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represented this newspaper. Order was at length restored, and Mr. Pryor went on with his remarks, paying his Petersburg friends a handsome compliment at the outset. The Congressional review was then resumed, and from this he went on to refer to the efforts of Virginia to save the country by inaugurating the Peace Conference, the propositions resulting from which he emphatically repudiated. He complimented Messrs. Seddon and Tyler, and made allusions of a somewhat different nature to Summers and Rives. The "waiting" policy of Virginia was also descanted upon with sarcastic severity, and Lincoln's Inaugural address came in for a sharp criticism.--The "submissionists" of the Virginia Convention were rebuked by the speaker in scathing terms. He accused them of political intrigues, and said that after bargaining away the country they were gambling for the spoils. He denounced the suggestion of a border State Conference, and paid a glowing tribute to the Southern Confederacy, its
Union demonstration at Metropolitan Hall. A small hand-bill was circulated late yesterday evening, notifying the public of a meeting of the Union and Conservative men of Richmond, at 7 1/2 o'clock, at Metropolitan Hall. Addresses were promised from Messrs.Geo. W. Summers, John B. Baldwin, Timothy Rives, John M. Botts, and Geo. W. Brent.--Though no publication was made in the newspapers, the Hall was crowded, at the hour named, with a large and enthusiastic assemblage of respectable and staid citizens. The meeting was called to order by John H. Gilmer, Esq., who introduced to the meeting Maj. Jubal A. Early, Delegate to the Convention from Franklin county, who delivered a spirited and able address, replate with sentiments of devotion to "the Union, the Constitution and the laws," and opposition to secession and disunion. He was followed by Waitman P. Willey, Esq., of Montagalla county, George W. Berne, Esq., of Alexandria, and Marmaduke Johnson, Esq., of Richmond, all of w