen. J. F. B. Stuart's death, May 12, 1864, IV., 109; damage caused by, IV., 118, 119; raids in the West, IV., 141 seq.; partisan bands, definition and usefulness of, IV., 168; partisan ranger, a famous character, regarded as a mythical figure by Union army of
here are no gunboats lying near; or there were none yesterday, all being occupied higher up the river, in the more immediate vicinity of McClellan's forces. Stuart's Cavalry. During the exciting scenes of the past week, the famous body of cavalry under command of Gen. J. F. B. Stuart have by no means been idle. They lefGen. J. F. B. Stuart have by no means been idle. They left Richmond on Wednesday, 25th, and were near Jackson's army at the time of proceeding across from Hanover county. Subsequently they visited the White House, where they found no enemy, but abundant evidences of his attempt at wholesale destruction before leaving the place. Gen. Lee's house was burnt, with other buildings, and an kirmishes with the enemy, and secured a number of prisoners, losing none themselves, and having no more than one or two wounded during their entire progress. General Stuart is now co-operating with the main body of our army, and fully prepared for a dash upon the Yankees whenever opportunity offers. The wounded. A train
Gen. Stuart's recent reconnaissance. [correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.] Camp of 10th Virginia Cavalry.Near Port Royal, Caroline co., Va., Jan. 3, '63. On Wednesday evening, the 24th the command of Gen. W. H. F. Lee, left this place to unite with the other commands under Gen. J. F. B. Stuart, to, as I presumed, reconnoitre the Yankee army. All seemed to be in excellent spirits iriving at Burk's Station, I am informed, we captured the telegraph operator and his battery. Gen. Stuart is said to have sent a dispatch to General Burnside, but I could not learn the purport of said to be heavily ambos with infantry, and they were sure of their game; but we, who know Gen. Stuart, felt that all would be right. We moved on slowly, taking roads that a Yankee would hardly t town called Middleburg, Confederate colors were to be seen everywhere. Cheers for Jeff, Davis, Stuart's cavalry, etc., were given by the young ladies with a hearty will. At Warrenton the same enthu
Flag of truce. --This morning Lieut. Virginius Bossieux will carry down 500 Yankees, to be placed on board the flag of truce boat, 124 of whom are sick and wounded. Among these are three citizens who have been placed on special parole; one of whom, named Bull, is particularly charged with the release of the son of Col. Larkin Smith, Ass't Q. M. General. N. C. Ball, alluded to above, was a sutler in the Abolition army, and was captured by Gen. Stuart in one of his raids. He exchanged himself for Mr. Sowers, of Clarke county, a constituent of Mr. Boteler, who returned yesterday. He carries with him his son, (and clerk,) captured at the same time, who has given his parole to return in thirty days, unless young Smith be released and permitted to return home. All of the Abolitionists who go to-day were captured at Fredericksburg. Sixty of them, on account of the want of room in the accommodation at 7 o'clock, will start in the mail train at 3, and be detained in Petersburg
ported to have been about twenty five wounded. Some cannonading was heard during the day, the cause of which has not been ascertained. The reports are that Grant proposes to make the White House, on the Pamunkey, his base, but the general impression is that a great battle will be fought before his preparations can be completed. It is reported that the two armies were drawn up in line of battle yesterday, and that Grant is entrenching. Since the death of that gallant cavalier, General J. F. B. Stuart, the cavalry in the Army of Northern Virginia has been apparously without a leader. We are gratified to learn that a dashing officer has been temporarily assigned to the command of these troops, who will doubtless lead them on to fresh deeds of glory. From General Johnston's Army. An official dispatch from General Joseph E Johnston confirms the account of General Cleburne's success on the 28th instant, given by the Associated Press correspondent, and published yesterday.
hmond. A correspondent of the New York Herald gives that paper a summary of Sheridan's raid around Richmond. On the 11th he captured Ashland station, destroyed here one locomotive and a train of cars, and engine-house, and two or three government building containing a large amount of stores; also destroyed six miles of railroad, embracing three culverts, two trestle bridges, and the telegraph wire. About 7 A. M. of the 14th, he resumed the march on Richmond. He found the rebel General Stuart with his cavalry concentrated at Yellow Tavern, immediately attacked him, and after an obstinate contest gained possession of the Brockeitown pike, capturing two pieces of artillery, and driving his forces back towards Ashland and across the north fork of the Chickahominy. At the same time a party charged down the Brook road, and captured the first line of the enemy's works around Richmond. During the night he marched the whole of his command between the first and second line of th