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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 1,632 0 Browse Search
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C. Edwards Lester, Life and public services of Charles Sumner: Born Jan. 6, 1811. Died March 11, 1874. 232 0 Browse Search
Wendell Phillips, Theodore C. Pease, Speeches, Lectures and Letters of Wendell Phillips: Volume 2 156 0 Browse Search
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary 142 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore) 138 0 Browse Search
Raphael Semmes, Memoirs of Service Afloat During the War Between the States 134 0 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 1, Colonial and Revolutionary Literature: Early National Literature: Part I (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 130 0 Browse Search
Wendell Phillips, Theodore C. Pease, Speeches, Lectures and Letters of Wendell Phillips: Volume 1 130 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I. 126 0 Browse Search
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thence westwardly through India and Arabia to Europe. The evidences of ancient trade on this line s also derived from Asia, but probably entered Europe by a more northern route. The Greek and Rom has been introduced somewhat extensively into Europe and the United States. The essential apparatund so much used throughout this country and in Europe. The following table will give the compositiolly the case on some parts of the continent of Europe, where bee-keeping is systematized and followet iron-clad vessels, while the impression of European artillerists is that they are comparatively ice; mortars; projectiles; weapons, etc. In European services, artillery is divided into Field Ar A device which originated on the continent of Europe, and was used in England in the early part of untains, and, for a while, was very popular in Europe. Beds of mineral pitch exist in many parts e earliest modern observatory of importance in Europe was erected by the landgrave of Hesse Cassel i[23 more...]
shed, it resembles parchment. Manuscripts in European museums attest its quality. The same bark ma. An article called barracan is yet used in Europe, and in some countries is mainly cotton, resen devotion. This latter use came from Asia to Europe, and from the latter to America. Glass bead and lightning, A. D. 900. All the bells in Europe were rung in 1456, by order of Pope Calixtus Iow. The Russians have surpassed all other European peoples in the size of their bells. The grea render the blast continuous, is still used in Europe and South America. The Japanese bellows conics, but for some reason are not so popular in Europe. They are an American invention, and the subje Ages, and are still used on the Continent of Europe. One at Strasbourg is 1,300 feet long, and thBodkin from grave96.703.30 The bronzes of Europe took a much wider range of variation. Coppeceremonial or uniform dresses in some parts of Europe. The principal use of buckles is for fasten[23 more...]
ates this is usually a form of shackle, but in Europe the connection is more intimate, the cars beinention, and supposes that they became known in Europe as a popular game between 1360 and 1390. Covend the memorials of their genius yet remain in Europe. Facility of transportation is necessary to ped of the car, as is yet the case generally in Europe. The American practice has long been to supch attracted considerable attention throughout Europe. Braithwaite's carving process (English), Ne highest masonry structures in existence. In Europe there are only two church steeples, those oftap, made of wood. It is yet much used in Europe, but goloshes or india-rubber overshoes have t and zuecos in other parts of the Continent of Europe. The Sabotiers, an order of friars which orige form or other in almost all the languages of Europe, and is closely allied to couch; reclining in Professor Huxley says that the most capacious European skull has a capacity of 114 cubic inches; the[34 more...]
sed some surprise on their first appearance in Europe. Colonel Bomford, chief of ordnance of the ore commonly used in the United States than in Europe, and has attained what appears to be maximum ei. 5). The Chinese, ancient Romans, modern European nations, and astronomers generally began or bwards by Copernicus. It was a great event for Europe when Psammeticus, about 650 B. C., opened the y the figure which represents ancient dice in European museums. Ancient Egyptian dice. Dice acean. The application of the diving-bell in Europe is noticed by John Tasnier, who attended Charlof cheapness, and are made by the peasantry of Europe. See toy. Among other curiosities of the me, and some are to be found in the museums of Europe. See lock. The street doors of Greek and bone needles of the ancient tumuli builders of Europe were drilled with stone drills; the eyes are son made a pause, the drum was re-imported into Europe by the Saracens about 713; its Arabic name, al
n the passage of a thunder-cloud. Similar experiments were repeated throughout Europe, and in 1753 Richman was instantly killed at St. Petersburg by a discharge from to the subject of telegraphy; and in that year, while on his passage home from Europe, invented the form of telegraph since so well known as Morse's. A short lineomotion. We see in the cities of Asia the condition which formerly existed in European towns, — narrow streets without sidewalks, adapted for pedestrians, equestriana, having stood still, preserves the institutions to which we have alluded; Western Europe and the West have outgrown them some time since. The topography of old Bf Philadelphia, 1819. The earliest application of the wood-engraver's art in Europe was in cutting blocks for playingcards. The French writers ascribe it to the tutes, and then washing and drying it. It has been experimented with by several European nations in connection with fire-arms, but was found to be dangerous, and to ra
tcoverings, socks. In the United States and Europe, for domestic purposes: cloth, clothing, socksance. Ferry-bridges are also to be found in Europe, which cross by means of chains laid across th classed. See battery-gun. Most, if not all, European governments have adopted breech-loaders of vass bows, but the periods of the two weapons in Europe lapped upon each other. (See arrow; bow.) The by the Greeks. The first fire-arms used in Europe were cannon. (See artillery; cannon.) Fire-areted to the beams. See floor; lath. Many European buildings are thus constructed, being filled Fire-works are said to have been first used in Europe by the Florentines, and are mentioned as a parl in the time of Cortes. Italy led the way in Europe; France followed, and now leads. Fig. 2038 rst-class forging in the most capable works of Europe or America. The pillar is, however, more than Ulloa, Moro Castle. They are too numerous in Europe to be thus summarily cited. For′ty-eightmo.[1 more...]
by most of the maritime nations of continental Europe, and called by substantially the same name in Syria the art was brought by the Crusaders to Europe (1177), and established in Venice, which long llized carbon. Diamonds were first brought to Europe from the mine of Sumbalpoor. The Golconda minamped with the maker's name, and packed. In Europe the skins of the young kid, roughly dried in tthe present day. In the practice of the art in Europe, the skin of an unborn calf was first used; afack confirmation. One of the largest vines in Europe is that of Hampton Court Palace, near London, of the seventeenth century being preserved in European collections. In general features most of the-guns to 1,000 men is the usual proportion in European armies. Gunboat. A small vessel of war,or many ages previous to its introduction into Europe, where it appears to have been first made knowof making felted fabrics was reintroduced into Europe by the Tartar hordes who took Thrace and Adria[11 more...]
mmemorial by the Chinese, were introduced into Europe by M. Grenie in 1810. Harmo-nom′e-ter. A rough grown. In some parts of the north of Europe, the spiky limbs of fir-trees are bound togethrvives in the metallic and leather helmets of European armies. Dr. Abbott's collection in New Yor Hempen cloth became common in Middle and Southern Europe in the thirteenth century. For specifite the mason-spider of the tropics and of Southern Europe. The subterranean cell of this animal isterial, was used generally on the continent of Europe previous to the introduction of india-rubber hrdens. Ripe pineapples were first obtained in Europe at the end of the seventeenth century. Linnaestates that the first banana which flowered in Europe was in Vienna, in the garden of Prince Eugene,team-engine. Some engines on the Continent of Europe work with a head of 200 feet conducted by a pigeneral use in France and on the Continent of Europe. Its scale is based upon a solution containin[5 more...]
t, such was the case in the last century. In Southern Europe and Asia Minor it may be observed that snow is,nines, the Sierra Nevada, and other mountains of South Europe, yield an inexhaustible supply in winter in regimonkeys, used in tropical countries and the east of Europe. These are merely unglazed earthenware jugs havingin ice, from Australia, Buenos Ayres, and Texas to European and United States ports, have given a fillip to th later. In various parts of the old countries of Europe and Asia are the remains of vast engineering works nturies afterward. The sluice preceded the lock in Europe (see canal), and was probably used also in the granly used in England. America and the continent of Europe employ the much superior system of Professor Morse,trical instruments of the chain of observatories in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. The other two elementssuccess of the monitors inducing the governments of Europe to engage extensively in the construction of iron —
car. An Irish vehicle having two seats, back to back, over the wheels, a well in the middle, and a seat for the driver in front. Jave′lin. A hurling-spear, about 5 1/2 feet long; it has a wooden shaft and an iron head. It is yet used in Europe in hunting the boar, and by many savage nations in ordinary hunting. The assegai of the Caffre is a javelin of native iron. Vise-jaws for round-work. Jaw. 1. (Machinery.) a. One of two opposing members capable of being moved towarde possession of the Sultan, and comprises ear-rings, necklaces, seal-rings, and amulets. The workmanship is of the most beautiful description. Many handsome specimens are also in the Museum of the Historical Society of New York. The museums of Europe are rich in specimens from Phoenician, Egyptian, Etruscan, Greek, and Roman sources. Jew′el-block. (Nautical.) A block at the yard-arm of a ship, for the halyard of a studding-sail yard to pass through. Jew′el-ers'-red. Crocus. J