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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 22, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Sumner or search for Sumner in all documents.
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The Daily Dispatch: December 22, 1865., [Electronic resource], General Assembly of Virginia . (search)
General Grant vs. Sumner and Stevens.
The attitude in which the parties whose names stand at the head of this article present themselves before the world on the important question now agitating the country is eminently proper, as well as highly elds, it follows as a natural consequence that he should be merciful and magnanimous.
On the other hand, Stevens and Sumner have never smelt gunpowder.
They have never known what it was to conquer, or even to confront an enemy where gunpowder w do not mean to assert that the timid are always cruel, but we do assert that they are much oftener cruel than the brave.
Sumner and Stevens are the very men, of all others, to urge a continuance of bloodshed; Grant is the very man to urge a course o r General Grant,) had any one treated General Grant in this manner, he would not, most certainly, have pursued the course Sumner has pursued.
If there was to be any vengeance, he would have avenged himself on the spot.
He would not have sneaked off
The Daily Dispatch: December 22, 1865., [Electronic resource], General Assembly of Virginia . (search)
Latest News by mail.
Mr. Sumner's Scrap-Book — Jeff. Davis's trial — bounties Equalized, &c.Correspondence of the Baltimore Sun. Washington, December 20.
--Congress was without special interest to-day.
In the Senate, Mr. Sumner delivered a speech of nearly two hours duration, made up principally of extracts from newspaper letters, private communications and other irresponsible matter, which he presented as a contradiction to General Grant's report on the condition of affairs in theMr. Sumner delivered a speech of nearly two hours duration, made up principally of extracts from newspaper letters, private communications and other irresponsible matter, which he presented as a contradiction to General Grant's report on the condition of affairs in the South!
Senator Cowan looked upon this "scrap-book" as the production of "anonymous scribblers and cotton thieves."
The Senate Judiciary Committee to-day perfected a system of legislation looking to the organization of the United States District Court at Richmond, and the prospective trial of Jeff. Davis.
The House Military Committee has agreed to report a bill to equalize soldiers' bounties, so as to give those who entered the army early in the war as much as those who entered it at
The Daily Dispatch: December 22, 1865., [Electronic resource], The last Confederate prisoner. (search)
The Daily Dispatch: December 22, 1865., [Electronic resource], Advertisements. (search)
The Daily Dispatch: December 22, 1865., [Electronic resource], General Assembly of Virginia . (search)