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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 22, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for France (France) or search for France (France) in all documents.
Your search returned 5 results in 1 document section:
Employment of women in France.
--I am induced to say a word upon the very numerous employments of females in France which are not open to them at home.
The books of nine-tenths of the retail stFrance which are not open to them at home.
The books of nine-tenths of the retail stores in Paris are kept by women.
I do not remember a coffee-house in the city the counter of which is not presided over by a woman.
The box offices of the theatres are tended by women — not only tho ore numbers of the newspapers are disposed of by women than by men. I never saw yet a newsboy in France.
In the porters'lodges in the city, there are as many portresses as porters, and a landlord wou find them quite as responsible as men. There are other capacities in which women are employed in France, which I trust and believe would never be accepted by women at home; a brigade of street sweeperich women are employed in France, which I trust and believe would never be accepted by women at home; a brigade of street sweepers contains an equal number of males and females-- Sketches of France.